Well-Known Member
I am going to quote Tony Horton of P90X fame when he is doing yoga.
"Stretch, stretch out tall, think about plugging your fingers into the sky, and then .... stop thinking"
Sometimes I run best when I just sort of loose myself and don't think about it.
I ran a 10K two weeks ago where I felt like utter crap. Headache, cold, nose running. I almost talked myself out of going to it when woke up in the morning, but I had paid the $35 registration, so that was my motivation.
I said I was just going to run it easy, not try anything, just finish without killing myself. I ran comfortable and finished only 10 seconds slower than the last 10K I ran where I wes thinking about pace and pushing up hills.
Sometimes when you think the least you acheive the most. Man, I am just spouting phrases today.
Very wise...thanks Dave.

Anyhoo...10-mile race on Saturday for me. It was SUPER muggy out...good thing I brought my own Gatorade. The race itself was okay...I improved my time from last year's race by a little over 6 minutes, but I probably could have done much better. There's always next year!
(Side note...the guy that won the race had a time of 57:37.50. Wow!)
I love the swag from this race. The company that puts it on is called Hermes, and the tech shirt that you get as part of the registration fee says "RUN LIKE A GOD" across the back, as does the finisher medal. Very cool.