Weird or strange people in WDW


I didn't really meet her but have seen her every time I have visited the world in the last year (4 times). She seemingly stalks the British Invasion group in the UK at WS. I have seen her there during the late afternoon shows and have even seen her multiple times in one day (she changed her outfit to try and match the band). She stands near the same tree and snaps her fingers in an overly dramatic way to the music and in my opinion (and other guests laughing as they walk by) she just makes a spectacle of herself. It is funny but creepy at the same time. Who stalks a cover band!?


Well-Known Member
We met a Bruce Willis look alike. We were in line with him at The Great Movie Ride for about 45 minutes. The entire time he was saying that he was Bruce Willis's stand-in for his movies and that he would be working on Dih Hard 4. he kept saying he doesn't like to tallk about it and that it's all anyone ever brings up to him BUT it's all he talked about. Funny enough his kid was with him and I don't think he said 2 words to him. Here is his website.

He does look like Bruce!


New Member
:ROFLOL:LOL this thread is fun! glad to see my tattoos, piercings and pink hair have not landed me in this thread YET!! :zipit:


New Member
I'm all for live and let live. But just for laughs, who are the weirdest or strangest people you've met in WDW :shrug:

For me it was probably the guy who decided to join me at a table outside the ice cream shop on Main St and take out his notebook. He proceeded to tell me all the toilets he'd visited and recorded in his notebook throughout WDW :lookaroun

That's quite funny. When I was little, I developed an elaborate rating system for bathrooms - they got one point for clean floors, one point for clean seats, one point for a trash can, one point for having toilet seat covers, etc. I eventually had 15 different criteria I rated them on...I was about 6 years old!

I was an absolute freak!
I'm with you DisneyPrincess5
I laugh when I get there and I see these woman with hot pants (short shorts, and need I say low top shirts) and high heels...HELLO this is a family park...It annoys me to no end and also the ones who do not feel the 100% weather and walk around with sweaters without a care in the world and do not know they smell either...Hello sorry that is mean but it's the truth...hehehehehe.

I don't know if I've ever met anyone perticularly weird that stands out to me.
For me, it's always odd for me to see the people with such strange clothing choices such as a turtle neck and jeans on an 80 degree day or the people in the tube tops and extra short shorts who really shouldn't be wearing them...I find it odd that they have no filter for that.
OMG LOL a whole loaf of bread being toasted HEHEHE :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:I would have laughed for sure out loud too. I can not take seeing stuff like that without laughing. I love the sight of sandles with shorts and oh wait...the LONG SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! heheheheh :ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

Well, I don't normally think of people as weird but this did seem so-

I call them 'The Toast Family'.
For several days while we were eating breakfast in the food court at Port Orleans Riverside, we would see a family come in carrying an entire loaf of bread.
Father, mother, and two children about grammar shool age.

They sat down at a table and then took the bread to the self-serve toasters and spent 15 or so minutes toasting it all.
Then they went back to the table, got some of the free condiments of butter and jelly, and put it on the toast.
That was their breakfast.
I don't think they actually bought anything at the food court.

Now you might say, OK they were just saving money on breakfast.
Consider though that Port Orleans Riverside is a Moderate resort.
It seems that someone on a very tight budget would have first saved money by staying at a Value resort.

You could call them smart or weird; depends on how you look at.
It was odd, though.

OMG LMAO here....:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:I think I saw that same woman, and she went on Spash Mountain too....Can you even want to picture that scene....they need to ask ppl to come back dressed properly. What about small people walking around, you can poke someone's eye out that way...OMG LOL :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

I too have seen things that have nearly blinded me. Such as a heavyset woman in her mid fifties wearing a tank top and no bra :eek:. Yes, they were nearly down to her knees and I almost jumped off the bridge to Adventureland.
This thread has me laughing all by myself here at my desk....
When I get there on Thursday I am sure I will be running and hiding from all the electric skooters....oh my god....
Well, I don't normally think of people as weird but this did seem so-

I call them 'The Toast Family'.
For several days while we were eating breakfast in the food court at Port Orleans Riverside, we would see a family come in carrying an entire loaf of bread.
Father, mother, and two children about grammar shool age.

They sat down at a table and then took the bread to the self-serve toasters and spent 15 or so minutes toasting it all.
Then they went back to the table, got some of the free condiments of butter and jelly, and put it on the toast.
That was their breakfast.
I don't think they actually bought anything at the food court.

Now you might say, OK they were just saving money on breakfast.
Consider though that Port Orleans Riverside is a Moderate resort.
It seems that someone on a very tight budget would have first saved money by staying at a Value resort.

You could call them smart or weird; depends on how you look at.
It was odd, though.




Well, I don't normally think of people as weird but this did seem so-

I call them 'The Toast Family'.
For several days while we were eating breakfast in the food court at Port Orleans Riverside, we would see a family come in carrying an entire loaf of bread.
Father, mother, and two children about grammar shool age.

They sat down at a table and then took the bread to the self-serve toasters and spent 15 or so minutes toasting it all.
Then they went back to the table, got some of the free condiments of butter and jelly, and put it on the toast.
That was their breakfast.
I don't think they actually bought anything at the food court.

Now you might say, OK they were just saving money on breakfast.
Consider though that Port Orleans Riverside is a Moderate resort.
It seems that someone on a very tight budget would have first saved money by staying at a Value resort.

You could call them smart or weird; depends on how you look at.
It was odd, though.


I actually can see the point of this...some what...I mean I'm staying at Deluxe resort my upcoming trip but I may end up eating cereal for breakfast in the room a couple days to save some money. However given they spent 15 or so minutes just toasting bread...time is money. I may not have gone that far to save money...who knows. Funny story though.



New Member
I actually can see the point of this...some However given they spent 15 or so minutes just toasting bread...time is money. I may not have gone that far to save money...who knows. Funny story though.


Not just the time - the embarrasment. Perhaps I am uptight but I think I would fast before I would parade through a nice hotel lobby with my loaf of bread over my shoulder so I could go freeload off the restaurant toaster.


Active Member
I've been going to Disney World and Disneyland for around 30 years or so. I don't keep a record of every weird person I've seen or dealt with in the times I've been there (I would have a room full of notes if I did that).
When I was a little kid at EPCOT in the early 80's, we were going to eat at one of the innovention buildings (they used to be called Communicores East and West) and we saw this guy that was so large, he had to use 2 chairs side by side to sit down. My best guess is that he had to weigh at LEAST 350-450 pounds. This was not a small person.

hooters dude

Original Poster
Your in luck, that is not me!
That is kind of creepy, I hope he didn't mention #1 & #2
I'm getting nauseous thinking about it! :hurl:

Well yes he did in fact. As I sat there trying to enjoy my ice cream he told me the delightful tale of the 'blocked toilet' in one of the cubicles he discovered on one of his trips :shrug:

At that point I thanked him for his 'story' and decided to leave :lookaroun


Active Member
Just to clarify :)

Loads of pins is OK (not my choice, but still OK)

Being a "Disney nut" who knows everything about the parks (and company) in minute detail is OK (somtimes it makes me wonder about some people, but its OK)

However, approaching complete strangers (such as myself) and then attempting to "impress" me with your Disney knowledge or offering unsolicited advice that is not even pertinent to the situation, is not OK. Very often, these self styled walking information booths are wearing 20 lbs of pins while they perform their service.


totally agreed! I only try to wear at least 5 pounds.People act like just because they are going to wear a lot of pins they know abput disney.They always come up to you with the wrong disney info_One person said that the first disney park was AK.How do you not know what the first disney park was?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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