WDW Pet Peeves

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Oh I got one ............

some one thats in a hurry for you to move when you can't go nowhere.

My wife and I was standing in the queue for an attraction and the full queue(the permant railings) was open and I would say that there were maybe 60 people ahead of us (we were at the end). Anyway the line was creaping and wipsawing along and as we were in the line talking the line ahead of us moved. I accually didn't noticed it. So anyway this guy behind us says to me" Hey buddy why don't you move up ,there are other people that want to get on the ride to" So I look at him and then he says " why don't you have some consideration for other people" I turn to look in the direction of the flow of the queue and the line had only moved about four steps. I started to say something to him when my wife stoped me. I couldn't figure out what this guys problem was . He got on us for not moving up four steps with the rest of the line. It wasn't like we were the next ones in line. I like to keep some distance between me and other people as a courtsey, I don't get it, he was in a hurry for me to move up to stop and wait behing 56 people. I just don't get people like that . cause trouble for no reason at all.


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This started out as a great thread, but after the first 17 "anti-smoking" posts, I decided to skip the rest of the posts that had anything to do with smoking just so I could get through it in under an hour (and for the record, I don't smoke, and I tend to agree with the anti-smoking sentiments. But there are only so many ways you can essentially express the same gripe before it becomes really boring to read).

On that note, I also agree with everyone who said people shouldn't bring kids who are too young to enjoy it. The only thing I have to add is that if you make the conscious choice to have a child, you should be responsible enough to recognize that you'll have to make some sacrifices and give up a few things. So yes, I DO think that means maybe you have to wait 5 years until you go to WDW again. And while "suffer" may be a little too strong a term, I do agree the rest of us shouldn't have to be inconvenienced because you insist on dragging your infant (or very young toddler) around in the parks. And as someone who has done extensive research into the learning process and brain development, I find it extremely difficult to believe you have "vivid memories" of your visits at such a young age. Sorry, but a lot of our early "memories" from that age do tend to actually be fabricated in our minds in later years. We become so convinced it really happened that we trick ourselves into thinking they are real memories. Anyway, that's another topic. But if you don't believe me, ask any child development psychologist or simply do an internet search on the subject.

As for my own personal pet peeves, a few came to mind that had not already been mentioned:

1. Cast Members who behave as though their job is a burden.

2. People who don't seem to understand the dynamics of moving through a crowd (i.e. You're walking through Tomorrowland at a fairly steady pace when the people in front of you decide to suddenly stop).

3. People who use a flash to take pictures of the fireworks.

4. People who use a flash to take a picture of the hitchhiking ghosts in the mirror.

5. When you get all excited about a new attraction, restaurant, etc that is supposed to open and it is either majorly delayed or doesn't open at all....And there's no announcement letting you know this (for example, I was really looking forward to David Copperfield's Magic Underground at MGM and at Pleasure Island. I remember making a note of the opening dates and planning a trip around the projected date, only to find later the whole thing had been cancelled).

6. People who block the walkways during the parade and then get annoyed with cast members who are just doing their jobs by trying to keep the crowds moving.

7. Times when my wife and I rent the water mice and her's is faster than mine.

8. People who hold a conversation during a ride that has nothing to do with the ride (Note: I don't mind the stretching room chorus of "no windows and no doors", I think that is fun and really cool when everyone gets into the spirit of it. To me, it also is a reminder of how certain parts of Disney have become such a part of our pop culture. So I guess I really don't understand how a Disney fan, of all people, would be annoyed by that). What I'm referring to are those situations where you're on the Great Movie Ride, for example, and the people sitting behind you are talking about prices of real estate in San Francisco or something....throughout the ENTIRE RIDE!!!

9. Sections or buildings that sit empty indefinitely (i.e. the Odyssey Restaurant, 20k Leagues, etc)

10. Hearing the same jokes time and again at the Comedy Warehouse (I thought it was supposed to be improvisational).

That's all I can think of.


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Re: Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by homer424

Maybe I should post the pictures of her laughing in the pool, clapping during a parade and pointing with glee at seeing Donald Duck. Wow, shame on me.

Post the pictures. Your child could not care less. This is all about you. So many parents "think" that because their child had 30 seconds of "fun" on a trip to WDW that it justifies the experience. Your child would have had more fun in a cardboard box than a trip to WDW. You seem to have forgotten the pleasures of being a child. Don't forget that.


New Member
Re: Re: Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by Talsonic

Post the pictures. Your child could not care less. This is all about you. So many parents "think" that because their child had 30 seconds of "fun" on a trip to WDW that it justifies the experience. Your child would have had more fun in a cardboard box than a trip to WDW. You seem to have forgotten the pleasures of being a child. Don't forget that.

I am not saying she remembers the trip or this will be a "defining moment" in her life. All I am saying is she did not cry and scream through the entire trip as you seem to think. I know the pleasures of being a child-I experience it every day with my daughter. We build forts and play "hide and go seek" look for treasures and spend hours reading the same books and singing the same songs over and over. So yes, shame on me for going on vacation and bringing my child with me, it may be just for selfish old me, but she sure had a lot of fun last time we were there. Besides, until everyone telling me to keep her home pays for my trip, I won't worry otherwise.



New Member
Re: Re: Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by Talsonic

Post the pictures. Your child could not care less. This is all about you. So many parents "think" that because their child had 30 seconds of "fun" on a trip to WDW that it justifies the experience. Your child would have had more fun in a cardboard box than a trip to WDW. You seem to have forgotten the pleasures of being a child. Don't forget that.

I don't know what you problem is but you shouldn't judge people that you don't know. Just because you have an opinion on something you have no right to SHOVE it down someone elses throt and force tham to do as you want and argue back if they don't agree. Excuse me but this extreamly rude. why don't you act your age instead of like the obnixous teenagers we are discussing on this thread.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Merlin

9. Sections or buildings that sit empty indefinitely (i.e. the Odyssey Restaurant, 20k Leagues, etc)

*sigh* The Odyssey is not indefinately empty. I hosts various events throughout the year. It is not some entirely useless area, as is the case with the 20K lagoon. I'm starting to get fed up with people griping about it. You can't put anything else in there anyways, the space between Mexico and Test Track is tiny and wedge shaped, so no major attraction would ever fit in that spot. There's a 2 restaurants less than a 3min walk from the site, (both in Mexico) and several concession stands on the promenade and by Test Track itself. There is no use for it, and so they use it when they need it... What's so wrong with that?

It's starting to become a matter which you think you're missing out on something, cuz, as the saying goes, "Special treatment is something somebody else gets," but no, in this case, there's really nothing amazing or grand hiding in that building. There's an itty-bitty stage sometimes used by the CM's for plays they put on, but if you wanted to see those you'd have to move to FL and either become a CM or get aquainted with a few.. otherwise any events held in the odyssey are open to the public as are the events held in the world showplace. Heck, complain about the fact that the living seas ride is sitting there unused, but don't gripe about an empty building just cuz you want to get inside of it.



Well-Known Member
I went to WDW when I was really young... a couple of times. I also lived over near there when I was little and a trip wasn't made out of it. Just a short one day thing. That was back in 1984 when things were a tad cheaper. From what I was told, I didn't cry at all and had a look of wonderment (is that a word?) and amazement on my face the whole time. I was a different kid, though. I didn't cry much and had a pretty long attention span. My brother, however, was only taken once as a baby under 1 b/c he was bad. My parents didn't even go much before we were born. I didn't come out bad from taking trips to WDW at a young age, did I?


Well-Known Member
Now that I read that, it doesn't seem to make much sense! :hammer: :confused: :brick: :zipit: sorry... it's early in the morning/late at night!


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Now that I think of it.. If it had been named the "Municipal Events Pavillion" originally no one would care. The name Odyssey seems to evoke images of grandure and excitement and so lots of people are let down when they find out there's nothing inside of it. Perhaps they should jsut rename it?

I bet if they just took down the sign the complainers would shush up and forget it existed.



Account Suspended
Fair enough. I tell you what... The next time you know of something worthwhile that is going on in the Odyssey building (and open to the general public), let me know and I'll plan a trip out to see it.

I get the impression from what you're saying, and please correct me if I'm wrong (ouch ouch, twist your arm), that a lot of what goes on in there are CM exclusive stuff. If that's true, then my pet peeve about the place has just been elevated. What the heck is it doing in plain view if it is such an "exclusive" setting??


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Merlin
Fair enough. I tell you what... The next time you know of something worthwhile that is going on in the Odyssey building (and open to the general public), let me know and I'll plan a trip out to see it.

I get the impression from what you're saying, and please correct me if I'm wrong (ouch ouch, twist your arm), that a lot of what goes on in there are CM exclusive stuff. If that's true, then my pet peeve about the place has just been elevated. What the heck is it doing in plain view if it is such an "exclusive" setting??

It used to be a restaurant. *shrug*

The building is there, nothing better to do with it. Can't fit any sort of exhibit in it, can't open a restaurnt in it because there are already lots of food options around, so the CM's asked if they could use it between the special events, and Disney said "okay, why not, we're not using it."

Not really exclusive, you jsut have to know someone to get in, or rather to know when and how to get in. No one went to my high school plays who didn't know someone from the high school.



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Oh yeah.. one more thing...

95% of CM exclusive places are in plain site, but you're still not allowed in there. The Odyssey you actually have a shot of ever seeing ;)



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I figure, if using it keeps CM's happy, and it gives them a place to hold parts of the annual events (I'm pretty sure it hosts Wine tastings for food and wine) which wouldn't have anywhere to go otherwise, what's so wrong with keeping it around, instead of spending a lot of money to bulldoze the place? They're not going to put anything else there, the space itself is useless.

The expensive dinners I recall someone saying were held so exclusively in the Odyssey, btw, aren't. Those are held at the Wonders lounge. You know.. that building you all want destroyed anyways...



Active Member
I also hate it when the people smoke in line. I remember one time where I was at Downtown Disney, and some guy was smoking and I walked by and blew the smoke right in my face (although it was a accident I was mad)
And I would be pretty mad if some little kid pushed me over. There was a time at Disneyquest on that daytona arcade thing, and he stayed on the machine when his turn was over, and let some kid get on in front of me (man I was real mad). People need to learn manors. I actually bump into people alot at the parks, but its all good becuase we both end up saying sorry to each other :lol:


New Member
What I don't like are the people who won't go a few feet further to use the parade crosswalks and stomp on your hands as they push through while you're sat waiting


Well-Known Member
People who arrive late for the parades and then TRY :lol: and position themselves right in front of me and the family.


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Original Poster
Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by Talsonic
I just got back from WDW. Many, many young parents had 4 month old children on the buses! Sick, sick and sick IMHO. I raised 3 of my own and I would never have even considered bringing a 1 year old child to WDW. IMHO, shame on you. You totally disrupt the baby's life so that "YOU" can get your WDW fix! Shame, shame, shame! Plus, all the visitors at WDW get the great honor of listening to your little baby as it crys and screams while it is attempting to draw your attention to the fact, "Please Mom and Dad, you never should have brought me here!". Maybe when your child is 3 years of age a trip to Alaska would be cool. He/she could see the bears up close! And I agree with you 100% when you stated "If I was made to chose between leaving my DD home and or not going at all, I wouldn't go at all.". That shows responsiblity. Good for you!

Though trying to not be as crass, I do agree with you on this point. I don't think infants and toddlers need to be taken to Disney because they'd have the same amount of fun at home with a pot and a wooden spoon to bang on the pot. I have serious doubts about anyone who claims to have vivid recollections of a Disney trip they took when they were 4 years old or younger. Most likely they're having memories planted by hearing their parents talking about it and seeing the pictures so it BECOMES a memory for them.


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Original Poster
Re: Re: Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by Talsonic
Post the pictures. Your child could not care less. This is all about you. So many parents "think" that because their child had 30 seconds of "fun" on a trip to WDW that it justifies the experience. Your child would have had more fun in a cardboard box than a trip to WDW. You seem to have forgotten the pleasures of being a child. Don't forget that.

Again, I agree. I don't think it's worth bringing a child to Disney until they're of an age where their mind is a little more developed to the point where they can remember (on their own with no parental coaching) points of the trip. That crack about the cardboard box is actually completely right.


Originally posted by Merlin
And as someone who has done extensive research into the learning process and brain development, I find it extremely difficult to believe you have "vivid memories" of your visits at such a young age. Sorry, but a lot of our early "memories" from that age do tend to actually be fabricated in our minds in later years. We become so convinced it really happened that we trick ourselves into thinking they are real memories.

My mom didn't believe me either. She thought maybe I was remembering pictures.

Then I recalled specific things, including my parents' confusion over who the heck Smee was (my dad thought it was Gepetto), and she realized I DID in fact remember my trip.

I also remember my uncle's wedding from earlier that year.

Again, I checked the details with my mom (we have NO pictures of the things in my memory) and again, I was correct.

So sorry, but every person is an individual and should be taken as such.



I was reading at age 4, and have also been told this was impossible. I guess my whole childhood is one big sham. :rolleyes:
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