Two 30 milers, back to back, at 10:00 min pace. I just got The Stick roller from Road Runner Sports over the weekend - how did I ever run without this?!? My legs feel fresh every morning, I love it!
I've also been working on modifying my Garmin 305 in order to get more battery life, and I came up with a pretty simple set-up to get me about 40 hours worth of juice. My 305 dies just around 50 miles, so it's no good to me on the 100 milers. So, with the docking cradle attached to the 305, an expander strap (going through both units which also keeps them locked), a AA battery pocket charger, and a tennis-elbow pressure strap, I rigged a set-up which keeps my 305 charging after its internal battery gets low. After I plug in, I get another 20 hours worth of juice. Two AAs will get me through my 100 miler in March, and I'll just have to replace batteries a couple of times at my 200 miler next May. Weight really isn't an issue and the whole set-up cost me just about $40 bucks, compared to $700 for Suunto's new ultra AMBIG which is awsome, but I'm not dropping that much cash on that. :hammer:
Aloha folks!