What did you do?

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
I did an hour on the bike tonight which equalled about 17 miles. I decided to throw some cross training in there even tho my marathon training plan doesn't have me doing any. i just felt that only running two days a week wasn't enough.

Anybody else agree? :shrug:

I used to run 7 days a week, but now I take a rest day on Sunday :D

But you should run at least 3-4 days, more towards 4.


Well-Known Member
3 miles at lunch on the Y's indoor track. It felt pretty good to be on a slightly cushioned surface for the first time in a little while.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Question for you all...how do you combat shin splints? I don't get them too often but when I do it really makes it hard to run/walk at a decent speed. I've wondered if they were caused by my gait?

I don't get shin splints but I do occasionally get shin pain if I'm running really hard. I just slow it down and try to flex my feet a bit more as I run, and it usually eases up within a few minutes. I do shin exercises as part of my warmup which tends to prevent this kind of pain.

I set a new PR today- 5.26 miles in 42:13, 8:02 average pace. I hit my long term goal of 5K in under 25 minutes- 24:58! :sohappy:

Woohoo! :sohappy: I know what your new goal is . . . 5.26 miles in 7:59 pace! lol

I did not have my watch on, but I have convinced myself that I was running at Steve's pace. :lol:

I think I'm gonna start doing that too! That's one way to PR. :D

Me too! :lol:

I am reading all of these paces and I am way behind. That's ok tho, I remember that no matter how slow i run, I am still a runner.

You absolutely positively are. We all have to start somewhere.

3 miles today on lunch. It was 85 out and felt great to pulsate sweat in the heat again. Another thing that was good, pushed my distance from 2 to 3 with no problems. Average pace was about a 8:30-8:45.

That's great! Keep it up!

New 5K PR for me this weekend: 28:03.5. Yay! :)


As for me, 8 miles over the weekend, nice and smooth at what turned out to be exactly 10 min/mile pace. Then today I did 4.15 miles on the treadmill of speedwork (7 reps of 1/4 mile at 8:27 min pace separated by 1.5 minutes at a slower pace).

Nick, nice job pushing through this weekend, Nick. We've gotta figure out a way for you to keep food down in these races - that seems to be your toughest aspect, more so than the distance or the pain.


Well-Known Member
I did an hour on the bike tonight which equalled about 17 miles. I decided to throw some cross training in there even tho my marathon training plan doesn't have me doing any. i just felt that only running two days a week wasn't enough.

Anybody else agree? :shrug:

My sked is 3 miles Tuesday & Thursday then a longer run Sunday, depending on what I'm training for. I was biking M-W-F but I'm signed up for so many Disney runs I'm afraid of an accident. Probably need to get a stationary bike.


Active Member
Thanks guys for confirming that my schedule needs some tweaking, not sure why it only had me running 2 days a week but I will adjust it. I went and ran on the treadmill tonight again 5 miles, but I am waking up early Thursday to get in 6 miles. It is starting to get hot and humid here in Louisiana so that means some early mornings for me. I am not an early riser but I will have to be during the summer.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3 miles this am. Slowed it down to a 9 minute pace. Nice run, better than Monday lunch run and it already 80.

14 more days of the annoying double flexi dog walker. She was out this am in the middle of the road and her dogs were on opposite sides of the street, in 2 different yards. We dont have sidewalks... so I had t make a lot of noise to let her know I was coming.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for confirming that my schedule needs some tweaking, not sure why it only had me running 2 days a week but I will adjust it. I went and ran on the treadmill tonight again 5 miles, but I am waking up early Thursday to get in 6 miles. It is starting to get hot and humid here in Louisiana so that means some early mornings for me. I am not an early riser but I will have to be during the summer.

Yeah, that's how I feel about my summer runs as well. Getting in my long run is the only thing that gets me out of bed on a Saturday morning at 6am.

3 miles this am. Slowed it down to a 9 minute pace.

I will never make that statement. But I might do a tempo run at that pace! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Today was 2 miles on the indoor track at the downtown Y. I pushed myself and ended up at about an 8:05 pace, which was a pleasant surprise.

Tomorrow and Friday are rest days to be ready for a local 10K on Saturday morning. This will be my first race in a very long while. If I can keep a 9 minute pace for the 10K, I'll be quite happy.

The race is the end of "phase one" of my training plan for the TOT Ten Miler. After the race on Saturday, I'll go for another 9 weeks with my Insanity/Running mix, before focusing almost exclusively on running in the last 12 weeks up to the TOT.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Just under 25 miles this morning in cold pouring rain...loving it.

I'm tired of these frat-jocks I keep running into who preach about Tough Mudders and how hardcore they are. Said frat-jocks (whom have attempted the ultra distance, a mere 50 miler), have all DNF'd and their tunes have changed: "Damn, Nick, you're f-----g crazy. Tough Mudder's are for kids after running, THAT." Exactly. There is very little running in TM's, and your endurance is hardly tested in those events. Ah, nothing like running for 20+ hours straight and wanting to puke every step of the way as your quads are ready to split in half and your hips being destroyed :D

Next race: Dirty German 50 mile in Philly in a few weeks.

Run strong folks.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I will never make that statement. But I might do a tempo run at that pace! :lol:

Today was 2 miles on the indoor track at the downtown Y. I pushed myself and ended up at about an 8:05 pace, which was a pleasant surprise.

Tomorrow and Friday are rest days to be ready for a local 10K on Saturday morning. This will be my first race in a very long while. If I can keep a 9 minute pace for the 10K, I'll be quite happy.

The race is the end of "phase one" of my training plan for the TOT Ten Miler. After the race on Saturday, I'll go for another 9 weeks with my Insanity/Running mix, before focusing almost exclusively on running in the last 12 weeks up to the TOT.
Is this the Homewood 10K... or the Statue to Statue? the S2S run looks good and challenging due to terrain. I wanted to do that one before knee issues.


Well-Known Member

Is this the Homewood 10K... or the Statue to Statue? the S2S run looks good and challenging due to terrain. I wanted to do that one before knee issues.

I'm doing the Homewood City Schools Spirit Scamper. I think the Statue to Statue 15K was a couple of weeks ago. I have run that race once before, and it has a ridiculously steep hill at about mile 8 (I ran the whole hill, which is by far the less popular option). It's a cool race, though. I'd like to do it again some time.


Well-Known Member
5.5 miles at a 10:25 pace. First time over 4 miles in awhile and no knee issues :D
The only bad thing was I got the smelly sweaty guy on the treadmill next to me again. :hurl: At least this time he didn't sweat on me. It's the little thing people. :lol:

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