Well-Known Member
So I ran the Cleveland Fall Classic Half-Marathon
this morning. It was part of my 16 mile training run,
so I did 3 miles beforehand. Since it was a training run,
I was not going to run for a PR. I was just going to run
at a comfortable pace. I was shooting for 1:40:00-1:45:00.
However, that was not the case. I did not feel like I was running
as fast as I did. My final time was 1:32:35, which I was very happy
with, but was surprised. The weather was perfect for running and
was better than what the forecast said it was going to be. Hope
every one is doing well with their training!
Great race!
A solid dozen miles @ 10:12 pace for me today. I was supposed to go this morning, but saw buckets of rain on the radar, so I decided to wait it out. A wise decision because I didn't get wet. I don't like running long runs in the middle of the afternoon because I can never seem to get my nutrition and meals right. First 9 were at 10:06 and then slowed slightly over the last three. Hit 1000 miles for 2011 on this run, and now just 32 miles over the next 13 days before St. Jude's. Now just not to overeat at Thanksgiving