WDW Spirited Quickees


Active Member
I know a really good news day . But I don't think BK will ever come to AK (as much as i would love it to) pandora was probably that areas only chance to have something meaningful in it . About the MI coaster I've heard people on hear say I think it was Lee that it was more of a family coaster, but I'd imagine with e- ticket themeing

I am sure it will never come about, but I truly wish we would see a BK. Every morning when I use my AK coffee mug with a few safari animals and a big ol' dragon on it.. Would have been an amazing land.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that if Pandora is indeed dead it will be replaced with nothing. They are not simply going to dust off the old Mysterious Island plans and keep moving forward.

This is what I see as the biggest problem for AK right now. If it is truely cancelled then I hope nothing else progresses. If CMM closes and prep for Avatar starts and then it officailly has the plug pulled then AK would be even lighter on attraction to keep guest occupied. Unless there is a race ready replacement for Avatar then keep it moving forward.


Well-Known Member
You are not alone. The hat would be better suited outside DHS's main Gate of even strattled over the turnstiles. It does not need to be scrapped, just moved since it reallyt is a good symbol of DIsney in Hollywood with it's referance to Fantasia. Unfortunately it's current location is the worst possible location that could have been picked.
The thing is ugly on its own and being out front would still ruin the whole build up of Hollwood Blvd. the difference would be that te setting is destroyed at the start instead of at the climax.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that if Pandora is indeed dead it will be replaced with nothing. They are not simply going to dust off the old Mysterious Island plans and keep moving forward.

I know, I'm not expecting any thing else to imminently replace Avatar if it does fall through. Like I said, I have never been a fan of the idea to bring Avatar to AK and personally, I don't subscribe to the "if it's Avatar or nothing, I'll take Avatar" mindset. If the Imagineers were given time and money, they could unquestionably come up with something brilliant and immersive, something that doesn't rely on spending millions of dollars on buying the rights to an outside property. With the leadership changes coming to WDW, perhaps Imagineering will be let of the leash a little more than it is right now but I'm not expecting anything for AK until after the reported overhaul of DHS is complete.


Well-Known Member
I kinda like the idea of Middle Earth in Animal Kingdom (if they are dead set on a franchise), I guess story wise it doesn't fit into conservation (although I'm sure nerds would say "well they are trying to conserve life from the evil lord Sauron ... or whatever) (another aside: although they obviously don't care about the conservation angle see Chester and Hester) but I think it fits stylistically, I think the landscapes would blend in from afar but then when you are in it there will be that fantasy element ... plus it'd be pretty easy to do a sort of mine ride through the mines of Moria and then do some kind of ride through middle earth incorporate dragons (this way you don't have to change the DAK logo!).


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know what Kathy Mangum is working on? Is she specifically focused on DHS and cloning Cars Land as has been rumored, or are there other projects that she's looking at as well?


Well-Known Member
I 'bother' with WDW because I have loved the place since 1974. That's why. Are you daft? Who would go somewhere they got no enjoyment from? ... But I enjoy it far less than I once did because it's been Walmarted and seeks dumber guests who don't know that WDW isn't what it used to be, should be and could be. ... Oh, and they get far less money from me because I strongly dislike their management and HATE their business model.

This cleared up my questions. I can understand your feelings now. Totally.


The Epcot Manifesto
Yet, that is exactly what will happen if Pandora is shelved.
So, is it true that they have no other expansion plans on the table? I know that Pandora was the one chosen, but is the current option truly Pandora, then a 14+ year old plan for BK, then nothing?


Well-Known Member
So, is it true that they have no other expansion plans on the table? I know that Pandora was the one chosen, but is the current option truly Pandora, then a 14+ year old plan for BK, then nothing?

Without an outside force (like James Cameron) to answer to - Disney can put off expansion at AK for as long as they want (if they ever decide to stick something else in at all). Regardless of how people feel about Avatar - I think it was the only way we were going to see earth move at AK this decade - and possibly next.


Well-Known Member
So, is it true that they have no other expansion plans on the table? I know that Pandora was the one chosen, but is the current option truly Pandora, then a 14+ year old plan for BK, then nothing?

There's no doubt TDO sees WDW as ONE resort – adding a $500 mil expansion to one park shows benefits across the whole resort as far as TDO is concerned.

That said, they know what a state AK is in. Not only is it in need of something new, it also needs a new "land" to help disperse more guests throughout the park. I don't think we'll see things happen concurrently with any expansion at DHS, but they have to do something in the old CMM area relatively soon.

Lee, Raven, WDW1974, any of you guys know of anything on the books (besides BK) that could be built instead of Avatar?


Well-Known Member
I think "loud, garish and cheap" describes A o A "resort" very well. Nothing subtle about it. A sprawling boxy motel with big plastic figures tacked on. But to each his own. Some people love Walmart.

I agree with the exception of the cars wing. The cars wing was done to a normal scale and I think that was the only section that came out well.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
You wanna know what Tony Baxter or even Marty Sklar think about WDW today and how it is being run? You don't go to a D23 event in a park to find out. They are charming men who have played the political game for decades ... many. Understand that.

Oh how i would love to get one of these fine gents alone somewhere and hear what they REALLY think.
I am certain there has to be a LOT to be said there....

Thank you Spirit for the overview and tidbits.


Lee, Raven, WDW1974, any of you guys know of anything on the books (besides BK) that could be built instead of Avatar?
Forget BK, that's long dead and buried.

There is the Mysterious Island variant they toyed with a few years back, but that's pretty much is as far as I know.

Right now, if Pandora gets scrapped, I'd look for that money to go elsewhere and AK to be left out if this round.

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