What did you do?


Premium Member
Ruffner Mtn Report:

Temp was great at 47ish at start. There were 115ish runners. I was about to head to the start and wanted to power up the Garmin. That was a no go. It wouldnt turn on. I was crushed. All I wanted was to map this event with all the elevation changes and stats. Luckily, I ran with a friend the entire time. We were within 10 feet of each other for the entire race. He is going to send me his garmin stats/splits/google earth file.

I will say that my extreme hill training was still no comparison to the trails super vertical sections. The only place it paid off was in the last mile. That is the most important to me. I was able to get on the last trail (a 1 out of 4 difficulty) and run about an 8 minute pace. I smoked it. I finished strong... about 30 seconds faster than my friend.

Ill post more stats later, but my unofficial finish time was 2:16:33. Ill take it considering the guy who won it ran it in 1:50:00 and a University of Alabama cross country girl ran it in 2:06:00.

Here are some fun pics. Awesome bling. Hand made. So.... environmental. :lol:

View attachment 27417

View attachment 27419

Congrats Joel!! Very cool medal!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Still fighting off some sort of respiratory infection but don't feel like going to the dr yet. Did 12 miles on the stationary bike last night because that wouldn't get me as winded as running. Will probably take today off altogether to hopefully get better.

So on an unrelated note, anyone doing any Turkey Trots next week? I'd love to, but as the chef of our meal for 14 people, we won't eat if I go to a race that morning! I'll get in a nice run the day before to make room for extra Thanksgiving calories! :slurp:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Thanks Steve!

3 Miles Monday in a recovery mode pace. Wow, I was sore.

5 miles today at a 2nd or 3rd gear pace. Jut making sure Im healed from the abuse to the ankles and knees.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
20.66 miles this morning. Practically a Zen run: overcast, not a person in sight the entire run, just the waves crashing and the air-rats (aka, seagulls). It was an amazingly serene run, and I wish they were all like that. Even the pain in my legs seemed to be "distant," if that makes any sense.
Happy running everyone.

And Joel, yes it's partly the OCD. I've had it under control now for a couple of years, so It's okay.

Cheers folks!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Easy 3 miles this AM. It was 71F and 92% humidity. Uh, what? :shrug:
I ran on lunch due to the rain this AM. WOW. I was expecting it to be that hot and muggy. I have some bad road burn on the inside legs. I smell like a petroleum factory walking around the house right now. :lol:


RunDisney Addict
Nasty stomach bug all day yesterday, wiping out a scheduled plyometrics day. I'm actually at the point in P90X where I look forward to the challenge that workout brings. I'm going to take today off from working out as well, as I'm not 100% yet. I'm going to cancel my sunday off day to try and make it up.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I smell like a petroleum factory walking around the house right now. :lol:

LOL, I never leave the house without BodyGlide on those sensitive areas. Hope you feel better.

As for me, I caved and started on some antibiotics for whatever is ailing me (and hopefully it's not a virus that I'll have to wait to run its course). Nevertheless, I still did 3 miles on the TM this morning at 9:40 pace. As long as I kept the pace comfortable (I still am amazed that that is now a comfortable pace for me), I didn't breathe heavy and I didn't have a coughing fit so I made it through.

I have this nutty idea that since I've been training so hard for the past 12 weeks for the 5K, that I'm probably capable of running longer than I have been if I slow the pace. There's this beautiful running trail in the woods about 30 minutes from my house which is exactly 13 miles out and back. I'm contemplating running my own Half Marathon on Sunday morning just because I haven't run longer than 10 miles in a long time and I'm curious how it would go, plus the path is so pretty. It all depends on whether I can kick this respiratory infection before then and also whether my hubby is up to joining me on his bike that morning (his hernia has been bothering him) because I don't like running in the woods alone. We shall see.


Well-Known Member
Great runs by so many of you this week!

I was at a conference at Coronado Springs Sunday-Wednesday, and with open bars each night, it is a good thing I am on my taper:)

I did manage a couple of runs in, and I will do my 3rd weekday run tomorrow afternoon, so all is well.

15 more days until the full.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Apparently I ran my race last weekend with a bit of a running celeb! I ran the 5K and she ran the 10K but we started together, and she really did set a World Record in the 60 year old category at 39:57. Here's an article about her from a few years ago:


According to her age adjusted time, she ran at an elite level in the 99.2% level. Pretty neat.


Well-Known Member
5 @ 9:11 this afternoon.....

It Was an easy 5 - first 4 @ around 9:25 and then 8:29 for the final mile. Brought the run in about 55 seconds per mile faster than my planned marathon pace. 8 year daughter had her tonsils out this morning, so this run was a nice break. A "light" weekend planned with only 4 tomorrow and then 12 on Sunday.

Keep up the good runs!


Well-Known Member
Ran 3.5 miles at a 10 minute/mile pace outside today. It was a little windy but the temp was perfect. My knee started giving me trouble immediately. Guess I really need to be consistant with my running. Even though I'm exercising almost every day, my knees don't like the irregular running.

Have a great weekend everyone!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
5 @ 9:11 this afternoon.....

It Was an easy 5 - first 4 @ around 9:25 and then 8:29 for the final mile. Brought the run in about 55 seconds per mile faster than my planned marathon pace. 8 year daughter had her tonsils out this morning, so this run was a nice break. A "light" weekend planned with only 4 tomorrow and then 12 on Sunday.

Keep up the good runs!

Hope your daughter is feeling better. Enjoy the light runs. (That doesn't sound quite right, does it?! LOL)

Ran 3.5 miles at a 10 minute/mile pace outside today. It was a little windy but the temp was perfect. My knee started giving me trouble immediately. Guess I really need to be consistant with my running. Even though I'm exercising almost every day, my knees don't like the irregular running.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Hope the knee feels better.

30 miles @ 9:00 min pace this Saturday morning. Feeling good, kicking back a few beers, and reading a good book now.

Cheers folks!

Wow. Seriously, wow.

Still fighting off whatever I am fighting off but still contemplating running 13.1 tomorrow just because. We shall see.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
9.19 Miles this morning on a wonder, clear cold morning. I think my internal transmission was kicking pretty good today for an out and back style run.

9.45 Super Hill
9.59 Super Hill

Everyone have a great weekend running.


Active Member
So I ran the Cleveland Fall Classic Half-Marathon
this morning. It was part of my 16 mile training run,
so I did 3 miles beforehand. Since it was a training run,
I was not going to run for a PR. I was just going to run
at a comfortable pace. I was shooting for 1:40:00-1:45:00.
However, that was not the case. I did not feel like I was running
as fast as I did. My final time was 1:32:35, which I was very happy
with, but was surprised. The weather was perfect for running and
was better than what the forecast said it was going to be. Hope
every one is doing well with their training!

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