WDW Spirited Quickees


The Epcot Manifesto
I'd have to think that there are some 1/2 baked ideas of expanding AK sitting around. I mean, the forums are full of them. Just using the vast diverse continents / ecosystems in the world that are not represented, I can think of Australia, South America (Amazon / Patagonia), Madagascar (not the film), The Galapagos Islands (with highlights on Darwin/Evolutionary features of animals), The Polar Caps (Seaworld can't have dibs on the entire continent can they?), the Oceans (already covered by the Seas at Epcot, sort of), the deserts of the world, etc... and that only covers the real world, not the crazy vast reaches of the imagination.


Well-Known Member
I realize that....Doesn't mean I approve of DAK stagnating. Satisfaction with the (increasingly probable) cancellation of Pandora and unhappiness over the stagnation of DAK are not mutually exclusive concepts.
but why not give it a chance instead of saying i dont like it..maybe it gets built and you love the new land... i mean im not crazy about a cloned carsland coming to dhs or the new fantasyland coming and im still excited to try them out


Well-Known Member
I'd have to think that there are some 1/2 baked ideas of expanding AK sitting around. I mean, the forums are full of them. Just using the vast diverse continents / ecosystems in the world that are not represented, I can think of Australia, South America (Amazon / Patagonia), Madagascar (not the film), The Galapagos Islands (with highlights on Darwin/Evolutionary features of animals), The Polar Caps (Seaworld can't have dibs on the entire continent can they?), the Oceans (already covered by the Seas at Epcot, sort of), the deserts of the world, etc... and that only covers the real world, not the crazy vast reaches of the imagination.
i still like the ideas of mysterious island and pandora, but especially pandora because to me it fit with the theme of conservation

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I realize that....Doesn't mean I approve of DAK stagnating. Satisfaction with the (increasingly probable) cancellation of Pandora and unhappiness over the stagnation of DAK are not mutually exclusive concepts.
But many of you Avatar haters have been shouting since day one you'd rather have NOTHING than Avatar which does equal preferring a stagnant park than a new land which would add more things to do in a park that needs it bad...


Well-Known Member
I realize that....Doesn't mean I approve of DAK stagnating. Satisfaction with the (increasingly probable) cancellation of Pandora and unhappiness over the stagnation of DAK are not mutually exclusive concepts.

I agree. No one would argue that AK needs a boost in terms of new attractions and a new land would be great but that doesn't mean everyone has to like whatever it is that ultimately gets proposed.


Well-Known Member
But many of you Avatar haters have been shouting since day one you'd rather have NOTHING than Avatar which does equal preferring a stagnant park than a new land which would add more things to do in a park that needs it bad...
if there was a rally like button i would ve pushed it


Well-Known Member
I agree. No one would argue that AK needs a boost in terms of new attractions and a new land would be great but that doesn't mean everyone has to like whatever it is that ultimately gets proposed.
dont you think they would ve went with BK or MI if they thought it would ve worked


Well-Known Member
dont you think they would ve went with BK or MI if they thought it would ve worked

As far as I'm aware, Beastly Kingdom wasn't shelved because it didn't work. And I don't know enough about Mysterious Island to comment on it, I've seen insiders on the forum mention it but I can't recall reading anything that went into a lot of detail.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing!!!!!!

Do you realise how arrogant you are now? Who of us here really knows what WDW1974's deal is? I find him to be quite a mystery, but he obviously has a number of sources for the business side of TWDC, not WDI, so why is it so unbelievable that he should have some business knowledge? And as long as you aren't certain that he is just a sad guy called Frank, dreaming of Disney and sitting in his basement somewhere in New Mexico, how do you know that he isn't someone whom Disney very much should want to keep as a customer?


Well-Known Member
Do you realise how arrogant you are now? Who of us here really knows what WDW1974's deal is? I find him to be quite a mystery, but he obviously has a number of sources for the business side of TWDC, not WDI, so why is it so unbelievable that he should have some business knowledge? And as long as you aren't certain that he is just a sad guy called Frank, dreaming of Disney and sitting in his basement somewhere in New Mexico, how do you know that he isn't someone whom Disney very much should want to keep as a customer?

Why is it always New Mexico? And we don't have a lot of basements here in New Mexico.


Well-Known Member
CBJ is being cut not for political correctness, but because as Phil 'Teeth' Holmes would say 'The Counts are too damn high' meaning not enough capacity (that's what years of take aways without replacement does).

Ok - this confuses me: Is CBJ regularly at capacity? If not, I can't seen how they would get more people to see the show by just cutting a few minutes? There might be more theoretical capacity, but isn't it more important how many people actually go through it? And would't it be more advantageous from an operational point of view to keep the people occupied for longer - then they aren't out on those crowded walkways. :confused:


Well-Known Member
No, it means that I view DAK getting nothing, as opposed to building Pandora, as the lesser of two evils....and only that.

These are not the only two courses of action open to Disney as far as DAK is concerned. However, it appears that they have constrained themselves to just these two choices, and I don't think that is a good thing.

This ^
so again nothing at all is better than an immersive new land with 2 great rides( not that we re getting it)? to me that is crazy talk


Well-Known Member
Why is this turning into another is Avatar better or worse than nothing debate??? Can't you find anything else in WDW1974's posts to discuss - please?


Well-Known Member
As far as I'm aware, Beastly Kingdom wasn't shelved because it didn't work. And I don't know enough about Mysterious Island to comment on it, I've seen insiders on the forum mention it but I can't recall reading anything that went into a lot of detail.

The fact of the matter is, in today's age, if a company like Disney is going to spend hundreds of millions on an expansion, they want it to have name recognition and be an immediate draw.

I would (a billion times over) rather see BK than Avatar, but BK wouldn't be enough of a draw for the general public. Same goes for MI. That's why you'd be much more likely to see MK get a Pirates redo of Tom Sawyer's Island than Rivers Of America.

The days of Disney spending hundreds of millions on an expansion without major name recognition are more than likely over.

Jim Possible

Active Member
Why is this turning into another is Avatar better or worse than nothing debate??? Can't you find anything else in WDW1974's posts to discuss - please?

Cameron's just not as awesome as Bay. That's why he's getting an awesome ride.

No, seriously, I have nothing awesome to say to that.

I just want the damn Imagination pavillion fixed, m'kay? ;)


Well-Known Member
The fact of the matter is, in today's age, if a company like Disney is going to spend hundreds of millions on an expansion, they want it to have name recognition and be an immediate draw.

True but I'm not convinced Avatar is the draw that Disney are hoping it will be. The reaction to it's announcement could be described as lukewarm at best and I really don't think the film has the following needed to attract huge amounts of new guests to AK. Just my opinion but it's one of the reasons I'm against the project.

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