What did you do?


Well-Known Member
When ya'll were first starting out running did you do the same route every day and then add mileage onto it later? I've been doing pretty much the same route each day and I plan to add on another half mile tomorrow or Thursday.

Yep. Or laps. I have a 3, 4 and 5 mile route through my neighborhood. Trained for my marathon by doing laps.

Did my usual 3 miles this AM and felt FAST but missed my PB by 50 seconds. I thought I had smashed it. Also might have to miss the 10K this Saturday. I might have to work.


Not old, just vintage.
Yep. Or laps. I have a 3, 4 and 5 mile route through my neighborhood. Trained for my marathon by doing laps.

Did my usual 3 miles this AM and felt FAST but missed my PB by 50 seconds. I thought I had smashed it. Also might have to miss the 10K this Saturday. I might have to work.

Good to know. I really like the current route I am using and I figure I am going to have to work myself up to laps. My neighborhood is surrounded by a pretty crappy area on one side and really busy highways on the rest of the sides. I am limited in just how far I can go without either getting run over or mugged. :lookaroun

Boo for having to miss the 10k. Last night I found out about a local 5k that is happening on Saturday. I was thisclose to just signing up for it and hoping I survived. Then I saw that no music or headphones are allowed (?) and the route isn't very flat. Right now I am very dependent on my music to keep up my pace and I start to experience pain in scary places when I encounter too much elevation. Oh well. It just means I will be that much faster by the time I do my first 5k.


Well-Known Member
Worst run I've had in awhile this morning. I think my legs were still gassed from speedwork yesterday. :shrug: Normally I take the day after speedwork off from running, but it worked better for my schedule this week to run today too. Lesson learned...I won't be doing that again. 3 "easy" miles felt SOOO hard today. Oh well, it happens.

Yeah, it was a huge mess trying to figure out what to do about the whole packet thing... eventually, since almost everyone didn't have numbers, they let people pick up their stuff at the race. Our team captain kinda stalked the packet coordinator via cell until she agreed to meet him with our stuff the night before.

Hopefully they'll get the kinks worked out for next time. Blech.

Depends, does the darkside have cookies????????

Yes. Yes it does. :slurp: :lol:

And nope, not feeling better. Day four of migraine! And I'm back at work. I may go for a little mile walk with a classmate between work and school today, before we sit down to look at ToT flights.

That sucks. I hope you get some relief soon. :( Hopefully looking at flights to Disney and thinking about your next trip will make you feel better!

I did another 2.0 mile walk/jog today at a pace of 16:51. I did more jogging than yesterday and subsequently shaved another 20 seconds off the personal best I set yesterday. Getting faster every day! I did a slightly different route today that had some unexpected elevation but I got through it.

When ya'll were first starting out running did you do the same route every day and then add mileage onto it later? I've been doing pretty much the same route each day and I plan to add on another half mile tomorrow or Thursday.

When I first started out, I focused more on time spent running rather than mileage. I was using Couch-to-5K, which gets you to running for 30 continuous minutes. I can't comment on the route thing since I was primarily on the treadmill when starting out. Way to go on another personal best! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Then I saw that no music or headphones are allowed (?) and the route isn't very flat. Right now I am very dependent on my music to keep up my pace and I start to experience pain in scary places when I encounter too much elevation. Oh well. It just means I will be that much faster by the time I do my first 5k.

That is the rule in a lot of races. Even RunDisney events suggest no headphones.
I always train with music but I don't use it during races. You'll see that running an event is very different than training. There is so much going on and so many people around you that you won't miss the music. So don't let that rule stop you from signing up.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
That is the rule in a lot of races. Even RunDisney events suggest no headphones.
I always train with music but I don't use it during races. You'll see that running an event is very different than training. There is so much going on and so many people around you that you won't miss the music. So don't let that rule stop you from signing up.
I didnt like my dependency on music and the hypothetical if my ipod didnt work or I forgot it for an event etc. So, I trained myself to run without it. Besides, after 2+ hours of something in my ear, I was about to crawl out of my skin.... and I love music too.

Different strokes for everyone though.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
When ya'll were first starting out running did you do the same route every day and then add mileage onto it later? I've been doing pretty much the same route each day and I plan to add on another half mile tomorrow or Thursday.

When I first started running many moons ago, I followed a plan somewhat similar to the Couch-to-5K. It involved working out for 20 minutes a day, 4 days per week. During the first week each workout would be run 1 minute, walk 1 minute, run 1, walk 1 until you hit 20 minutes. The second week was run 2 minutes, walk 1 min, run 2, walk 1, etc. until by week 10 you would be able to run 20 minutes consecutively. Distance was irrelevant. I did in fact follow the same 10 minute route out and back every single day.

After I could run for 20 minutes comfortably, I started thinking about distance - first 2 miles, then 2.5 then 3. I only changed my route each time I changed distance. To this day I still have one or two local routes that I like to do for every distance from 3 to 13 miles. I'm a creature of habit, I guess. Although I will say that I enjoy running on vacation to get some new scenery.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
4.75 miles on the treadmill at the gym. Was hoping to run 5 miles but I got paged to the daycare-ARGH!:cry:

Uh oh... Hope everything is okay.

Tapering. Playing it smart for once. Just 10.33 miles.
Not being able to eat 6,500 calories like I normally do on training days (everyday :D) is torture! I'm craving bread pudding and ice cream. Not giving up the IPAs though!


Well-Known Member
Uh oh... Hope everything is okay.

Tapering. Playing it smart for once. Just 10.33 miles.
Not being able to eat 6,500 calories like I normally do on training days (everyday :D) is torture! I'm craving bread pudding and ice cream. Not giving up the IPAs though!

Yay- another kid in the daycare tripped my little one and she took a face-plant (You are familar with them aren't you ;)). She was fine but wanted her mom.

And if I was getting ready to do a 100 mile Ultra-run, I would still eat whatever the hell I wanted to. Are you really worried about your waistline right now :lol:?

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Yay- another kid in the daycare tripped my little one and she took a face-plant (You are familar with them aren't you ;)). She was fine but wanted her mom.

And if I was getting ready to do a 100 mile Ultra-run, I would still eat whatever the hell I wanted to. Are you really worried about your waistline right now :lol:?

I'm glad she's fine, and she didn't face-plant on rocks...*wink right back at ya*

Yeah the food thing: Eating that much crap and not running 30 miles a day adds up on a small frame like mine- 5'3" and 123lbs, but I'm more concerned about feeling the "bulk" of all that food and eating a low sugar, high whole grain diet the week of a taper. Just to keep myself verticle for the race I'll be consuming at least 10,000-11,000 calories of sugar, fruit, crap (yes, I get to eat chocolate chip cookies, chips, bagels, peanut butter, and M&Ms, but I try not to because the consumption of a lot of fat during that run makes the body work 3 times as hard to break that down, and takes away from the energy being spent on my legs; hence, slowing me down and making me feel like s__t), carbs, etc...

Wait until you see the stash of food when the tailgate is open on my car, Coryna...

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Yeah the food thing: Eating that much crap and not running 30 miles a day adds up on a small frame like mine- 5'3" and 123lbs, but I'm more concerned about feeling the "bulk" of all that food and eating a low sugar, high whole grain diet the week of a taper. Just to keep myself verticle for the race I'll be consuming at least 10,000-11,000 calories of sugar, fruit, crap (yes, I get to eat chocolate chip cookies, chips, bagels, peanut butter, and M&Ms, but I try not to because the consumption of a lot of fat during that run makes the body work 3 times as hard to break that down, and takes away from the energy being spent on my legs; hence, slowing me down and making me feel like s__t), carbs, etc...

Wait until you see the stash of food when the tailgate is open on my car, Coryna...

Wow. But it makes sense.

As for me, 6 miles yesterday afternoon in glorious running weather - warm with a light breeze, and overcast, with tons of flowers blooming into Spring. Loved it.


Well-Known Member
Wow. But it makes sense.

As for me, 6 miles yesterday afternoon in glorious running weather - warm with a light breeze, and overcast, with tons of flowers blooming into Spring. Loved it.

I did 9.08 on awoodway treadmill. This distance includes my quarter mile cooldown. TOT10Miler is 51% full.

Those both sound like lovely runs! I can't wait to get outside this weekend.

So I have an opinion question. A couple of days ago I posted about a 5K that I ran on the 17th that was kind of a mess. The two things that bothered me the most were that we didn't get the shirts included in the registration fee and that the course was seemingly not marked correctly (my Garmin said I went 2.88 miles rather than 3.1).

I emailed someone from the race this morning asking about the shirts (they were supposed to call and haven't yet), and in the response I was told that the shirts would be ordered tonight and to let the guy know if I had any other questions. I responded that I was curious to know if the course had been changed last-minute because it didn't seem to match what they had posted (what they had on mapmyrun.com was a 3.11-mile course).

I didn't say anything about the distance discrepancy...does anyone think I should mention it to this guy (who I assume is the race director) or just leave it alone? I keep looking on active.com for reviews of the race and there are only 2 - neither mentioned the distance issue. :shrug: :shrug: I'd appreciate any opinions. Thanks! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Another PB. Finally busted the 11-minute pace for a 3-miler. Just felt really good. Maybe next year I can break 10 minutes.

And looks like I can make the 10K Saturday. I don't have to work until late afternoon. :)


Well-Known Member
7 miles today...overall pace was 5 seconds under my "dream" half marathon pace, so I am very pleased with that. :sohappy:

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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