Off the grid again this weekend. 14.5 mile trail event Saturday with some heavy technical terrain that you couldn't run. It was a nice break to walk a bit, but calves and quads got a good workout with the descent and ascents. First place took it in 2:31:00ish and I was 2:45:00ish I think. Official numbers aren't out. Ill take that since a lot of people tapered for it, but I did my usual week but gave myself Friday off. It was in the 80's quickly once we started. I would have liked a 7am start. So as I came in around mile 13, you are about 10 feet above Tranquility Lake on true single track. About 14 inches wide and very narrow. As I was hitting a spot where the sun was hitting the banks, a water moccasin (sp?) slithered through my legs in my stride and into the water very fast. I almost needed to change my shorts. It was about 36ish inches long. Yep.
Sunday, it was rise and shine early again. Volunteered for another trail event on the same course, but slightly different. My daughter went with me with a quote when I woke her up "Daddy, why are we getting up, its still dark outside". Yes it is sweetheart, yes it is. She was a trooper. 20 mile event with (2) 10 mile loops. Aid station 1 at Peavine falls.... we rocked it.
Aid Station Peavine Ready for business.
These girls were there 7 hours, and were awesome. Never complained. The girl on the right is my training buddy's daughter. We had great convo's the whole day. The best part is, all the runners reception of kids being there. From what I see, my experience and comments afterwards, the kids are well liked and some runners favorite parts. They stay out of the way (per what we tell them to do), they will run 25 yards or so with you up to the AS, clapping and telling you that you are rocking it, and the majority of the people, go back to high five these kids when they leave. Isabeau is the queen of telling the girls that their outfits are really cool. She always wants to get back out and help "those runners".
4 miles this morning to stretch out the legs. Calves a little tight, but overall, feel great. New shoes coming this week. My Hoka's are worn out with 550ish miles on them. Ill use them for some runs.