What did you do?

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
4 miles on TM this morning. I was going to do 3 reps of 1/2 mile at 8:30 min pace in the middle, but I felt strong and decided to push myself so I threw in one extra rep. 8:30 is quite fast for me so I was pleased.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Saturday? Good luck!

I decided at the last minute to do the Macon Cherry Blossom 10K Saturday. I was a little down after my lousy showing at the WDW marathon but the Publix half brought me back.
Yes, Saturday on the beautiful Lake Martin Russell Farms trails.

Hey thanks, have a great run Saturday too.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
Well after my treadmill run I shoveled snow for an hour, that was fun, wet snow ugh. Got up Thursday feeling like crap. I was going to take an extra two days off easter weekend just to rest after all my pushing hard but with back to back storms destroying my run week I decided to do it this week, so no exercise Thursday or Friday or the weekend. My wife says I should take it easy next week as well. I am starting to look a little gaunt and have lost about 8 to 10 pounds in the last 2 months as my calories in have not matched out. I am down to about 136/137 which is pretty skinny for a 5 ft 7 guy. I told her it was probably all the junk I gave up for lent,lol but I know it is all the extra pushing and that my body needs more breaks then when I did set distances and did not keep pushing hard. I can't see me taking two easy weeks in a row so I am not sure she will win this one but for this week it is about 33 miles and that is all.
The real fun will be in may when I try and do all my exercise plus cut and split my wood for next winter, I do it all myself and split by hand. Nick would love that workout, nothing better for your upper body than swinging an 8 lb splitting maul.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
It's been a rough few weeks; finally hitting the mental wall with my training.

20-30 miles six days a week since last August has taken its toll on my mind.

Thanks to @joel_maxwell for our discussion and the inspiring words.

I've taken on one of the best ultra distance / adventure racers in the world as a coach to help refocus my head. I am very honored and humbled that he has agreed to get my in gear :D

Mt. Tammany 40 mile tomorrow morning. Rocks, rocks, and more rocks.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
It's been a rough few weeks; finally hitting the mental wall with my training.

20-30 miles six days a week since last August has taken its toll on my mind.

Thanks to @joel_maxwell for our discussion and the inspiring words.

I've taken on one of the best ultra distance / adventure racers in the world as a coach to help refocus my head. I am very honored and humbled that he has agreed to get my in gear :D

Mt. Tammany 40 mile tomorrow morning. Rocks, rocks, and more rocks.

Good luck

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
25 laps in the pool this morning.

3 miles tomorrow.

Then the big event.

Good luck on your first Ultra, Joel!

Saturday? Good luck!

I decided at the last minute to do the Macon Cherry Blossom 10K Saturday. I was a little down after my lousy showing at the WDW marathon but the Publix half brought me back.

Have a great race!

It's been a rough few weeks; finally hitting the mental wall with my training.

20-30 miles six days a week since last August has taken its toll on my mind.

Thanks to @joel_maxwell for our discussion and the inspiring words.

I've taken on one of the best ultra distance / adventure racers in the world as a coach to help refocus my head. I am very honored and humbled that he has agreed to get my in gear :D

Mt. Tammany 40 mile tomorrow morning. Rocks, rocks, and more rocks.

We're all inspired by you, Nick. It's no surprise that this guy agreed to be your coach. Does this guy run with you, give you a training schedule, give you mental tips, or what? Hang in there - your big race is almost here.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
@JillC LI, it's Ray Zahab who is helping me focus. You can google him or "Running the Sahara." His distances are FAR; hundreds of miles, even thousands of miles in just one race, and in extreme conditions.
I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting him last year at Beast of Burden 100, and we've stayed in contact since then.


Well-Known Member
Good luck to all those running races tomorrow!

I'm running the Berry Half in Rome, GA. It's supposed to rain all morning but I'm hoping it won't be too bad.


Well-Known Member
I hope everyone had a good run today!

My race got cancelled :( It was delayed an hour when we got there because of lightening, then delayed half an hour two times, finally about 15/20 minutes before the latest projected start time they cancelled it for runner safety. The rain was finally letting up, but part of the course was on hard packed dirt and part on gravel so I guess they decided those areas were too nasty to run. They are hoping to reschedule, but nothing has been announced yet. I just hope they don't schedule it for either of the two weekends I have other races scheduled in April


Well-Known Member
I hope everyone had a good run today!

My race got cancelled :( It was delayed an hour when we got there because of lightening, then delayed half an hour two times, finally about 15/20 minutes before the latest projected start time they cancelled it for runner safety. The rain was finally letting up, but part of the course was on hard packed dirt and part on gravel so I guess they decided those areas were too nasty to run. They are hoping to reschedule, but nothing has been announced yet. I just hope they don't schedule it for either of the two weekends I have other races scheduled in April

Sorry to hear that. I did the Cherry Blossom 10K in Macon today in a light rain. Right after I finished we got a full downpour and there was thunder to the north. But this was all pavement.

And it was a new PR for me. 61:35 and a 9:58 pace. I was shooting for under an hour but I'll take it. First time I've been under a 10-minute pace.

Overheard at the race: "Mommy, where's the mud?" :D

Oops, I just checked the results and I finished 2nd in my age group. Didn't stay for the medals. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I managed to get a run in today. I went out with the hope of running 6 miles, then convinced myself to to 7.5 so I could hit an even 20 for the week. I'm still bummed about yesterday's half, but I had some beverages last night so I didn't have that much in me this morning, I had actually wondered if I'd be able to do more than 3 because my blood sugar was low when I got up :rolleyes:

7.6 miles over all 8:45 pace. I did notice my 10k split which was the best I've ever noted at 54:00 even, 8:42 pace.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
27 miles completed in the Lake Martin 50/27 Ultra, killed a beer, and then ran 3 more miles to make it a true 50K - 30 miles. I placed 5th in the 27. I was a little upset since my IT bands shut me down at 21 or 22 and I had to walk a lot more, I think I could have taken 3rd place since I was running with 3rd and 4th place and they werent strong, just stronger then my IT bands. Oy!

Nick was right, this crew was a different breed of people and I loved it. Once I completed the 27, a few of the crew that I had met the night before encouraged me to finish the 3 more miles of a true 50K. "Even if you have to walk it, just do it, you will not regret it". So, off I went. Hobbled a bunch since I quit moving for about 30 minutes while drinking a beer. When I ran back into camp from the opposite direction (not to get in the way of the finish or draw attention to myself, they were all waiting and watching and cheered me in with bigger congrats for that accomplishment. Just a great crowd and makes you never want to do events with hundreds/thousands of people. There was 75 runners.

3,000 feet elevation gain on awesome single track and some service roads of red Alabama dirt. See below.

Thanks to all the volunteers today! It was a lot of fun.

Cool pics in Scenes from the Road thread. http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/scenes-from-the-road.857226/page-4#post-5390896


Alabama Red dirt. A friend thought my legs were bleeding when I got home. LOL

The best shoe on the market. I had 15 miles on them going into this event and they were awesome.


Well-Known Member
It's been raining non stop for the past 2 days o_o I managed to get 8 in yesterday - luckily there was a window! it's raining again (well, not right now - but i'm going to church lol) hopefully I can get a ride in or something today.
At the very least I'll walk. walking isn't bad in the rain:D

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