What did you do?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I typically don't eat much before a race, as I tend to get race day nerves. Typically half a bagel or a banana is all I can stomach. Once I'm running, the nerves settle out and I can actually take my gels and such regularly without problems. I run a lot after work at night, so I'm used to running between 10pm and midnight. Last year for W&D we had a late lunch (about 2:00 or so), and then just had light carbs in the early evening.
I get up in the morning and run with a slight growl to my stomach. I can do it that way, on a full stomach or medium filled. LOL. Ill probably eat a descent lunch and probably a potatoe for dinner. Ill take done a half bagel or something equivalent about 8 at the meet n greet.
Couldn't wait...7 miles at a 10:10 pace.
Do you want to see my shocked face? LOL


Well-Known Member
So yesterday I ran the Race for the Cure and after driving an hour and a half at 5:45 in the morning. We made it to the race and it started pouring. Thankfully it let up and it was perfect weather to run a race. There were so many walkers and strollers up near the front it was annoying. I bet for a quarter of the race I was dodging all kinds of people. Now granted I am not fast at all but I would prefer if those walkers would have been considerate for those who are a little faster than them and move towards the back. Even if you aren't used to races common courtesy should tell you that much. Anyway because of the lack of time chips and my watch still in the mail (oh plus all of the runners I had to dodge) it wasn't my best race and I have no idea how I did. It was for a good cause tho and that's what ultimately matters.

Today I hope to squeeze in a little run so that I can keep up with the mileage that I managed to pull last week.
I hear ya with the walkers! Stay tuned for my experience in my 1/2 marathon!


Well-Known Member
Today I ran the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia. This was one of the best race experiences I have had. It was so well run from the expo to the start format to the finish line area. There were a couple things that I think they could have done a little better but overall it was wonderful. I will probably do a little separate race report tomorrow. Both my husband and I got PRs. This was only my second half but I beat my first half time by 13 min and finished with a 2:25:50. My Garmin said I ran over 13.3. :eek: It was a beautiful day and the weather was perfect! Philadelphia sometimes gets a bad rap (usually deserved!) but every race that I have run here has been wonderful. The spectators are great and the volunteers show up in droves and are also spectacular! Here are some photos after our finish and of our bling! Stay tuned tomorrow for a bit more detail if you want to check it out.

Here is my Garmin data if you are interested. Hope this link works!


The "Rocky" Art Museum Steps





Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Today I ran the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia. This was one of the best race experiences I have had. It was so well run from the expo to the start format to the finish line area. There were a couple things that I think they could have done a little better but overall it was wonderful. I will probably do a little separate race report tomorrow. Both my husband and I got PRs. This was only my second half but I beat my first half time by 13 min and finished with a 2:25:50. My Garmin said I ran over 13.3. :eek: It was a beautiful day and the weather was perfect! Philadelphia sometimes gets a bad rap (usually deserved!) but every race that I have run here has been wonderful. The spectators are great and the volunteers show up in droves and are also spectacular! Here are some photos after our finish and of our bling! Stay tuned tomorrow for a bit more detail if you want to check it out.

Here is my Garmin data if you are interested. Hope this link works!

The "Rocky" Art Museum Steps

Who is the total DORK that is photo bombing your picture. LOL Dude is so impressed with himself it looks like. His face says, "Im dynamite!"

Congrats on the good run. I love RnR series. I have done 1 of them and next to Disney, they are the best. Nice bling! Awesome pics. Checked out the garmin. Looks like there are some nice quick small hills at the beginning and smooth down the river. 2 out and back styles down the river.


Well-Known Member
Finally getting back into the running groove after my move to Memphis from northern Ohio. Still checking out places to run in and around Memphis and I have found an area near my apartment downtown that has a lot of charm, next to the country setting of Shelby Farms Park. Saturday and Sunday at dusk-ish / twilight ran 4.4 and 4.9 miles respectively in about 40-42 minutes, give or take, along the Mississippi River. About 2.2 miles or so each way, winding around, running up stairs, crossing foot bridges, running up and down hilly streets and enjoying the scenery.

Felt good. Saturday's run was in the low 70s with some wind and medium humidity and cloudy. Nice run. Sunday's run felt like what it night be in Orlando for the Tower 10 miler - 80 at dusk, clouds, flicks of rain and 94 percent humidity. I was big time sweaty after the run, but well worth it. So, just about 9 miles or just under in 24 hours. Wanted to do 2 more miles out and back through Mud Island, but the monorail / foot bridge was closed for the day. Would have been nice to run across and above the Mississippi River.

Trying to train my mind into thinking I am not running a 5K and I don't need a 8:30-9 minute split. More like 10 minutes. Finding out it is taking me about a mile into my runs to get into a good groove pace.


Well-Known Member
Sat was 8mi on the TM at HM pace in the early AM, offset by 3mi outdoors at 8PM with my DW under the stars at her pace. Sun was a 3 mi hike/hill climb, followed by 10mi on the TM at M+30 pace. Felt weird to be running slower than I'm used to, but it's what the book says to do so.......


Well-Known Member
Who is the total DORK that is photo bombing your picture. LOL Dude is so impressed with himself it looks like. His face says, "Im dynamite!"

Congrats on the good run. I love RnR series. I have done 1 of them and next to Disney, they are the best. Nice bling! Awesome pics. Checked out the garmin. Looks like there are some nice quick small hills at the beginning and smooth down the river. 2 out and back styles down the river.
Haha! I saw that guy in the pic and he cracked me up! It really is a nice course with beautiful views. The hills are nice and small which are manageable for me since I don't get much hill training! You just notice you are going up hill a bit. There is a very small section at the very finish which is a steeper climb. It is probably only 100 ft long, but I was unprepared for that! I had managed my breathing pretty well the entire run but those final hundred feet really left me winded. This was definitely my favorite race next to Disney!


Well-Known Member
Today I ran the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia. This was one of the best race experiences I have had. It was so well run from the expo to the start format to the finish line area. There were a couple things that I think they could have done a little better but overall it was wonderful. I will probably do a little separate race report tomorrow. Both my husband and I got PRs. This was only my second half but I beat my first half time by 13 min and finished with a 2:25:50. My Garmin said I ran over 13.3. :eek: It was a beautiful day and the weather was perfect! Philadelphia sometimes gets a bad rap (usually deserved!) but every race that I have run here has been wonderful. The spectators are great and the volunteers show up in droves and are also spectacular! Here are some photos after our finish and of our bling! Stay tuned tomorrow for a bit more detail if you want to check it out.

Here is my Garmin data if you are interested. Hope this link works!


The "Rocky" Art Museum Steps




Great Job Kristy! (Are those the stairs from the Rocky movie in your pictures?)

Glad to hear you were happy with this event. I'm running my first Rock 'n' Roll series event next month in Brooklyn.
LOVE the medal!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Great Job Kristy! (Are those the stairs from the Rocky movie in your pictures?)

Glad to hear you were happy with this event. I'm running my first Rock 'n' Roll series event next month in Brooklyn.
LOVE the medal!
You are going to love it Coryna. It is very well put together. Nashville was actually better than Disney from an organization stand point, but the bling didnt compare. Good maybe even great, but not superior. This Philadelphia bling looks super cool.


Well-Known Member
Today I ran the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia. This was one of the best race experiences I have had. It was so well run from the expo to the start format to the finish line area. There were a couple things that I think they could have done a little better but overall it was wonderful. I will probably do a little separate race report tomorrow. Both my husband and I got PRs. This was only my second half but I beat my first half time by 13 min and finished with a 2:25:50. My Garmin said I ran over 13.3. :eek: It was a beautiful day and the weather was perfect! Philadelphia sometimes gets a bad rap (usually deserved!) but every race that I have run here has been wonderful. The spectators are great and the volunteers show up in droves and are also spectacular! Here are some photos after our finish and of our bling! Stay tuned tomorrow for a bit more detail if you want to check it out.

Here is my Garmin data if you are interested. Hope this link works!

You smashed (not beat) your PR! Congrats. Looks like a fun race, I will add it to the list for next year which seems to be growing by the day.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Haha! I saw that guy in the pic and he cracked me up! It really is a nice course with beautiful views. The hills are nice and small which are manageable for me since I don't get much hill training! You just notice you are going up hill a bit. There is a very small section at the very finish which is a steeper climb. It is probably only 100 ft long, but I was unprepared for that! I had managed my breathing pretty well the entire run but those final hundred feet really left me winded. This was definitely my favorite race next to Disney!

Nice job!! I just crewed/paced for a friend there for the 20in24 ultra. He ended up with 135 miles in 24 hours. Cool area to run.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
I typically don't eat much before a race, as I tend to get race day nerves. Typically half a bagel or a banana is all I can stomach. Once I'm running, the nerves settle out and I can actually take my gels and such regularly without problems. I run a lot after work at night, so I'm used to running between 10pm and midnight. Last year for W&D we had a late lunch (about 2:00 or so), and then just had light carbs in the early evening.

If plan on running a longer distance I might eat something but typically a coffee in the morning and away I go. Never did a race so I don't know how I would react. as for running at night, I work until 11.30 at night and when my kids were smaller I could not leave them alone so I ran at night when my wife would be home, so midnight running was a norm for me for awhile. I love running in the early dawn but too damn tired to get up that early after a long day


Well-Known Member
Great Job Kristy! (Are those the stairs from the Rocky movie in your pictures?)

Glad to hear you were happy with this event. I'm running my first Rock 'n' Roll series event next month in Brooklyn.
LOVE the medal!
Yep! Those are the famous Rocky steps. There is also a Rocky statue there. People were lining up to have their pic taken with it lol. You will love the Rock-n-Roll race. They really know how to do it!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Avg 25 miles every morning for the last few days: asphalt and trail.

New custom hydration vest is working great. Adds an extra pound, but the weight distribution is amazing.

New BD ultra-Z trekking poles are killer. I can put my full weight into them on the inclines, but they weigh practically NOTHING. Carbon fiber is crazy!

Next up on the McN500 gear list: Delorme satelite communicator, new gps watch, and more Hokas!!

Run like your life depends on it...because it does :D

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Today I ran the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia. This was one of the best race experiences I have had. It was so well run from the expo to the start format to the finish line area. There were a couple things that I think they could have done a little better but overall it was wonderful. I will probably do a little separate race report tomorrow. Both my husband and I got PRs. This was only my second half but I beat my first half time by 13 min and finished with a 2:25:50. My Garmin said I ran over 13.3. :eek: It was a beautiful day and the weather was perfect! Philadelphia sometimes gets a bad rap (usually deserved!) but every race that I have run here has been wonderful. The spectators are great and the volunteers show up in droves and are also spectacular! Here are some photos after our finish and of our bling! Stay tuned tomorrow for a bit more detail if you want to check it out.

Here is my Garmin data if you are interested. Hope this link works!

The "Rocky" Art Museum Steps

Great job Kristi! Congrats on the PR, and sounds like fun. It's always great when the weather is picture perfect for a race too. Great photos.

As for me, I didn't plan to run today, but I opened my eyes at 7am and couldn't fall back asleep so I threw on some running clothes and decided to do 4.5 miles before heading the Rosh Hashanah services this morning. But I took a wrong turn and somehow wound up doing 5.1 miles. The weather was gorgeous - high 50s - and it was a great run.

Joel, I wish you would come up north so we could do a group run with Nick and Coryna. I definitely like the idea of giving Nick a 20 mile head start! :D

Everyone, check out this link I received by email today! http://5kfoamfest.com/obstacles.php


Well-Known Member
Everyone, check out this link I received by email today! http://5kfoamfest.com/obstacles.php

In a few towns over from where I grew up (in MA) they used to have an annual event where they would foam the entire main street. It was a BLAST!
Too bad nothing even close to this area on the race schedule. I would image that they could do this event where they just had the Color Run in NJ. The racetrack is also where they host Tough Mudders, Warrior Dashes, etc.
I'll have to keep my eyes open to see if they add it to their schedule.


Well-Known Member
Love the Philly swag. Ooops, sorry, not supposed to use that word. We might try to do the Savannah Rock & Roll in next year. I've heard good things about it and Savannah is beautiful. Lots of history. Yes, a plug for my adopted state.


Well-Known Member
Great job Kristi! Congrats on the PR, and sounds like fun. It's always great when the weather is picture perfect for a race too. Great photos.

As for me, I didn't plan to run today, but I opened my eyes at 7am and couldn't fall back asleep so I threw on some running clothes and decided to do 4.5 miles before heading the Rosh Hashanah services this morning. But I took a wrong turn and somehow wound up doing 5.1 miles. The weather was gorgeous - high 50s - and it was a great run.

Joel, I wish you would come up north so we could do a group run with Nick and Coryna. I definitely like the idea of giving Nick a 20 mile head start! :D

Everyone, check out this link I received by email today! http://5kfoamfest.com/obstacles.php
That looks awesome! Too bad the closest one is Pittsburgh which is about 8 hours away!


Well-Known Member
Did an easy 3 miler to test the legs after the half yesterday. I wanted to see how they felt since we will be doing the Goofy in January. Surprisingly they didn't feel too bad. I didn't worry about my pace but I still managed to finish in under 33 min.

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