Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I hope so too. I just need to make myself rest over the weekend... which will be impossible with more house to pack. I just think the running gods didnt want me to run in my neighborhood again.Good luck Joel! Hope everything is good on Monday!
Moving Tuesday-Wednesday for good.

Im going to get back into P90X after we get settled. I already own the first one. I would like Insanity or P90X2, but dont need to spend the money.Great to hear!
For me, it was Insanity Pure Cardio with Shaun T last night, with hopes of sneaking in 2-3 miles tonight after my kids' baseball games.
Me too Jill.So glad you're feeling great. We're all looking forward to you and Steve battling it out for the Speedster title. :king:
As for me, 4 miles on the treadmill of speedwork this morning that felt like hell but hopefully made me stronger.
Saw the buckle. Bad A dude. I got your text, but I was loading the PODS.20.66 miles. Bad day, so I took my frustration out on my run: 7min pace for the first 10 miles. I never run that fast. Add to that 20 lbs for the gear/hydration vest. Ran my regular ultra pace on the return around a 9:30-10 min pace. Legs are hurtin'.
Finally, my sub24hour buckle came today. I was sporting that bling within minutes.
Run strong folks.
Very nice buckle. :wave: