WDW Pet Peeves

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On the subject of memory--

Back when I was taking child psych and development classes, I remember learning a theory that memory and language skills have a direct correlation; that is, once a person is able to relate specific events with chronoloical accuracy, he is able to store memories in such a way that they are easy to recall.

There is an interesting article in the American Psychological Association Monitor concerning memory and small children. If you're curious, the link is here.

I agree that many parents use poor judgement in taking their young children to WDW, and I share that pet peeve. But some parents do it "right" and to say that the children will not cherish or remember the experience is, in my opinion, a very poor argument.

Every family is different...every child is different. Sure, toddlers love to play with pots and wooden spoons...I mean, who
doesn't? But if the parents can afford to go, and are considerate of those around them, there is no reason why they should not bring their toddlers/pre-schoolers to Disney.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Erika

Every family is different...every child is different. Sure, toddlers love to play with pots and wooden spoons...I mean, who
doesn't? But if the parents can afford to go, and are considerate of those around them, there is no reason why they should not bring their toddlers/pre-schoolers to Disney.

Very well said! :sohappy:

Too bad everyone can't think as logically as you.


I should add, considerate not only to those around them, but to their children as well. When you become a parent, it's all about the kids...or at least, it should be :rolleyes:


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Original Poster
Originally posted by Erika
I should add, considerate not only to those around them, but to their children as well. When you become a parent, it's all about the kids...or at least, it should be :rolleyes:

If that was the case, the parents would have the common courtesy to bring their children to Disney when they're old enough to be able to appreciate and share in the joy of the place with their parents, not simply be brought along to smile at pretty colors and have no clue where they are or what they're doing. To me, that's what would show the parents' making it "all about the kids".


Originally posted by YankeeFan

If that was the case, the parents would have the common courtesy to bring their children to Disney when they're old enough to be able to appreciate and share in the joy of the place with their parents, not simply be brought along to smile at pretty colors and have no clue where they are or what they're doing. To me, that's what would show the parents' making it "all about the kids".

I give. You say that a toddler is too young to enjoy or understand the Magic Kingdom; I say, from personal experience, that it is not always so. You're entitled to your pet peeve, as is everyone, but I feel sorry for the parents you have insulted.

Children tend to understand a lot more than we give them credit for.


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Original Poster
Originally posted by Erika
I give. You say that a toddler is too young to enjoy or understand the Magic Kingdom; I say, from personal experience, that it is not always so. You're entitled to your pet peeve, as is everyone, but I feel sorry for the parents you have insulted.

Children tend to understand a lot more than we give them credit for.

Well I'm glad to not have insulted any thoughtful parents. Only the insensitive ones.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by Talsonic

Yes, and the rest of us have to suffer for your poor judgement. Just between you and me, I'll let you in on a secret. It's called a "baby sitter".

Just like your post in the gay thread, you've once again missed the point entirely. I cannot even imagine having to be around a person like you on a daily basis.

If anyone says "I think this," you're right there next to them to tell them how wrong they are, with absolutely nothing to back it up. I have news for you. Your decision isn't always better than everyone else's. You aren't better than other people. You aren't entitled to more things than others...... Heck, I could go on for quite a while with those.

It's also funny how my posts are followed by an explanation of my views, whereas your just say "you're wrong" with no reasoning behind them.

BTW, the next time you're in the world, I'll be the guy standing next to you with my 6 month old having a grand ole time. Why? Because I want to be there, and you won't have anything to say about it.:)

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by Talsonic

Post the pictures. Your child could not care less. This is all about you. So many parents "think" that because their child had 30 seconds of "fun" on a trip to WDW that it justifies the experience. Your child would have had more fun in a cardboard box than a trip to WDW. You seem to have forgotten the pleasures of being a child. Don't forget that.

Your rude and condescending posts have been reported. Talking down to people won't be tolerated around here. I can promise you that. You are in no way smarter or better than anyone else on these boards. How you've made it this far in life with such a closed mind I have no idea.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: It's for the selfish parents!

Originally posted by Alex&Elise'sDad

I understand your frustration, and have witnessed such behavior first-hand. However, that did not stop my wife and I from vacationing at WDW with our 9 mo. old son. We had absolutely no fantasies about our son having wonderful memories of the trip. If he does, great; but the trip was indeed a getaway for us.

Here's the key: When he was tired, we tilted his stroller back inside a cool building and let him sleep. When he was hungry, we stopped and fed him. These were all things we would be doing at home anyway. While some structure in a child's life is good, such a trip was nothing of a disruption to our son. He was rested, attended-to, and happy for the entire trip. In fact, we were able to see most of the things we wished to see without so much as a whimper from him. If laughing is a problem, then we are truely guilty of poor parenting. We were certainly not able to see everything, but we had no such illusions when travelling with a 9 mo. old. We also had our own car to control our own travel times and logistics. That was simple common sense.

Responsibility is tending to your child's needs first, so that "cries and screams" are never an issue. If a child's life is so structured that they cannot function outside their own home, then shame, shame, shame on the parents for being so rigid.

EXACTLY! Perfect. Finally, someone who is not missing the point completely.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Niacin
I'm not annoyed by the least by sub 1yr old kids in the parks. I'm annoyed by their parents who think their sub 1 yr old will sleep through a 8:30PM dinner at Le Ceiller.


Yet another person who gets the point! Very nice!

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by YankeeFan

The toddler would have as much, if not MORE, fun sitting in a closet at home banging on a pot with a wooden spoon. Sure they have a right to be there, but why bother taking them someplace as extravagant as Disney when they'll get nothing out of it?

For the one millionth time folks, all of you seem to have the same point, that the child won't remember being there. THIS HAS ABSOLUTLELY NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR ARGUMENT THAT ITS OKAY TO TAKE THEM. Read a little more carefully and try to understand the point instead of imediately typing something that might as well be in response to something totally seperate.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Wow...its another "lets bash smokers" thread...:rolleyes:
This Really gets old after the 10th time people!
I am a responsible smoker in the Parks.... I was going to post this in my trip report...but hell, I will do it here!

Best "designated" Smoking Sections:
-MK- Behind Ye' Olde' Christmas Shoppe...lots of shade...and places to sit....nice and quite as well..

-Epcot- When Facing the Germany Pavilion...to the left...nice quite...great for watching Tapestry....people watching.....etc....

-MGM- Off the main path by star tours....shady....and lots o benches

-AK-..Off the main path...between Asia...and Africa...REALLY Nice! Lots o benches...picnic tables (covered by a nice little building) tons o' shade.... tables and chairs as well.

I don’t want to hear how evil I am anymore.... cause I am a smoker!... During my trip last week...I took the time and even picked up others butts...and put them in the ash tray!...I ONLY smoke in the designated areas! I put my cig out on my shoe if I have to around my resort...make sure it is out all the way...then I dispose of it in the garbage can...and go wash my hands....This smoking issue has been beaten to death for the last year I have been here... and I am sick of hearing what a bad person I am...when I am not!...just cause I smoke.....:mad:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
one more thing....the French smoke....LIKE CHIMNEYS!...thats all they do for gods SAKE!....so DL Paris is gonna be like that no matter what!



Account Suspended
Count to Ten.

Originally posted by Main Street USA
It's also funny how my posts are followed by an explanation of my views, whereas your just say "you're wrong" with no reasoning behind them.

Certain things are self evident. Perhaps I just have a keen sense of the obvious? It's a heavy burden to which I have grown accustomed. I don't suppose you could ever miss a point.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Re: Count to Ten.

Originally posted by Talsonic

Certain things are self evident. Perhaps I just have a keen sense of the obvious? It's a heavy burden to which I have grown accustomed. I don't suppose you could ever miss a point.



Active Member
D*** what a thread!

Like anyone cares, but IMHO it all really comes down to consideration...

There are rude smokers, rude parents, rude children, etc...

There have been so many good and logical points on this thread - perhaps when we're at WDW our behavior can set an example for those who are not so considerate!


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
D*** what a thread!

Like anyone cares, but IMHO it all really comes down to consideration...

There are rude smokers, rude parents, rude children, etc...

There have been so many good and logical points on this thread - perhaps when we're at WDW our behavior can set an example for those who are not so considerate!


Agreed, cymbaldiva.:)


New Member
Re: Count to Ten.

Originally posted by Talsonic

Certain things are self evident. Perhaps I just have a keen sense of the obvious? It's a heavy burden to which I have grown accustomed. I don't suppose you could ever miss a point.

OH........ so your a Psychic!!!!!!!!!!, you know people you have never met. Boy neat trick you should call dion wawick or miss cleo they need people like you.


Account Suspended
Just the facts.

Originally posted by jmarc63

OH........ so your a Psychic!!!!!!!!!!, you know people you have never met. Boy neat trick you should call dion wawick or miss cleo they need people like you.

Sorry, but no scientific evidence supports or suggests that ESP has any merit. However, common sense seems to be an ever increasing rather rare commodity. Some people seem to treasure common sense so much that they tend to seldom use it!
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