What did you do?


Active Member
Sorry to hear about that Kristia. I know how you feel. My uncle died unexpectedly over a year ago from a heart attack. I ran 12 miles this morning in the metroparks and the weather was perfect. My pace was a comfortable 8:00/mile. The next race I'm running is probably Columbus.


Well-Known Member
Thanks @GoofyRacer11. It has been tough. We are going to visitation tonight and service tomorrow morning. On a better note we did 11 miles this morning. Did it at an easy going pace. It was the first that I went out running and actually wished I had brought some gloves! It warmed up quickly though and it was a perfect running day!


Well-Known Member
Tower of Terror 10 miler. 1 hour, 55 minutes, 2 seconds. Only stopped for water breaks.

Best time of the night - meeting WDWMagic.com runners for 90 minutes before race.

Funniest part - running into the Atlanta Braves ballpark and seeing a dude with a sign that said, in 3 words - Worst Parade Ever.

Ugliest part - trying to change in the men's tent post race. Super humid. Not good. Ended up inside men's bathroom to dry off and change.

Hard part - walking down and up steps at Indiana Jones to get my bag. After running 10 miles, we have to step up and down several stairs?

Cool part - Watching the Tower of Terror medal almost come off my neck during an elevator ride into the Twilight Zone. The medal, which is heavy, floated past my nose on one of the final drops.

Great job Tim!
It was really nice meeting you too. Glad you had a good race.

And I LOVED that sign. I cracked up when I saw it.


Well-Known Member
Sat was a 2/2/2 outside. Sun was a half marathon. Ended up doing roughly halfway between what I would have normally done, and what my training pace should have been. Should have gone slower, but couldn't bring myself to slow all the way down. Did a 7:58, should have done a 8:19. It poured up until about 2 minutes before the start, and then was gray and misty for most of the race, sun came out around mile 9 til the end, but then it started to rain again. Woulda been fine with the rain if I wasn't soaked prior to starting.


Well-Known Member
Nothing today, but the Tower of Terror Ten Miler just barely spanned two days for me (I think I finished at about 12:05 Sunday morning), so I thought I could take a day off!

I think I am going to mix in a good bit of swimming, cycling and Insanity over the next few months to try to break things up a bit (starting tomorrow, of course).

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Just under 25mi this morning.

Trails over the weekend. I found a hidden trail at the bottom of a cliff...yeah, a cliff. A nice 80degree slope of rocks and roots straight down. Only one way to get there: I jumped. Slid on my heels and a-- and hit the bottom, which then went off into a stream. I avoided the stream. Picked myself up, and got lost for about 2 miles until I popped out onto a private golf course...golfers looking at me like I just landed from outter space. Priceless.

Go find an adventure.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
Gonna be sore later but I did my weights and abdominals and then stupidly decided I wanted a good long run, 22 miles later and I thought, Yeah, it might be time to stop. As nick would say... now feed me.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Gonna be sore later but I did my weights and abdominals and then stupidly decided I wanted a good long run, 22 miles later and I thought, Yeah, it might be time to stop. As nick would say... now feed me.

Nice mileage. I'll have to bump mine up to 35+ tomorrow now. Thanks for the push. Now go eat.

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
Only 3 miles tonight. It's that time of year though when I can't avoid running in the dark anymore. I'm always afraid I'll trip over something and injure myself.


Well-Known Member
Today was ~5mi. Warm up, 4 half miles at 3:09 with a 2 minute RI between each, then cool down. Having enough issues remembering a simple pace change at 4 AM, can't wait til I'm supposed to do 6 different distances at 6 different paces. I know I'm gonna screw that one up.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
After yesterday's run I was pretty stiff last night, my wife told me not to run today, lol I did my workout this morning and that seemed to loosen me up so I went out and did my usual 6.4. It was a little rough at first and much slower than usual but I feel pretty good now, nice and loose.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
Today was ~5mi. Warm up, 4 half miles at 3:09 with a 2 minute RI between each, then cool down. Having enough issues remembering a simple pace change at 4 AM, can't wait til I'm supposed to do 6 different distances at 6 different paces. I know I'm gonna screw that one up.

You already have me confused


Well-Known Member
Today was ~5mi. Warm up, 4 half miles at 3:09 with a 2 minute RI between each, then cool down. Having enough issues remembering a simple pace change at 4 AM, can't wait til I'm supposed to do 6 different distances at 6 different paces. I know I'm gonna screw that one up.

Write it on your arm? :)

Good job...3:09 for a half mile is impressive!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Really enjoying catching up and reading about the TOT 10M race. Could someone post a pic of the medal? I wonder if it is anything like the one I got for the TOT 13K. (And btw, that course was way too narrow in many places too - very annoying to me). I see some race reports are missing but I guess some folks are still at the World. I was hoping for jazz hands in the photo, but alas. ;) I'd love it if someone would post the names of everyone in the group photo since I know most but not all of the faces.

As for me, since I haven't bee on the boards since Friday, here's my update. 8 miles on a very hilly forest trail Sunday with my hubby and son on their bikes. We also passed my son's lacrosse coach on his bike in the forest, and with all the men on bikes and me the only one on foot, I felt a bit like superwoman. LOL. Then yesterday I ran 4.6 miles at what was probably my fastest pace ever for that distance - 9:16 min/mile. Kinda sore today but pleased. Not sure if I could hold that pace for my 10K in November, but I'm gonna try.

Nick, cool adventure off the cliff.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
30+ miles this morning, running between 8:30-9:25 min. pace.

50 push-ups.

Trails tomorrow.

I'll be running the DWG 50k (Delaware Water Gap) in November. This means lots of hills, and jagged rocks from start to finish. I will fall. There will certainly be blood. I will be in pain. Hopefully I won't break any bones :D.

I should have my GoPro camera by then, so fb folks will be able to see the s--t storm from my perspective.

If it doesn't hurt, sign up for something that does.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Tower of Terror 10 miler. 1 hour, 55 minutes, 2 seconds. Only stopped for water breaks.

Best time of the night - meeting WDWMagic.com runners for 90 minutes before race.

Funniest part - running into the Atlanta Braves ballpark and seeing a dude with a sign that said, in 3 words - Worst Parade Ever.

Ugliest part - trying to change in the men's tent post race. Super humid. Not good. Ended up inside men's bathroom to dry off and change.

Hard part - walking down and up steps at Indiana Jones to get my bag. After running 10 miles, we have to step up and down several stairs?

Cool part - Watching the Tower of Terror medal almost come off my neck during an elevator ride into the Twilight Zone. The medal, which is heavy, floated past my nose on one of the final drops.
I agree with all of these. It was nice to meet you Tim.

However, I had 2 days left in the parks, so I hung out for just a bit and then headed to the resort and didnt ride anything. DHS was having EMH the next night. I knew I had a 6am wake up to make a solid rope drop at MK, so I headed out.


Active Member
4 miles this afternoon...I went to a local state park that has paved trails that can get a little hilly at times. That usually doesn't bother me but had some pain brewing in my muscles below my calves (whatever that is). I walked it out for a little bit and then picked up the speed .

I also got attacked by several dogs. First was a Labradoodle that was on a leash. I was told by the friendly gentleman "aw she just a licker". Ha sorry but I think today I would describe her more as a jumper as she pretty much put her paws on my shoulders. Next I ran past a black lab that was taking care of business so not really worried about me. And then the kicker, a pitbul puppy not leashed that came running after me. Lol I was pretty friendly so I just bent down and petted it. There were several other dogs. I guess with the pleasant weather everybody was trying to get outside. Good thing I am not afraid of dogs because today was pretty eventful.


Well-Known Member
You already have me confused

Training program from "Run Less, Run Faster" uses 3 different "key" runs each week along with 2 cross training days. Key run 1 tends to be shorter distances, but at varying paces. Key run 2 is a tempo run, so basically at your predicted pace, but mid distance. Key run 3 is a longer run at a slower pace. The Key run 1 yesterday was listed as a 10 minute warm up, 4 800 meters at a 3:09 pace, with a 2 minute Rest Interval (RI) between each 800m, then 10 minute cool down. (The TMs at the gym are in miles, so I cheat and convert 800 meters into a half mile, close enough). Warm up and cool down are supposed to start off at a reasonable pace, and then slowly increase as you get towards the end so you are close to the interval pace, then do the inverse after you finish the intervals. The RI period is supposed to be a jog type scenario, keep moving, but slow down enough to catch your breath. There is another key run in a few weeks that is something like 1200 at A pace, RI, 1000 at B pace, RI, 800 at C pace, RI, 600 at D pace, RI, 400 at E pace. With each new shorter distance, the pace picks up a bit. They really push the muscle variation in the speedwork days to help freak out your muscles so the fast twitch works better.

Write it on your arm? :)

Good job...3:09 for a half mile is impressive!

Thanks. I may need to. Just have to find the balance between a marker that won't sweat off, and one that I can still wash off. Don't want to have 12 different sets of distances/paces on my arm come January.

Today was a 30 min bike cross training session. Similar concept, easy, then tempo, easy, then hard, then easy again. Just messing with the muscles while still building them up.

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