Training program from "Run Less, Run Faster" uses 3 different "key" runs each week along with 2 cross training days. Key run 1 tends to be shorter distances, but at varying paces. Key run 2 is a tempo run, so basically at your predicted pace, but mid distance. Key run 3 is a longer run at a slower pace. The Key run 1 yesterday was listed as a 10 minute warm up, 4 800 meters at a 3:09 pace, with a 2 minute Rest Interval (RI) between each 800m, then 10 minute cool down. (The TMs at the gym are in miles, so I cheat and convert 800 meters into a half mile, close enough). Warm up and cool down are supposed to start off at a reasonable pace, and then slowly increase as you get towards the end so you are close to the interval pace, then do the inverse after you finish the intervals. The RI period is supposed to be a jog type scenario, keep moving, but slow down enough to catch your breath. There is another key run in a few weeks that is something like 1200 at A pace, RI, 1000 at B pace, RI, 800 at C pace, RI, 600 at D pace, RI, 400 at E pace. With each new shorter distance, the pace picks up a bit. They really push the muscle variation in the speedwork days to help freak out your muscles so the fast twitch works better.