What did you do?

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
5.5 miles at a 10:25 pace. First time over 4 miles in awhile and no knee issues :D
The only bad thing was I got the smelly sweaty guy on the treadmill next to me again. :hurl: At least this time he didn't sweat on me. It's the little thing people. :lol:

At least it wasn't, HIM!
Nice job on the miles...Beep-beep


Well-Known Member
Trying to get back in my routine after giving my knee a break. 3 miles this AM with no walk breaks. 12 seconds off my PR. Last mile was the quickest but the humidity is creeping in. Leaving Friday for a long weekend at F&G! So no running, just lots of walking. :D


Well-Known Member
At least it wasn't, HIM!
Nice job on the miles...Beep-beep

My stalker doesn't run-thank heavens!! Can you image, if I had to run next to him for an hour on the treadmill, he'd be trying to talk to me-AUGH just sheer torture! Oh I forgot to mention that he wears shorty-shorts when I was describing him. Like they used to wear in the 50s to gym class.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I'm doing the Homewood City Schools Spirit Scamper. I think the Statue to Statue 15K was a couple of weeks ago. I have run that race once before, and it has a ridiculously steep hill at about mile 8 (I ran the whole hill, which is by far the less popular option). It's a cool race, though. I'd like to do it again some time.
Ahhhh. I think that Homewood one I was referring too was a few weeks ago to and a 5K. :shrug: I was "out of the loop" for a few weeks trying to pack this house and local events.

The S2S sounds right up my alley. Hills. I know what hill you are talking about going over to Old Leeds Road (?). It looks fun.

Trying to get back in my routine after giving my knee a break. 3 miles this AM with no walk breaks. 12 seconds off my PR. Last mile was the quickest but the humidity is creeping in. Leaving Friday for a long weekend at F&G! So no running, just lots of walking. :D
Glad yours is healing up too. :wave:


Well-Known Member
5k at almost race pace this AM. Still PTing the knee, so trying different things with my stride. Have a half on Sunday so the first real test of the knee for a while. Gonna keep up the stretching and exercises til then to give myself a fighting chance.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
5k at almost race pace this AM. Still PTing the knee, so trying different things with my stride. Have a half on Sunday so the first real test of the knee for a while. Gonna keep up the stretching and exercises til then to give myself a fighting chance.
We are plagued with knee issues.

I think we are all on the tail end of it. Thankfully. Good luck Sunday.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
5.5 miles at a 10:25 pace. First time over 4 miles in awhile and no knee issues :D
The only bad thing was I got the smelly sweaty guy on the treadmill next to me again. :hurl: At least this time he didn't sweat on me. It's the little thing people. :lol:

My stalker doesn't run-thank heavens!! Can you image, if I had to run next to him for an hour on the treadmill, he'd be trying to talk to me-AUGH just sheer torture! Oh I forgot to mention that he wears shorty-shorts when I was describing him. Like they used to wear in the 50s to gym class.

Better the sweaty guy than the stalker! And now you've got me singing that commercial in my head...."Who wears short shorts...." LOL

As for me, 4 miles on the treadmill this morning after a rotten night's sleep, and the run was just as rotten. Felt interminable.


Active Member
I did a total of 10.5 miles today. I'm training for a half in June. On today's run, I developed a little chubrub. In my early running career, I never had a problem with this.:shrug:

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
3 miles in 35 minutes this morning. With only one week left to train, my goal of attaining a consistent 10 minute mile for my first 5k race is not looking too good.


Well-Known Member
3 miles in 35 minutes this morning. With only one week left to train, my goal of attaining a consistent 10 minute mile for my first 5k race is not looking too good.

Don't be surprised if you run it in your goal time. I always run faster during a race than during my training, especially a 5K. You tend to run a bit faster because of other runners and your adrenaline is pumped! Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
We are plagued with knee issues.

I think we are all on the tail end of it. Thankfully. Good luck Sunday.

Thanks. Seems to be the curse of runners. Although they seem to think its an easy fix, I just need to become as limber as a gymnast. Doesn't sound nearly as bad as yours did, but you definitely seem to be making progress which is always good to hear.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Seems to be the curse of runners. Although they seem to think its an easy fix, I just need to become as limber as a gymnast. Doesn't sound nearly as bad as yours did, but you definitely seem to be making progress which is always good to hear.

Yoga is the way to go! I can't recommend it enough for runners.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Thanks. Seems to be the curse of runners. Although they seem to think its an easy fix, I just need to become as limber as a gymnast. Doesn't sound nearly as bad as yours did, but you definitely seem to be making progress which is always good to hear.
This morning around 2.5 miles, I had a little tenderness building in it again. I slowed way down. Might take a day or two extra off.

I think Im on the verge of being 100% healed, and I think it needs a good long 3-4 days of rest. Problem is, Im packing a PODS with my entire house. That is working it like a champ... and not in a good way. :lookaroun

Yoga is the way to go! I can't recommend it enough for runners.
I think you are right. Combined with my core stuff I do, my IT band exercises I might start yoga again once a week.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Don't be surprised if you run it in your goal time. I always run faster during a race than during my training, especially a 5K. You tend to run a bit faster because of other runners and your adrenaline is pumped! Good luck!!!

I second this. When I trained for my 5K last Fall, my goal time was 27:50 (i.e., sub-9 minute miles). I was nervous about hitting it, but I wound up finishing in 26:52, nearly a full minute faster. My adrenaline was pumping a mile a minute!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Long run today. Didn't look at the Garmin yet, busy day; probably like 40mi. Another long run tomorrow.

Lots of races going on here this weekend, so I'll be avoiding the congestion by hitting the trails.

Anyone racing this weekend where ever you are?

Run strong folks!

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