What did you do?


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
I feel silly saying this among this crowd, but last night I achieved running 2 miles without slowing to a walk. Average pace, including warm up and cool down walks, was 13:03, and while running I did a decent (for me) distance at 10:40. It helped that it was a nice evening, perfect weather.

I'm going to aim for 2.75mi tomorrow evening, that'll be my last before the Happy Haunted 5K on Saturday morning. Since your ToT M&G is outside the park, I was going to try to swing by to say hi, but I don't think they'll let cars in at that point, only buses from WWOS?? Do spectators have to bus in as well?

Thanks for the encouragement, @Ariel484, @Kristia, @dreamfinder! I'm going to look for a local 5K for later in October...


Well-Known Member
I feel silly saying this among this crowd, but last night I achieved running 2 miles without slowing to a walk. Average pace, including warm up and cool down walks, was 13:03, and while running I did a decent (for me) distance at 10:40. It helped that it was a nice evening, perfect weather.

I'm going to aim for 2.75mi tomorrow evening, that'll be my last before the Happy Haunted 5K on Saturday morning. Since your ToT M&G is outside the park, I was going to try to swing by to say hi, but I don't think they'll let cars in at that point, only buses from WWOS?? Do spectators have to bus in as well?

Thanks for the encouragement, @Ariel484, @Kristia, @dreamfinder! I'm going to look for a local 5K for later in October...

@Tiggerish - everyone has to start somewhere so don't feel silly. I remember starting out with the run/walk system and being *sooooo* happy when I finally made it to running 30 minutes without stopping or walking. This past weekend I ran for over 2 hours, never in my life would I think that was possible for me but I did it. Each milestone is as sweet as the first so keep it up!


Well-Known Member
I feel silly saying this among this crowd, but last night I achieved running 2 miles without slowing to a walk. Average pace, including warm up and cool down walks, was 13:03, and while running I did a decent (for me) distance at 10:40. It helped that it was a nice evening, perfect weather.

I'm going to aim for 2.75mi tomorrow evening, that'll be my last before the Happy Haunted 5K on Saturday morning. Since your ToT M&G is outside the park, I was going to try to swing by to say hi, but I don't think they'll let cars in at that point, only buses from WWOS?? Do spectators have to bus in as well?

Thanks for the encouragement, @Ariel484, @Kristia, @dreamfinder! I'm going to look for a local 5K for later in October...
Good job! I remember a time when running a mile without stopping would nearly kill me! The adrenaline will kick in at race time and you will do great. Good luck this weekend!


Well-Known Member
I feel silly saying this among this crowd, but last night I achieved running 2 miles without slowing to a walk. Average pace, including warm up and cool down walks, was 13:03, and while running I did a decent (for me) distance at 10:40. It helped that it was a nice evening, perfect weather.

I'm going to aim for 2.75mi tomorrow evening, that'll be my last before the Happy Haunted 5K on Saturday morning. Since your ToT M&G is outside the park, I was going to try to swing by to say hi, but I don't think they'll let cars in at that point, only buses from WWOS?? Do spectators have to bus in as well?

Thanks for the encouragement, @Ariel484, @Kristia, @dreamfinder! I'm going to look for a local 5K for later in October...

Not feel silly. I still remember my first run when I decided I was going to train to run for a 1/2 marathon. I ran 3 minutes and then walked 3 minutes. I did that for 1/2 hr and I was exhausted!

I still remember the first time I ran 5 miles. I was on the treadmill at the gym and you would have thought that I had just won the Boston Marathon.

I still remember when I ran my 1st (and only marathon)...it was exhilerating!

When you run that 5K on Saturday--you will finish and it will be one of your proudest moments. Enjoy it! And report to us next week about how the race went.

As for the M&G Saturday night. If you are staying at a host hotel, you can take a bus straight to DHS. If not, then you'll have to get to WWOS and take a bus from there. They are not letting any cars into DHS. If you have you're own vehicle, you could always drive to a host hotel and take the bus from there.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I feel silly saying this among this crowd, but last night I achieved running 2 miles without slowing to a walk. Average pace, including warm up and cool down walks, was 13:03, and while running I did a decent (for me) distance at 10:40. It helped that it was a nice evening, perfect weather.

I'm going to aim for 2.75mi tomorrow evening, that'll be my last before the Happy Haunted 5K on Saturday morning. Since your ToT M&G is outside the park, I was going to try to swing by to say hi, but I don't think they'll let cars in at that point, only buses from WWOS?? Do spectators have to bus in as well?

Thanks for the encouragement, @Ariel484, @Kristia, @dreamfinder! I'm going to look for a local 5K for later in October...
Like Coryna said, we all started somewhere. All started with a single mile.

Just do one thing. When you get to the finish line, and get your medal, make sure to walk up a little, stop and turn around. Soak it in. There will be 1 visual memory in that moment that you will remember years from now. You probably wont remember much of the event or your run, maybe not anything weeks/months/years from now, but there is that one memory that you can hold on too and be proud.

Mine are usually something random. The W&D 2010 was the last 1/10 of a mile and the crowd. I have that mental imagine stuck in my head. 2012 Mercedes Full was at mile 24.5, a 80 or 90ish year old woman was being helped in locked arms of 2 other racers to complete her section of the relay. In 22 degree weather. Amazing.

Be proud. You will do great.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
@Tiggerish- everyone has to start somewhere so don't feel silly. I remember starting out with the run/walk system and being *sooooo* happy when I finally made it to running 30 minutes without stopping or walking. This past weekend I ran for over 2 hours, never in my life would I think that was possible for me but I did it. Each milestone is as sweet as the first so keep it up!
Good job! I remember a time when running a mile without stopping would nearly kill me! The adrenaline will kick in at race time and you will do great. Good luck this weekend!

I started out with the run/walk too, to train for my first 5K back in May; hadn't even finished the C25K program on race day, but I ran the first mile without stopping and was very proud of myself!!

Not feel silly. I still remember my first run when I decided I was going to train to run for a 1/2 marathon. I ran 3 minutes and then walked 3 minutes. I did that for 1/2 hr and I was exhausted!

I still remember the first time I ran 5 miles. I was on the treadmill at the gym and you would have thought that I had just won the Boston Marathon.

I still remember when I ran my 1st (and only marathon)...it was exhilerating!

When you run that 5K on Saturday--you will finish and it will be one of your proudest moments. Enjoy it! And report to us next week about how the race went.

As for the M&G Saturday night. If you are staying at a host hotel, you can take a bus straight to DHS. If not, then you'll have to get to WWOS and take a bus from there. They are not letting any cars into DHS. If you have you're own vehicle, you could always drive to a host hotel and take the bus from there.

I wish there was a "love" button for this post, it's really inspiring and motivating! Thank you!! And if I ever run five miles, I'm sure that I will feel the very same way. :D

My second 5K was through Yankee Stadium the first week of August. Hot, hot, hot and I hadn't trained well for it, it included ramps and stairs, too. It took me 47 minutes, and I walked plenty during it, but I crossed the finish line at a run, so that's a moment that will stay with me.

Like Coryna said, we all started somewhere. All started with a single mile.

Just do one thing. When you get to the finish line, and get your medal, make sure to walk up a little, stop and turn around. Soak it in. There will be 1 visual memory in that moment that you will remember years from now. You probably wont remember much of the event or your run, maybe not anything weeks/months/years from now, but there is that one memory that you can hold on too and be proud.

Mine are usually something random. The W&D 2010 was the last 1/10 of a mile and the crowd. I have that mental imagine stuck in my head. 2012 Mercedes Full was at mile 24.5, a 80 or 90ish year old woman was being helped in locked arms of 2 other racers to complete her section of the relay. In 22 degree weather. Amazing.

Be proud. You will do great.

Thanks! If I can equal my 37 minute time from my May race, I'll be happy. If I improve on it, I'll be over the moon.

If they have characters on the 5K course, though, I'll have to reassess that goal. :D

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
I feel silly saying this among this crowd, but last night I achieved running 2 miles without slowing to a walk. Average pace, including warm up and cool down walks, was 13:03, and while running I did a decent (for me) distance at 10:40. It helped that it was a nice evening, perfect weather.

I'm going to aim for 2.75mi tomorrow evening, that'll be my last before the Happy Haunted 5K on Saturday morning. Since your ToT M&G is outside the park, I was going to try to swing by to say hi, but I don't think they'll let cars in at that point, only buses from WWOS?? Do spectators have to bus in as well?

Thanks for the encouragement, @Ariel484, @Kristia, @dreamfinder! I'm going to look for a local 5K for later in October...

Here is what I do during a race: run it like it will be your last race EVER. Run hard, have fun, and soak it up. No regrets.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
OK, at the meet & greet we're all doing jazz hands for Nick. :D

So I did 3.11 miles at 6PM. After work. 85F. My body was saying "U mad bro?" But got strong at mile 2 and ended up with a decent time. Training for Disneyworld conditions.
I expect a group picture...jazz hands on display


Well-Known Member
Like Coryna said, we all started somewhere. All started with a single mile.

Heck, take it further. It all started with the first step off the couch..... Seriously, DFL > DNS >> DNR Dead F'ing Last is better than Did Not Start is really really better than Did Not Register.

Today was more bike cross training.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
4.5 miles this morning. I felt a little frisky with an event so close I can smell it. Ran a little faster than i wanted with a 8ish pace and last 2 miles in the 7:20 range.

Im already getting those butterflies of anticipation and excitement.

Swimming in the am.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me, except it was a butterfly flying right up into my face. I was in the zone and didn't expext it. The scream that followed was like an 8 year old girl having night terrors...plus jazz hands...

I love jazz hands on scared grown men. LOL Such a good look.

The fact that the two of you even know what jazz hands are is what makes your posts so hysterical! LOL

Anytime--us nOObs gotta support each other!! ;)

Another thing I've learned is that support can make the difference between "sticking with it and getting it done" and slacking off.

At least your husband runs, too, so I'm guessing he might be understanding and helpful of your efforts. If you'll excuse me while I conduct a pity party--pretty much everyone in my life encourages me to blow it off/give it up. Hubby works plenty of evenings and weekend days and would prefer that if we're both home at the same time, that we spend the time together (and he's a dedicated couch potato), so I try to schedule my runs when he's on a late shift. My mom seems to constantly worry that I'm going to get attacked or kidnapped (c'mon, ma, I'm 49 years old and you raised me to have some sense) or hurt myself or something. The only bright spot is my brother, a just-retired cop, who recently told her that he thinks its cool and said he might run with me occasionally. His busy post-retirement schedule hasn't allowed it yet, though!

Sorry for the self-indulgent wallow, but you people are all I've got to keep me going with this running effort! :)

I'm sorry to hear you're not getting support. My hubby thinks I've lost my mind with my ferocious dedication to my running schedule, and if it does happen to interfere with our plans, he gets annoyed, but I try very hard not to let that happen often. As a result, he supports my efforts because he knows it keeps me sane and in good shape. My parents support my running in general but are still of the mind that anything over 3 miles regularly will give me bad knees. Sigh.

First run for me in a week. Had a death in the family over the weekend so I did some unexpected traveling the past few days. So I wasn't able to get in any training.

Now I need to finish packing. Flight leaves at 6:30 AM tomorrow. POFQ--see you in 24 hrs. :D

Sorry for your loss, Coryna. Have a great trip and a great race!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I feel silly saying this among this crowd, but last night I achieved running 2 miles without slowing to a walk. Average pace, including warm up and cool down walks, was 13:03, and while running I did a decent (for me) distance at 10:40. It helped that it was a nice evening, perfect weather.

I'm going to look for a local 5K for later in October...

Don't feel silly, we've all been there! Congratulations!

Not feel silly. I still remember my first run when I decided I was going to train to run for a 1/2 marathon. I ran 3 minutes and then walked 3 minutes. I did that for 1/2 hr and I was exhausted!

I still remember the first time I ran 5 miles. I was on the treadmill at the gym and you would have thought that I had just won the Boston Marathon.

I still remember when I ran my 1st (and only marathon)...it was exhilerating!

When you run that 5K on Saturday--you will finish and it will be one of your proudest moments. Enjoy it! And report to us next week about how the race went.

I can remember exactly what route I took and when I finished 2 miles for the first time, 5K for the first time, 5 miles for the first time, 6.2 miles for the first time, 8 miles for the first time, 10 miles, 12 miles, 14 miles, 16 miles, 18 miles, 20 miles, and 26.2 miles all for the first time. I remember every race. You just don't forget those things.

I expect a group picture...jazz hands on display

YES! Please do this everyone! And good luck to everyone this weekend. I'll be thinking of you and wishing I was at that meet & greet!

As for me, 3.4 miles on the TM this morning, mostly at 8:30 pace with a few breathers at 10 min pace!


Well-Known Member
I feel silly saying this among this crowd, but last night I achieved running 2 miles without slowing to a walk. Average pace, including warm up and cool down walks, was 13:03, and while running I did a decent (for me) distance at 10:40. It helped that it was a nice evening, perfect weather.

I'm going to aim for 2.75mi tomorrow evening, that'll be my last before the Happy Haunted 5K on Saturday morning. Since your ToT M&G is outside the park, I was going to try to swing by to say hi, but I don't think they'll let cars in at that point, only buses from WWOS?? Do spectators have to bus in as well?

Thanks for the encouragement, @Ariel484, @Kristia, @dreamfinder! I'm going to look for a local 5K for later in October...

Don't feel silly. Congratulate yourself in this goal. I don't feel silly in telling you that I hated recently running a timed 1.5-mile run that was part of my annual Air Force physical fitness test. I didn't really train, thought I could do it, not that far of a distance. I ended up stopping not once, not twice, but three times and, well, failed the timed run. Since then, I steadily improved and as of now, I'm set to run 10 miles Saturday.

Hope to meet you Saturday.

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