Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

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Well-Known Member
That too, it is fun and stimulating to have discussions with other people. My husband works all day, and I can only talk to my cats for so long before they lose interest. :lookaroun


New Member
That too, it is fun and stimulating to have discussions with other people. My husband works all day, and I can only talk to my cats for so long before they lose interest. :lookaroun

I'll bet they lose interest pretty quickly.:lookaroun

Sorry, couldn't resist!:D


Well-Known Member
I don't care for the most part if people smoke or not, it's not my problem. Usually I just tell them nicely that there is a smoking section nearby and I show them on the maps where the designated areas are. 90% of the time they are nice and say "OH! I'm sorry!" .... whether that is sincere or not, I don't care. I've had a few who have been @^&@#! but that can result in any situation.

I don't think the problem going to the parks and seeing people smoking in non-smoking areas is where to point your fingers, it is the CMs and Management having balls the size of two berries and not enforcing a rule. This goes with heeliez, wearing shirts and shoes at all times, having little kids ride on someone's lap while they are on a Disney rented ECV etc. You don't know how many times a fellow CM tells me to go say something to a guest because a) I have no problem doing so and b) they are too chicken.

I work with a bunch of pansies I suppose :lol:


Well-Known Member
I don't care for the most part if people smoke or not, it's not my problem. Usually I just tell them nicely that there is a smoking section nearby and I show them on the maps where the designated areas are. 90% of the time they are nice and say "OH! I'm sorry!" .... whether that is sincere or not, I don't care. I've had a few who have been @^&@#! but that can result in any situation.

I don't think the problem going to the parks and seeing people smoking in non-smoking areas is where to point your fingers, it is the CMs and Management having balls the size of two berries and not enforcing a rule. This goes with heeliez, wearing shirts and shoes at all times, having little kids ride on someone's lap while they are on a Disney rented ECV etc. You don't know how many times a fellow CM tells me to go say something to a guest because a) I have no problem doing so and b) they are too chicken.

I work with a bunch of pansies I suppose :lol:

I wish more CMs were willing to stand up and say things to guests about the heeliez and the kids on the lap of the ECV drivers. Both are safety issues, not just being mean or whatever. Walking through the parks with a lit cigarette is a safety issue too: kids' faces are at the same height as a hand holding a cigarette at an adult's side. Even at DTD, where you can smoke wherever you want, we always stop somewhere to smoke so we're not walking through people.


Well-Known Member
I don't care for the most part if people smoke or not, it's not my problem. Usually I just tell them nicely that there is a smoking section nearby and I show them on the maps where the designated areas are. 90% of the time they are nice and say "OH! I'm sorry!" .... whether that is sincere or not, I don't care. I've had a few who have been @^&@#! but that can result in any situation.

I don't think the problem going to the parks and seeing people smoking in non-smoking areas is where to point your fingers, it is the CMs and Management having balls the size of two berries and not enforcing a rule. This goes with heeliez, wearing shirts and shoes at all times, having little kids ride on someone's lap while they are on a Disney rented ECV etc. You don't know how many times a fellow CM tells me to go say something to a guest because a) I have no problem doing so and b) they are too chicken.

I work with a bunch of pansies I suppose :lol:
You must work with the same people I work with!:rolleyes: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Help me understand how your smoking doesn't have the same effect on you as the perfume? In my mind, being an asthmatic and still smoking is absolutely unbelievable, it is as perplexing to me as the numerous folks I know that are on oxygen yet still continue to smoke.

I used to smoke and for some reason smoking never caused major problems with my breathing. However I have horrible allergies every spring that can restrict my airways if I'm not taking medicine for it. Only lasts a few weeks thankfully. Most likely she is just allergic to something in the perfume that caused the reaction but is not allergic to anything in cigarette smoke itself.


I used to smoke and for some reason smoking never caused major problems with my breathing. However I have horrible allergies every spring that can restrict my airways if I'm not taking medicine for it. Only lasts a few weeks thankfully. Most likely she is just allergic to something in the perfume that caused the reaction but is not allergic to anything in cigarette smoke itself.

Yep, that makes sense to me. One of my grandmas was that way.

A note to everyone in general-- I know this is a polarizing subject, but being rude or calling people names is not going to win anybody over to your side. So please try to keep that in mind. Thanks!

And lastly--

Scar Junior said:
I have beaten up elderly women in the past and I'll do it again.



Well-Known Member
Hmm, will have to let my brother know about this. He's turning 19 and he's been smoking since he turned 18 (out in the open anyway). My sister and I don't hide our disgust, mostly because the smell bothers us. What he does is his business and any words towards him will only make him want to smoke more. Interesting the difference 5 years makes. At 17-18 I thought I knew everything. But I don't. My sister is 17 and thinks she knows everything, but she doesn't. Same goes for my brother. :rolleyes: But I digress.

My whole family used to smoke but once the kids started coming, my parents at least stopped cold turkey. My grandma took a much longer time to quit, and it was when she got emphysema as a result. Another factor was my cousin (8-9 at the time) using her lighter and setting fire to her bed :brick: It's sad that it took two things like that to get her to stop, but at least she did :shrug:


It will kill me if you smoke near me.


Sorry, but that's just ridiculous.

Being near smoke for a few minutes makes me extremely ill for hours afterwards and I hate it as much as anyone, but I've never heard of anyone dropping dead because someone lit up 50 feet away. :lol:

It would take years of non-stop second hand smoke exposure to actually do anything close to killing anyone.

You're not going to get your point across at all if you try and back it up with stuff you just made up to be over dramatic.

Now to the smokers who think it's such a hassle to have to actually leave your room and walk to a smoking area to light up, how is that any more of a hassle than the fact that I need to walk all the way from my room to the food court to grab some food when I'm starving? Inconveniences are a part of life. Just be grateful you have a lot less of them this day and age than people did generations ago. :wave:

Compare your inconvenience to that of the housekeeping staff that has to clean up the smoke mess in all the rooms.


Well-Known Member
Look, why don't we leave this little debate at this: smoking kills. It will kill you if you smoke. It will kill me if you smoke near me.

Well, it can't be left at that because it isn't the absolute you make it out to be. While smokers have a higher propensity to aquire lung cancer and emphysema, the statement "it will kill you if you smoke" is clearly hyberbole. Yes, you have a greater chance of dieing from a disease related to smoking by a large percent, but many people smoke their entire lives without it killing them.

Now, as a non smoker, Disney can set up whatever policy towards smoking they feel is appropriate. It is private property...if they want to ban all smoking on their facilities, they can. If they want the entire park to be a haven for smokers, so be it, as long as it is within the law.


New Member
Look, why don't we leave this little debate at this: smoking kills. It will kill you if you smoke. It will kill me if you smoke near me. It's a choice, not a necessity. It is not allowed in hotel rooms on Disney property and smoking rooms make up a small enough percentage of their accomodations that they can do without accomodating them. No amount of crying or complaining will help the situation. Facts are facts.

Yes. I am, just tad. But, I am intitled to my own opinions.

Smoking doesn't kill everyone that smokes. So chill out your highness.


New Member
I'm all for the change....after checking in last week, we had to have our room changed because the previous guest in our room was obviously sneaking a few smokes. The front desk person came up to our room and said she was going to take the room out of rotation until someone could come up and change the sheets and clean the room again. I was surprised to even know they still had smoking rooms....


New Member
Help me understand how your smoking doesn't have the same effect on you as the perfume? In my mind, being an asthmatic and still smoking is absolutely unbelievable, it is as perplexing to me as the numerous folks I know that are on oxygen yet still continue to smoke.

I hear ya - I watched my then pregnant asthmatic sister smoke a cigarette and it took everything in not to slap the stuffing out of her!!! That combination was just plain stupid.
We're talking about 840 rooms (3.5% of 24,000). I understand that Disney wants to free these up to satisfy non-smokers. What I can't understand is why they can't just decrease the number of rooms. Slash the number by 60 - 75% and have smoking rooms only in one or two resorts. At the same time, increase the cost of those rooms to help cover the cost of cleaning them.

I'm a non-smoker who happens to live with one, my mother. I'm always on her case about it and have been trying to get her to quit. I've used the whole "you're also killing me" argument as well. What I sometimes forget is that it is an addiction and it's not that easy to quit. Think to any of your own vices (coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, etc...) and how hard it is to give those up. I know it's hard when I do during Lent and can only imagine how hard giving up smoking must be. When I told her the news today, the first thing she said was that she wouldn't be staying on property anymore which is too bad as I know that's one aspect she really enjoys about her very hard earned vacation and now she won't be able to even do that anymore.
I'm interested in seeing where they are going to put these smoking areas at the resorts and how many per building is there going to be? I certainly wouldn't want someone like my mother to have to walk to other side of the resort in the middle of the night just to have a cigarette. Will these areas be covered as it does rain a lot in Florida? If they are close to main walk-ways, how soon before all the self-righteous non-smokers start complaining about that too?
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