Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Thanks. I really respect them. I think they were all hand made with a mold. Very nice. The Alabama red clay is shining through isnt it. You just dont get it out of your clothes sometimes. It is really that red.Man, that Ruffner medal is hard-core! Congrats!
Personal record distance this AM, 17 miles. You know you're running too much when you think, "4 miles, home stretch." Beautiful morning for running. 40F at start no wind until the sun came up. Bad head wind for the last mile. Really needed that. :dazzle:
Am I ready for 26.2 in January? Uh, no. Felt good at finish but the legs were gone.
Did 4 miles Thursday AM and a cold front moved in on mile 4. I got drenched and couldn't see a thing. But felt like I accomplished something.![]()
Yes, I say the same thing on my long runs with major hills on the front end. 4 Miles in I say, "Alright, time to settle in and just cruise the last 10 or 11."

You will get there. No worries. I know the feeling and I finished one solid. Just dont over train like I did. It has the adverse affect.
Good luck this weekend. You going to set a new PR?Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but I have been
busy with school and I just got a new job. I ran
18 miles this morning at an 8:30 minute mile pace
and I felt fine the entire run. It was about 50 degrees
when I was running, but the bad part was the big gusts
of wind. Next weekend I am running the Fall Classic half-
marathon, but I am doing 16 all together. I will be doing a
20 miler the first weekend in December and it will be my last
before Disney. Hope everyone's training is going well!