JillC LI
Well-Known Member
I am going to do 13 on Sunday on the ship, and then maybe one other run, and then the Castaway 5K on Castaway Cay. I built this off week into my full training plan, because I knew I wouldn't want to run much while on board.
So what are the running conditions on the ship? Will you use the TM or is there some sort of "track?"
That a girl! I love the dedication. Just like Sam said one time, " I will never understand the obsession when you volunteer to go run in the cold rain."
I know yall get it, and I understand not being able to run for a few days and doing it no matter how tired you are. *high five*
Thanks for the support. I'm having an internal debate with myself about my run later today. I have to do 5 miles: 1 mile warmup and cooldown and the middle 3 miles at 9:18 pace. (Considering I ran this same 3.1mile race last year at 9:38 pace and nearly dropped dead at the end, this is already quite a big improvement for me in the past year.) But here's the debate: if I do the run on the treadmill, I can force myself to stay on pace for the middle 3 miles no matter how hard they are. But if I run outdoors with my Garmin and no internal sensor, I will be up and down all over the place on pace and it will be harder to ensure I push hard enough on average. HOWEVER, the actual race will be outdoors and I'll need to somehow push to keep a 9 minute pace for that with just the Garmin, so this would be good experience, right?
So what would you do? Treadmill where I can ensure I get the proper tempo workout or outdoors for actual race training even though I may not average the required pace for today's workout? I have until 2:45pm for you to get back to me!