Whew, I haven't been online in awhile so I had 2.5 pages of posts to catch up on. Nice work everyone.
As for me, I ran 8 miles Sunday with my hubby accompanying me on his bike. Then yesterday, I was going to do an easy 6 miles, but I was feeling strong, and the weather was so comfortable, that I found myself flying. So I decided to tag on another .2 miles to see what my 10K time would be, and
it turned out to be a PR! My previous PR for that distance was 59:31, but yesterday it was 58:52, and I still had a little more in the tank. I could have even gone faster but I developed a nasty blister under my big toe which was killing me - I'm not sure how I get it because I NEVER EVER EVER get blisters. Oh well, guess it had to happen sometime. Anyway, I'm still almost a month out from my 10K race with my son, so I'm feeling pretty good about breaking 58 minutes and maybe even beating him.