Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

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Well-Known Member
We're talking about 840 rooms (3.5% of 24,000). I understand that Disney wants to free these up to satisfy non-smokers. What I can't understand is why they can't just decrease the number of rooms. Slash the number by 60 - 75% and have smoking rooms only in one or two resorts. At the same time, increase the cost of those rooms to help cover the cost of cleaning them.

I'm a non-smoker who happens to live with one, my mother. I'm always on her case about it and have been trying to get her to quit. I've used the whole "you're also killing me" argument as well. What I sometimes forget is that it is an addiction and it's not that easy to quit. Think to any of your own vices (coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, etc...) and how hard it is to give those up. I know it's hard when I do during Lent and can only imagine how hard giving up smoking must be. When I told her the news today, the first thing she said was that she wouldn't be staying on property anymore which is too bad as I know that's one aspect she really enjoys about her very hard earned vacation and now she won't be able to even do that anymore.
I'm interested in seeing where they are going to put these smoking areas at the resorts and how many per building is there going to be? I certainly wouldn't want someone like my mother to have to walk to other side of the resort in the middle of the night just to have a cigarette. Will these areas be covered as it does rain a lot in Florida? If they are close to main walk-ways, how soon before all the self-righteous non-smokers start complaining about that too?

I think keeping some smoking rooms in a couple of resorts (say, one value and one mod) would be a good idea. I know plenty of smokers who would pay an extra fee to be able to smoke in their rooms. It's sad that smokers will no refuse to stay on property, but that is the best way to say 'Hey, I don't like this new rule', by not giving Disney your money AND telling them why you decided not to give them your money. I'm not saying that if enough people tell WDW that they aren't staying on property, they'll bring smoking rooms back. But they will see that people appreciated it on their visits.

I have also wondered where these new smoking sections will be. I would like to think that in the mod and value resorts, and the Poly, where there are multiple buildings really spread out, that there would be at least one smoking area at each building. As for them being covered, good luck. When the clean air acts passed, you weren't permitted to smoke within 10 feet of an entrance to a building. This is private property, so Disney could allow that, but I bet they won't. It would be nice to see a few bus stop type structures around, covered and maybe even with a bench or two.

I'm hoping that when the stations are put in and on maps, smokers will be okay with the change and use the stations. If there aren't alot of areas to smoke, or the area is too far, people are going to just keep smoking in their rooms. I remember when I first came to WDW, I was still a two pack a day smoker, and I remember thinking, 'No smoking in the park!?!? Except for designated areas?!? They'll probably only be like one area per park, and it'll be a pain to get to'. I was incredibly pleased to see how accomodating they have been to smokers in the parks. Now I just wish they would put designated areas at DTD.


I think keeping some smoking rooms in a couple of resorts (say, one value and one mod) would be a good idea. I know plenty of smokers who would pay an extra fee to be able to smoke in their rooms. It's sad that smokers will no refuse to stay on property, but that is the best way to say 'Hey, I don't like this new rule', by not giving Disney your money AND telling them why you decided not to give them your money. I'm not saying that if enough people tell WDW that they aren't staying on property, they'll bring smoking rooms back. But they will see that people appreciated it on their visits.

I have also wondered where these new smoking sections will be. I would like to think that in the mod and value resorts, and the Poly, where there are multiple buildings really spread out, that there would be at least one smoking area at each building. As for them being covered, good luck. When the clean air acts passed, you weren't permitted to smoke within 10 feet of an entrance to a building. This is private property, so Disney could allow that, but I bet they won't. It would be nice to see a few bus stop type structures around, covered and maybe even with a bench or two.

That is what I would like to see as well, and I think it would behoove both smokers AND non-smokers. If they are comfortable places to be, people are less likely to smoke elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy about this. I hate smoke-filled rooms. I went to All-Star Movies last weekend with my mom, who smokes. She is respectful and doesn't smoke much but it was still awful.

I do feel bad for smokers, and I hope Disney gives them decent smoking areas around the resorts. Mom never smokes in the house so that's not a problem. And she usually does well going for a while without them so it probably won't bother her too much. We're going again in November. She's proof that it is tough to quit. She's tried numerous times. Truthfully though, I've seen so many people I know quit. It's different for everyone. I think if mom really set her mind to it, she can quit. I think she's afraid she won't have anything to do if she can't smoke. Sounds crazy, I know, but when you take away smoke breaks, that's a LOT of time.

Anyway ... we all need to learn to be more respectful of each other. A lot of times on here debates get really nasty when they don't have to be. Understand the concerns of smokers and understand the concerns of non-smokers. It's not that hard to be respectful. We're all likely adults, why do we have to bicker?


Account Suspended
Some airport I was at had smokers lounges. They were little rooms with glass walls and a door that had the same TVs as the terminals, but had couches and such and a window to outside. It had this like uber-suction vaccum thing going on. Everytime someone opened the door you this "swoosh" s__________g the air into the room.


:sohappy: I am glad that they went this way. I don't like smokers rooms, cars, or clothes. They stink. I work with babies and you can tell which babies has smoking parents. phew.

Scar Junior

Active Member
:sohappy: I am glad that they went this way. I don't like smokers rooms, cars, or clothes. They stink. I work with babies and you can tell which babies has smoking parents. phew.

Sure blame the parents... how do we know Big Tobacco hasn't already gotten to the lil tykes and they're lighting up when you aren't looking?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Anyway ... we all need to learn to be more respectful of each other. A lot of times on here debates get really nasty when they don't have to be. Understand the concerns of smokers and understand the concerns of non-smokers. It's not that hard to be respectful. We're all likely adults, why do we have to bicker?

Awwwhhh, isn't that sweet, I see a careerer at the UN beckons for you.:)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
:sohappy: I am glad that they went this way. I don't like smokers rooms, cars, or clothes. They stink. I work with babies and you can tell which babies has smoking parents. phew.

Hmmm... Thats odd I happen to not like babies... they smell... cry... etc. phew.


Well-Known Member
I find that incredibly offensive...

Anyone that has had them properly prepared knows they taste like lamb...


Well-Known Member
i was eating lunch at pinnochio village haus once, when a family sat down at the table next to me. when they were done eating, the mother proceded to change her babies diaper right there on the table while all around here were eating and left the used diaper on the tray on the table and left.

id much rather smell a cig than baby ________.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
i was eating lunch at pinnochio village haus once, when a family sat down at the table next to me. when they were done eating, the mother proceded to change her babies diaper right there on the table while all around here were eating and left the used diaper on the tray on the table and left.

id much rather smell a cig than baby ________.

A couple of years ago... a lady did that a couple tables away from me at Pecos Bills.... needless to say... I lost my appetite. I just tossed the rest of my burger in the garbage and walked out. :hurl:

I know... smokers that stray, or that do not smoke in the smoking areas are rude... and should not do that. But damn... there are baby changing stations in every bathroom it seems... change your kid there... NOT 5 feet from my food! Thats just as rude... if not worse, than stray smokers (and its 10 times more disgusting). :hurl:


Well-Known Member
The three Disney hotels at Disneyland have been entirely non-smoking for a year or so now. When they announced this for Disneyland last year it wasn't really an issue. I'm amazed at how many posts this topic has generated, and how passionate some folks are about it.

When Disney banned smoking in all of its hotels at Disneyland a year ago, there wasn't really a reaction from anybody. :confused:


Active Member
i was eating lunch at pinnochio village haus once, when a family sat down at the table next to me. when they were done eating, the mother proceded to change her babies diaper right there on the table while all around here were eating and left the used diaper on the tray on the table and left.

id much rather smell a cig than baby ________.

that is just plain nasty and shows how rude and self absorbed people really are--whether it is changing a dirty diaper or blowing smoke in someone's face. If people would just learn a little common courtesy, we wouldnt have these issues!:brick: :zipit:


Well-Known Member
that is just plain nasty and shows how rude and self absorbed people really are--whether it is changing a dirty diaper or blowing smoke in someone's face. If people would just learn a little common courtesy, we wouldnt have these issues!:brick: :zipit:

In the past week, i've seen children being changed in public. Then there was the table that left their trash on a table outside of casey's. Dirty Diper included.

Damm savages.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I also just remembered another episode (in sticking with the resort theme here).

Last time I stayed at PO-FQ... which was like 2002 (I think). A lady changed her kid on one of the tables in the Food Court. It wasnt during a morning rush... it was just after the moring rush was starting to die down a bit.

After the lady left, and as I was getting ready to leave... I went and told a CM who was cleaning tables at the time, that he might want to use bleach on that table... as I pointed at it. He saw the diaper on the table... and agreed with me. :lol: :lol: :hurl:

So... here is the deal... change your kids in your room... or in the nearest bathroom... and I will keep my smoking in the designated resort smoking areas. :lol: :wave:


New Member
Im a smoker and Im more then a little peeved at WDW for this... blah blah blah and #$%^# to anyone with a smart comment. And yes Im a little harsh but ya know, last I checked this was America and I still had rights. I dont do drugs and I dont drink but maybe once a year and if smoking is my pleasure then so be it. Yea I already know it aint good for me and ya know something... so what...its my problem not yours! How many other things in this world arent good but people still do it or use it whatever the case me be. Im the type of person who will go out of the way when there is a nonsmoker around to not bother them... like in my own home I will actually go outside to smoke.

What doesnt make sense to me, is that we have even had company over with asthma and never heard a complaint about our house smelling of smoke or even my mother for that matter who for sure typically complains about our smoking or the smell on our cloths. So if I can have a house full of guests with my wife, my daughter and myself all smoking here and not get one complaint about the smell from nonsmokers... then why the hell cant WDW? Sounds to me like they need better maids and or better products to keep the rooms fresh smelling.

In ending I just want to know since all the complaining in the world isnt going to change the fact that us smokers are yet again getting the shaft... where are hotels expecting all the smokers to go? Will there be a smokers lounge with an airfiltration system? Will it be outside in the heat and humidity? A block away from the building? I wrote WL an email expresing my concerns and questions and havent received a reply... anyone know the true answer?


Well-Known Member
At least the baby __________ is natural - the Cig's are NOT!!! BTW, I've never known baby mess to kill - Cig smoke does kill!!!:)

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

While I agree that baby poo is nasty. I woud much rather inhale a scent that doesn't kill.
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