WDW Spirited Quickees


Well-Known Member
KS has really been neutered and Walmarted by the loss of the poacher storyline and the prep to move the zebra herd into the section of the attraction that featured the climactic end. Between that and the Wild Africa Trek, it's become obvious you are in Central FL and in a theme park. The whole sense of disbelief gets tossed. You are now simply looking at animals on a Disney reserve.

This is the only thing you've posted I actually disagree with a little. We rode it three times in September and they were easily the best three experiences I've had in terms of seeing the animals. The rope bridges were a bit of a distraction at times (especially when there were groups of people standing on them which admittedly took away from the feelings of being on an African safari) but I didn't really mind the removal of the poacher storyline. The prep work was a bit of an anti-climax at the end of the ride but overall, I loved KS this year and it remains one of my favourite rides at WDW.


Well-Known Member
The fact of the matter is, in today's age, if a company like Disney is going to spend hundreds of millions on an expansion, they want it to have name recognition and be an immediate draw.

I would (a billion times over) rather see BK than Avatar, but BK wouldn't be enough of a draw for the general public. Same goes for MI. That's why you'd be much more likely to see MK get a Pirates redo of Tom Sawyer's Island than Rivers Of America.

The days of Disney spending hundreds of millions on an expansion without major name recognition are more than likely over.

Unfortunately this is what happens when you lead without vision. Today's companies are so risk adverse that if they can't prove a return on investment through existing data they just won't invest.

Disney is supposed to be a creative company. Their movies aren't even that risky anymore.


Well-Known Member
dont you think they would ve went with BK or MI if they thought it would ve worked

As far as I'm aware, Beastly Kingdom wasn't shelved because it didn't work. And I don't know enough about Mysterious Island to comment on it, I've seen insiders on the forum mention it but I can't recall reading anything that went into a lot of detail.

Wasn't the talk from the insiders that they were preparing the land in DAK for Mysterious Island back around 2007/2008, and then the economy tanked?


Well-Known Member
True but I'm not convinced Avatar is the draw that Disney are hoping it will be. The reaction to it's announcement could be described as lukewarm at best and I really don't think the film has the following needed to attract huge amounts of new guests to AK. Just my opinion but it's one of the reasons I'm against the project.

I more than agree. It was a complete over-reaction by Iger. Avatar is not Potter (or Star Wars, or Indy, or Jurassic Park, or Marvel, or DC).


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately this is what happens when you lead without vision. Today's companies are so risk adverse that if they can't prove a return on investment through existing data they just won't invest.

Disney is supposed to be a creative company. Their movies aren't even that risky anymore.

Agreed 100%. It's not even existing data, but what will get the shareholders the most excited.

An investment blogger at the Wall Street Journal or broker at Bank of America will have heard of Avatar; chances are they won't have a clue as to how amazing BK could be or how fantastic MI is at DisneySea and would react negatively at its announcement.

Thank goodness men like Walt Disney and Steve Jobs didn't listen to investors, or else there'd be no innovation.


Well-Known Member
I don't think so ... when you watch the initial interview with Staggs when it was announced, he clearly spoke of his 'god' moment regarding walking through the park when the idea hit him.


Well-Known Member
but why not give it a chance instead of saying i dont like it..maybe it gets built and you love the new land... i mean im not crazy about a cloned carsland coming to dhs or the new fantasyland coming and im still excited to try them out
We're not talking about some thrown together shacks. The Magic Kingdom had a "temporary" land for half of its existence. Camp Minnie Mickie is over a decade old and also "temporary." What gets built will stay and likely for some time. If Avatar rips apart the soul of Disney's Animal Kingdom I do not see it being fixed. Like the EPCOT Center, the damage to the park's identity will likely not be undone but only compounded by future changes. Disney's Animal Kingdom is one of the few places left in Walt Disney World that has vision, that aspires to be more than just silly, childishness.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't the talk from the insiders that they were preparing the land in DAK for Mysterious Island back around 2007/2008, and then the economy tanked?

I can recall reading something along those lines. Again, I don't think Beastly Kingdom and Mysterious Island didn't happen because they "didn't work" but because of other reasons. If an insider on anyone else knows different please let me know if I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
I am by no means the Disney apologist, but it seems a lot of posters are jumping the gun. Things look bad at the present time but its seems that things are being moved to correct a lot of the issues .The things that 74 posted that have a positive connotation movement on Carsland, mi coaster and the possible removal of the bah. Baby steps, but it looks like forward momentum we can at least be happy for that

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
But that's only half of what I had said, and that is a deliberate misrepresentation of my viewpoint.

I'll give you the rundown one last time.
  • Bad = DAK gets nothing >>>>>> Pandora = Extremely awful
  • Pandora is not the only course of action Disney can take to expand DAK.
  • However, Disney has constrained themselves to "Pandora or nothing". That is unwise, but our insiders say that is the only choice.
  • Given the constraints of choice and my opinion, it is not contradictory to say that I would be pleased by a Pandora cancellation and unhappy at the continued stagnation of DAK at the same time. Having DAK remain stagnant is not an ideal result for me either, but I find it preferable to the alternative in which Pandora is built. And I re-emphasize those remain the only two choices because of a conscious decision by Disney that I believe is unwise. Therefore, my preference is the option which leaves me the least dissatisfied.

1. You don't know what the land of Pandora that Disney and Cameron would create for the park would contain... To say it is awful is being judgmental and closed minded... You haven't seen concept art nor have we even been told by anyone within the Disney company want the plans are.. yes, the same can be said for those who say the land would be awesome... No one can say any of that since no one knows what the substance of the land would be... HOWEVER, no one can dispute that the land wouldn't look beautiful because the scenes in Avatar made Pandora look beautiful... Of course, providing this was done right...

2. Of course Pandora isn't the only course of action they can take in DAK.. Just like Carsland isn't the only course of action for DHS, just like the new Fantasyland wasn't the only course of action for MK...

3. Do we really know that Disney put themselves in an Avatar or nothing position? I don't think anyone ever said it was Avatar or nothing... The assumption, based on TDO's track record, is Avatar or nothing... They have given us no reason to believe otherwise... And I don't recall ever reading Lee, 74 or Marni or any one else for that matter saying if Avatar doesn't happen, nothing will... For all we know, they may have a Plan B already greenlit if Avatar cannot be agreed upon by a certain date... Just because our insiders haven't stated as much doesn't mean it isn't true... They would be the first to admit they don't always get all the information...

But, let's say it is Avatar or nothing... Many avatar haters here have been screaming they prefer nothing... Doing nothing equals stagnation... So, by saying they prefer nothing over Avatar means they prefer stagnation over Avatar...

4. No one said you were being contradictory with your opinion of not wanting Avatar... If you'd prefer Mysterious Island over Avatar, fine, that's ok.. No one would ever say you were wrong for preferring that... But, we weren't talking about that... And my first response to you was not about preferring a different themed land over Avatar...

In fact, you readily admit it again, here in your post, that you prefer DAK remain stagnant than Avatar being built.. Which is exactly what my first post to you stated, Avatar haters prefer a stagnant DAK than Avatar... So thank you for proving me right...


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is Disney is a very spiteful company and itself is its own worst enemy, John Carter is a perfect example. Until we see construction, not announcements, it's hard to know who is 100% percent accurate. It's hard to predict the acts of a company that deliberately loses money and tanks projects


Well-Known Member
1. You don't know what the land of Pandora that Disney and Cameron would create for the park would contain... To say it is awful is being judgmental and closed minded... You haven't seen concept art nor have we even been told by anyone within the Disney company want the plans are.. yes, the same can be said for those who say the land would be awesome... No one can say any of that since no one knows what the substance of the land would be... HOWEVER, no one can dispute that the land wouldn't look beautiful because the scenes in Avatar made Pandora look beautiful... Of course, providing this was done right...

2. Of course Pandora isn't the only course of action they can take in DAK.. Just like Carsland isn't the only course of action for DHS, just like the new Fantasyland wasn't the only course of action for MK...

3. Do we really know that Disney put themselves in an Avatar or nothing position? I don't think anyone ever said it was Avatar or nothing... The assumption, based on TDO's track record, is Avatar or nothing... They have given us no reason to believe otherwise... And I don't recall ever reading Lee, 74 or Marni or any one else for that matter saying if Avatar doesn't happen, nothing will... For all we know, they may have a Plan B already greenlit if Avatar cannot be agreed upon by a certain date... Just because our insiders haven't stated as much doesn't mean it isn't true... They would be the first to admit they don't always get all the information...

But, let's say it is Avatar or nothing... Many avatar haters here have been screaming they prefer nothing... Doing nothing equals stagnation... So, by saying they prefer nothing over Avatar means they prefer stagnation over Avatar...

4. No one said you were being contradictory with your opinion of not wanting Avatar... If you'd prefer Mysterious Island over Avatar, fine, that's ok.. No one would ever say you were wrong for preferring that... But, we weren't talking about that... And my first response to you was not about preferring a different themed land over Avatar...

In fact, you readily admit it again, here in your post, that you prefer DAK remain stagnant than Avatar being built.. Which is exactly what my first post to you stated, Avatar haters prefer a stagnant DAK than Avatar... So thank you for proving me right...
Sad to say at the present there is nothing in place on the scale of Avatar for AK


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The funny thing is Disney is a very spiteful company and itself is its own worst enemy, John Carter is a perfect example. Until we see construction, not announcements, it's hard to know who is 100% percent accurate. It's hard to predict the acts of a company that deliberately loses money and tanks projects
and what's worse is even announcements AND construction can STILL mean nothing! See: Hyperion Warf

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