WDW Pet Peeves

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Re: Re: Re: Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by homer424

I am not saying she remembers the trip or this will be a "defining moment" in her life. All I am saying is she did not cry and scream through the entire trip as you seem to think. I know the pleasures of being a child-I experience it every day with my daughter. We build forts and play "hide and go seek" look for treasures and spend hours reading the same books and singing the same songs over and over. So yes, shame on me for going on vacation and bringing my child with me, it may be just for selfish old me, but she sure had a lot of fun last time we were there. Besides, until everyone telling me to keep her home pays for my trip, I won't worry otherwise.


Ok not to get into this argument, BUT, I had the PLEASURE of bringing my brother and his 7 month old daughter to WDW the summer. There was nothing selfish about it. AND yes maybe she will not remember, but these are things that help a child's mind grow, not leaving them with ababy sister. She was wonderful and did not bother anyone. And we were very careful not to run over anyone with the stroller. When she had enough they headed back to the room. The younger, 7 year ols kids are much more trouble at a park and the botom line is it's not there fault, it's the parents who don't watch them! Lastley, there is nothing like the look on a parents face and the pictures for the future, of a child grabing Mickeys face and licking his nose! THAT is what life is about, "FAMILY", I said before folks life is way to short and the kids grow up way to fast. ENJOY while you have a chance!!:cool:
Originally posted by GaryT977
One more thing, someone earlier in the thread metioned how many people were smoking in Disneyland Paris. If Disney World were to become completely non-smoking, the number of European visitors would drop beyond belief.

The complaint about DL Paris was actually how many people were smoking in non-smoking areas -- INSIDE attraction buildings. Absolutely disgusting. I understand how hard it is to quit smoking -- I watched my mother suffer with trying to quit for almost 10 years before she succeeded. I also watched my best friend's mother die because of her smoking. That's why I hate smoking so much. And why I don't want to be subjected to anyone else's second-hand smoke. And I certainly don't feel sorry for all the younger folks at Disney that smoke -- they got into it knowing smoking was a killer.

Like I said before, smoking is a privelege at WDW, not a right. I know Disney has to try to accomodate everyone, but WDW is private property and as such Disney is extending a privelege that by law, they do not have to. Remember that when you light up in a non-smoking area.


New Member
Originally posted by Married@WDW
Like I said before, smoking is a privelege at WDW, not a right. I know Disney has to try to accomodate everyone, but WDW is private property and as such Disney is extending a privelege that by law, they do not have to. Remember that when you light up in a non-smoking area.

This is my last comment on this because it's getting ponderous. All I said was at the beginning of all this was that I'd like a few more smoking areas. I don't light up in non-smoking areas, although after seeing some of the attitudes about this I might just do it in spite next time I'm there.

As far as being a priviledge goes, being alive is a priviledge and not a right. If you don't want to smell second hand smoke, I suggest staying in your house.


New Member
Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by Talsonic

I just got back from WDW. Many, many young parents had 4 month old children on the buses! Sick, sick and sick IMHO. I raised 3 of my own and I would never have even considered bringing a 1 year old child to WDW. IMHO, shame on you. You totally disrupt the baby's life so that "YOU" can get your WDW fix! Shame, shame, shame! Plus, all the visitors at WDW get the great honor of listening to your little baby as it crys and screams while it is attempting to draw your attention to the fact, "Please Mom and Dad, you never should have brought me here!". Maybe when your child is 3 years of age a trip to Alaska would be cool. He/she could see the bears up close! And I agree with you 100% when you stated "If I was made to chose between leaving my DD home and or not going at all, I wouldn't go at all.". That shows responsiblity. Good for you!

I understand your frustration, and have witnessed such behavior first-hand. However, that did not stop my wife and I from vacationing at WDW with our 9 mo. old son. We had absolutely no fantasies about our son having wonderful memories of the trip. If he does, great; but the trip was indeed a getaway for us.

Here's the key: When he was tired, we tilted his stroller back inside a cool building and let him sleep. When he was hungry, we stopped and fed him. These were all things we would be doing at home anyway. While some structure in a child's life is good, such a trip was nothing of a disruption to our son. He was rested, attended-to, and happy for the entire trip. In fact, we were able to see most of the things we wished to see without so much as a whimper from him. If laughing is a problem, then we are truely guilty of poor parenting. We were certainly not able to see everything, but we had no such illusions when travelling with a 9 mo. old. We also had our own car to control our own travel times and logistics. That was simple common sense.

Responsibility is tending to your child's needs first, so that "cries and screams" are never an issue. If a child's life is so structured that they cannot function outside their own home, then shame, shame, shame on the parents for being so rigid.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Married@WDW

Just curious -- Two questions:
1. What do you do with your cigarette after you've smoked it in the non-designated area?
2. Do you immediately put the cigarette out if someone else comes into the area?

1. I smash it out out on the bottom of my shoe and to make sure it's completely out i dump some of my drink over it. And then i throw it in a trash can. (i almost always have some sort of drink with me).

2. I try to move away from them. I always step out ouf the way when having a smoke.

I also step out of the way when reading a map or when trying to figure out what to do next.


Well-Known Member
My new pet peeve are people who do my pet peeve, and justify it.

It's MY pet peeve, a pet peeve doesn't have to be rational.

Ya'll should get over yourselves and realize it's one persons opinion.

You're all free to be as obnoxious as you want in the parks, just as it's my right to be botherd by smoking, babies, strollers, misbehaving children, misbehaving adults, rude cast members, line jumpers, place holders, price moaners, and stupid ignorant people.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RobFL
Pet Peeves:

1. People who knowingly break the rules. Celtic, you should be ashamed for admitting you walk around breaking the rules purposely.



Let's get into a discussion of semantics. The last time i was at WDW it was not a "rule" about smoking in the parks. The maps suggested that smokers use the designated smoking areas. The map did, however ask that people not smoke in parade viewing areas, in line and inside of buildings. Which i abide by. As of my last trip, WDW was looking for voluntary compliance. If they want voluntary compliance, they need additional designated areas. Obviously WDW is not serious about smoking abatement, if they were, a CM would've asked me to put the cigarette out.
Originally posted by celticdog
Obviously WDW is not serious about smoking abatement, if they were, a CM would've asked me to put the cigarette out.

I don't know when you were there last, but in August we saw several CMs (mostly security guards -- there are a lot more wandering the parks since 9/11) tell people to put out their cigs or go to a smoking area. It's not voluntary anymore.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Married@WDW

I don't know when you were there last, but in August we saw several CMs (mostly security guards -- there are a lot more wandering the parks since 9/11) tell people to put out their cigs or go to a smoking area. It's not voluntary anymore.

It's been almost a year since my last trip, so things have obviously changed, however on my last trip (which was after 9/11) security was not concerned with smokers. It now appears that WDW has taken a more pro-active role in making the parks more enjoyable. Do i agree with all the smoking rules, no. Will i abide by the new rules, yes. My ability to enjoy my trip doesn't hinge on the next cigarette.


New Member
Hmmmm. After reading this thread, I'd like to change my pet peeve.

I am now annoyed by rude, cigarette-smoking infants pushing double strollers through designated non-smoking areas while working as a CM.

Man, I wish Disney would do something about them.


New Member
I'm not annoyed by the least by sub 1yr old kids in the parks. I'm annoyed by their parents who think their sub 1 yr old will sleep through a 8:30PM dinner at Le Ceiller.



Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by Worldphile
Hmmmm. After reading this thread, I'd like to change my pet peeve.

I am now annoyed by rude, cigarette-smoking infants pushing double strollers through designated non-smoking areas while working as a CM.

Man, I wish Disney would do something about them.

You forgot wearing a wife-beater. :lol:


Account Suspended
The smoking policy...

SMOKING - For the comfort of all our Guests, smoking is allowed in designated areas only.

FUMAR - Para la comodidad de nuestros visitantes, sólo se permite fumar en las zonas designadas para fumadores.

ZONES FUMEURS - Pour le confort de tous les visiteurs, il n'est permis de fumer que dans les endroits réservés à cet effet.

FUMAR - Para o conforto de todos os nossos visitantes, fumar é permitido somente nas áreas designadas.

RAUCHEN - Für das Wohlbefinden all unserer Gäste ist Rauchen ner in den dazu bestimmten Plätzen gestattet.



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Originally posted by Yellow Shoes
I'm finding it very interesting that many posters object strongly to badly behaved children (I do also, and I am a mom).

I cannot agree enough with the comments about infants sweltering in Florida heat. (they can get heatstroke soooo quickly!!)

And yet, just you wait, within a month at most, there will be a post "What is the youngest age you would take kids to WDW?"

The overwhelming majority will say--take 'em as soon as you get them home from the hospital--WDW is FOR kids--don't let anyone talk you out of this precious experience--our 10 year old remembers hugging Tigger when she was 11 months old--with baby swap you don't have to miss anything, etc.

Yet here we are, talking about bad experiences with kids who are too young, tired, or overstimulated to behave. They are with parents who are unwilling to let the kids have down time because of the big $$ they are paying to be at WDW.

My kids went for the first time as a 5th b'day present. I would never take a kid younger than that. Last year my younger child was 8, and that was even better.

(OK I'm off the soapbox)

(voice dripping with sarcasm)

Rob--I didn't know we could do that!! Thanks for the idea. We'll use our best "whiner"voice next time we get caught in a Florida downpour!!

me and my wife think even 5 is a little young but that depends on the chiled. I have seen some very behaved 5 year old's. Disney is for families not just childreen. me and my wife agreed that we are going to wait till our chiled is at least 8 years old. wait what am i saying we are not even pregnant yet. hopefully soon.


New Member
Originally posted by GaryT977

I don't want this to come across the wrong way, but there is not a smoker around who will spend all day in a park without being able to smoke. I smoke less than a pack a day, and if there was no smoking on Disney property, I just wouldn't go.

BTW - What about alcohol? There's certainly nothing about healthy about that. And while there's no second hand smoke, there are people who leave the parks or PI after a few too many and get in their cars and drive.

You guys need to lighten up a bit. There are lots of nasty habits in the world, and smoking is certainly one of them. If you've never smoked, don't. It's incredibly hard to quit once you start.

That being said, I'd hate to lose one of my favorite places in the world because of such a militant non-smoking attitude.

One more thing, someone earlier in the thread metioned how many people were smoking in Disneyland Paris. If Disney World were to become completely non-smoking, the number of European visitors would drop beyond belief.

I don't think that will ever happen as long as everyone follows the rules. hey if people want to soke fine, just be aware of the people around you and vice versa. remember i am allergic, so if you go down main streeet smokeing a cigerette and I pass you i can have very bad reactions, just remember that when you light up in a non smokeing area. if are in line and if i am behind you and you light up that is totally rude, go to the smokeing area. if you want to smoke you should put up with the inconvience. and if you don't want to spend precious time looking for a smokeing area then don't smoke, plain and simple. smokeing like alchaol is a luxury, I also think that besids world showcase they shouldn't have alchaol in any of the parks either. I have seen some nasty rude drunk people also, but usaually security handles them.


New Member
Originally posted by Worldphile
Hmmmm. After reading this thread, I'd like to change my pet peeve.

I am now annoyed by rude, cigarette-smoking infants pushing double strollers through designated non-smoking areas while working as a CM.

Man, I wish Disney would do something about them.

What he said, and then when they start POOL HOPPING it's even worse! :lol:


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Originally posted by YankeeFan

I hardly think any parks would close if smokers were no longer welcome. By far there are more non-smokers than there are smokers in this world. "Designated areas" for smoking is an oxymoron. No matter where smoking areas are, the smoke and stench still has a way of getting over to non-smokers, it's just how it is. That's why it's a laugh for restaurants to claim to have smoking and non-smoking sections. It just doesn't work. Cars are NOT a luxury....they're a necessity. Cigarettes are just disgusting, life and health-endangering pieces of trash. Smokers are more concentrated around people and have more of a chance of affecting non-smokers than do those driving cars.

smokeing in resturants could work if they do it right, like if you have to use the restroom you shouldn't have to walk through the smokeing section. me and my wife went to dinner last night and in the main lobby they had ashtrays so somkers can smoke. I thought that was completely stupid when a second room for the bar is right around the corner, there should be no smokeing in the lobby. the smokeing section should be a complete sepreat section windowed off and doors going in with adaquit ventilation so the smoke stayes in the room. i don't like haveing to walk through the cancer section to get to the non cancer section.


New Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw

What he said, and then when they start POOL HOPPING it's even worse! :lol:

Don't get them started on the pool hopping thing again. That thread is still going:lol:


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Originally posted by Main Street USA

I know you aren't the only one who posted about small babies, but I'm using yours as a quote because it was the first one I found.

I think that all of you who are saying people simply shouldn't go with a small baby is absolutley ridiculous! HELLLLLOOOOOOO.

Hypothetical situation:

My wife and I, newlyweds, traditionally go to Disney every year for a weeks vacation. She recently became pregnant and will be giving birth to a brand-spankin' new baby boy about 4 months before our next trip. "Well, dear, I guess we can't go to Disney World for another 4 or 5 years."

Seem a little stupid? I think so. I think most of you are upset with how people have little regard for the child when in Disney. If the parent is well aware of the child and takes good care of him/her while there, it doesn't make one bit of difference if the kid will remember it. A trip this early in the child's life isn't for the child. It's for the parents.:)

i disagree, childreen are a comittment in itself, and yes that soon after giving birth then yes you shouldn't go. enjoy the first few years as a family then save up and get the anticipation of takeing your son/daughter for the first time. disney is great and I commend anybody that can afford to go every year, but kids that little are not going to enjoy it let alone know what disney is. you have to put the childs needs before your own. and if that means not going to disney for 5 years then so be it.
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