What did you do?


Well-Known Member
I am going to quote Tony Horton of P90X fame when he is doing yoga.

"Stretch, stretch out tall, think about plugging your fingers into the sky, and then .... stop thinking"

Sometimes I run best when I just sort of loose myself and don't think about it.

I ran a 10K two weeks ago where I felt like utter crap. Headache, cold, nose running. I almost talked myself out of going to it when woke up in the morning, but I had paid the $35 registration, so that was my motivation.

I said I was just going to run it easy, not try anything, just finish without killing myself. I ran comfortable and finished only 10 seconds slower than the last 10K I ran where I wes thinking about pace and pushing up hills.

Sometimes when you think the least you acheive the most. Man, I am just spouting phrases today.:)


Very wise...thanks Dave. :) It's a great feeling when you have those runs where you were thisclose to deciding not to do it, and then it ends up being pretty okay or even good. I totally would have done the same thing...can't waste that registration fee.

Anyhoo...10-mile race on Saturday for me. It was SUPER muggy out...good thing I brought my own Gatorade. The race itself was okay...I improved my time from last year's race by a little over 6 minutes, but I probably could have done much better. There's always next year!

(Side note...the guy that won the race had a time of 57:37.50. Wow!)

I love the swag from this race. The company that puts it on is called Hermes, and the tech shirt that you get as part of the registration fee says "RUN LIKE A GOD" across the back, as does the finisher medal. Very cool.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Oh man, I was completely drenched and I destroyed my shoes storming through mud, sand, ankle-deep puddles...it was GREAT!

13.23 miles yesterday and 10.51 miles this morning plus a walk on the beach with the wife because it's so nice out in NJ today.

Weekly total: 81.18 miles. Not bad, so I am kicking back a few DFH 90 min IPAs (my local beer place is holding 10 bottles of the 120 min when they come in at the end of the month!)

For the last 2 weeks I have had this ritual of dropping down and doing 60 push-ups after every run. I don't know why, but it feels good.

Cheers everyone!
That a boy. Nice idea. Ill implement that next week into my runs too.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
8 Miles this am. Last long run before next Saturday. Super nervous about the full.

You're gonna do great - there's no question in any of our minds. So what's your plan for dinner the night before? Do they do a pasta party or something? How early do you have to arrive for the race?

As for me, I skipped the nasty weather on Saturday morning and did 7 miles on Sunday morning. I'm so used to the endless winter that I wasn't prepared for the temps in the 60s and high humidity, and I definitely wasn't dressed properly for it. I was dripping by the time I finished, but I was glad for Spring to finally be here.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
You're gonna do great - there's no question in any of our minds. So what's your plan for dinner the night before? Do they do a pasta party or something? How early do you have to arrive for the race?

As for me, I skipped the nasty weather on Saturday morning and did 7 miles on Sunday morning. I'm so used to the endless winter that I wasn't prepared for the temps in the 60s and high humidity, and I definitely wasn't dressed properly for it. I was dripping by the time I finished, but I was glad for Spring to finally be here.
If you want to park at the finish line (LP Field, Tennessee titans) you have to be there by 5:30 or 6 the latest. Ill be there at 5ish.

Im not planning on changing much from what I do every Friday night before my long runs. Probably a moes burrito with no chips and no sauces or dips. Just the burrito and all I get is chicken and rice. Since Ill be in a foreign city staying with friends, I might make a pasta dish that night with an apple and a vegetable and do Moe's Thursday night with the fam before I leave town.

Jill, Im more nervous about the logistics in a new city more than anything. Lastly, I know you said the taper would really work me mentally, and it is. The ONLY thing that is settling my nerves (since I feel as though I should be out running a lot) is that after 2 weeks of absolutely no running in February due to injury, I went out and set a new PR by 2 1/2 minutes in a half.

Im nervous about "the wall" since I was on the verge of hitting it when I did my 20. Felt like all my insides were getting hollow. That was on mile 19.80 so i dont think I got near the worst of it. I have rehearsed nutrition during the race on ever long run.... so, it should be second nature.

This course isnt nearly as hilly as Im use to training on. From what I have read, I usually climb about 3 times what i will Saturday on my long runs. The only anxiety is a new city. It will be a challenge to mentally shut down since I dont know "the route" as I do around here.

Sorry for the long winded answer. 3 miles tonight.


Well-Known Member
Decided to give the C25K app a rest and just start my RunKeeper app and let it go, seeing what I could do: 2.6 miles in 30 min. Thought my mile time was a little better than that, but it felt good in the process, feeling a little stronger each run. Legs feel a little like jello right after the run, but after icing/chocolate milk/water, they feel great. Looking forward to hopefully taking some momentum into Everest Challenge coming up.


Well-Known Member
3 miles tonight per the schedule.


You think I had a pretty tight pace. :lol:

I would say so.

You are going to do just fine on your marathon. Just work the plan, and don't get all hyped up and jump out of the gate with a 6 minute mile.

You have put in the miles, you have done the training, that was the hard part, now all that is left is to run the marathon - thats the easy part :)



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I would say so.

You are going to do just fine on your marathon. Just work the plan, and don't get all hyped up and jump out of the gate with a 6 minute mile.

You have put in the miles, you have done the training, that was the hard part, now all that is left is to run the marathon - thats the easy part :)

Thanks Dave. It is just that normal anxiety of the unknown. I went through this every Friday before my long runs. It is the "What if I get out there and cramp up, hurt something or something equivalent."

My dad always said, "If you arent just a little nervous, there is something wrong with you"

That is why I got the 305. I just cant go out and run anything faster than a 8 minute mile throughout the race. Just cant. Maybe mile 26. :D

Damn, that's tighter than :lookaroun uh nevermind...NICE JOB BRO!

Good luck with the marathon, you'll be fine. Mine is coming up on Sunday.

Cheers everyone.
Thanks Nick. Good luck to you too. Im going to Academy Sports today to get me 3-4 honey Stingers and some of the Honey Stinger chews. I love those things and they are a bit more filling.


RunDisney Addict
5.5 miles last night with my wife. We're not speed demons by any stretch, but it feels great to run outside :)

1 10:37
2 11:46
3 13:40
4 12:21
5 12:36
6 13:07

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Jill, Im more nervous about the logistics in a new city more than anything. Lastly, I know you said the taper would really work me mentally, and it is. The ONLY thing that is settling my nerves (since I feel as though I should be out running a lot) is that after 2 weeks of absolutely no running in February due to injury, I went out and set a new PR by 2 1/2 minutes in a half.

Im nervous about "the wall" since I was on the verge of hitting it when I did my 20. Felt like all my insides were getting hollow. That was on mile 19.80 so i dont think I got near the worst of it. I have rehearsed nutrition during the race on ever long run.... so, it should be second nature.

This course isnt nearly as hilly as Im use to training on. From what I have read, I usually climb about 3 times what i will Saturday on my long runs. The only anxiety is a new city. It will be a challenge to mentally shut down since I dont know "the route" as I do around here.

I can completely relate to that fear of the unknown. You're gonna be in a new city, so you feel like certain things are out of your control. They are, but some of them (like weather) would have been out of your control even in your home town. I fully believe in planning for all contingencies and then not worrying because worrying doesn't accomplish anything. Nerves on the other hand are normal. Although you've never run more than 20 miles and you're questioning the taper, you have to trust everyone who tells you that you are sufficiently prepared to complete 26.2 miles and that you will be at your peak of fitness when the day arrives.

Will you hit the wall? Maybe, but don't let that stop you. I told everyone that when I hit the wall around mile 20, that was when the race shifted from my legs to my heart and mind. I wanted it too badly, and I had worked too hard, to stop moving. All those mental tricks you learned to help you through hard training runs come into play, and you tell yourself that you will give yourself no other option except to continue moving. Eventually you do pass through the wall if you hit it. I personally think you have less of a chance of hitting it given the less hilly nature of this course, as long as you don't go too fast.

Good luck with the marathon, you'll be fine. Mine is coming up on Sunday.

I'd say good luck to you too, Nick, but that's just a normal weekend training run for you! :ROFLOL: Still, if you're running it for speed or some other personal achievement, good luck in accomplishing your goals.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
3 miles tonight per the schedule.


You think I had a pretty tight pace. :lol:

And I thought I was consistent yesterday with my 5 miles!

I bought a couple of books on 5K training and speed work. I still have plenty of time because the race isn't until November, but I'm gonna start putting together a training program for myself that culminates in a 28 minute 5K. I asked my son this past weekend what was riding on our bet for the race, and I suggested that the loser buy the winner a large Carvel sundae. He actually hesitated and said "What about a medium?" and I was shocked that he had any question in his mind about his ability to beat me! :lol: Good!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I can completely relate to that fear of the unknown. You're gonna be in a new city, so you feel like certain things are out of your control. They are, but some of them (like weather) would have been out of your control even in your home town. I fully believe in planning for all contingencies and then not worrying because worrying doesn't accomplish anything. Nerves on the other hand are normal. Although you've never run more than 20 miles and you're questioning the taper, you have to trust everyone who tells you that you are sufficiently prepared to complete 26.2 miles and that you will be at your peak of fitness when the day arrives.

Will you hit the wall? Maybe, but don't let that stop you. I told everyone that when I hit the wall around mile 20, that was when the race shifted from my legs to my heart and mind. I wanted it too badly, and I had worked too hard, to stop moving. All those mental tricks you learned to help you through hard training runs come into play, and you tell yourself that you will give yourself no other option except to continue moving. Eventually you do pass through the wall if you hit it. I personally think you have less of a chance of hitting it given the less hilly nature of this course, as long as you don't go too fast.
Thanks Jill. This along with the others is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for your insight. I think the new city is the scariest part. I know I can make i through the wall with my determination. I have no doubt, but you are right, it is the mental stress of navigating in a new environment before and during the race. As I have repeated to myself for weeks:

I will be a marathoner
I never quit
I will succeed
I will be a marathoner

To quote Nick: Cheers Everyone.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
And I thought I was consistent yesterday with my 5 miles!

I bought a couple of books on 5K training and speed work. I still have plenty of time because the race isn't until November, but I'm gonna start putting together a training program for myself that culminates in a 28 minute 5K. I asked my son this past weekend what was riding on our bet for the race, and I suggested that the loser buy the winner a large Carvel sundae. He actually hesitated and said "What about a medium?" and I was shocked that he had any question in his mind about his ability to beat me! :lol: Good!
Those splits are good though. Average about 10-11 seconds off from each other, that is not shabby at all. That is the difference in a small hill or something.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
As I have repeated to myself for weeks:

I will be a marathoner
I never quit
I will succeed
I will be a marathoner

It's kinda lame, but my training and marathon mantra was:

I'm a runner
I keep going
I feel good
I feel great!

and I repeated it with force and determination when I truly felt awful in an effort to achieve mind over matter. It worked. I also did this silly jumprope song ("A my name is Alice, and my husband's name is Al, and we live in Alabama, and we sell Apples") all the way from A to Z when I needed to get through a rough spot. That got me through mile 22! :lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
It's kinda lame, but my training and marathon mantra was:

I'm a runner
I keep going
I feel good
I feel great!

and I repeated it with force and determination when I truly felt awful in an effort to achieve mind over matter. It worked. I also did this silly jumprope song ("A my name is Alice, and my husband's name is Al, and we live in Alabama, and we sell Apples") all the way from A to Z when I needed to get through a rough spot. That got me through mile 22! :lol:
I dont care if we say nursery rhymes. There is nothing lame about the end result and what we do. We all kick butt.

I love stories like this. Thanks for sharing. I might use that.

I sometimes also have that mental picture of Rocky working out in the 4th movie in the middle of Russia with his trainer saying his mantra: "No Pain, No pain Rock!"


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Hmmm, similar mantras:
I am an ultramarathon runner
I am a machine
Just f'ng go Nick...
That was in my mantra until I got hurt and had to sit for 2 weeks. That humbled me a little... so I removed it for superstitious reasons. :lol:

I dont even believe in superstition. I just didnt want to chance it.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Ahhhh!!!! Everyday this week it will be around 52ish for the low in Nashville except Saturday morning. The low is 64.

I hope something changes before Saturday. Please give me at least 54.

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