Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

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Well-Known Member
Do diapers cause cancer?

I have never seen anyone smoking a diaper - maybe I don't get out enough



Well-Known Member
. And yes Im a little harsh but ya know, last I checked this was America and I still had rights.

However there is nothing in the constitution that gives people the right to smoke - therefore smoking is not a right.


New Member
"A scent that doesnt kill"... statements like that make me wanna slap the hell out of someone. Everyone wants to make complaints about smokers and 2nd hand smoke... what about concerning yourself with more important issues like:

Bringing our troops home from Iraq!
Homeless people!
People in this world who are starving!
Drug addicts!
Drug dealers!
Kids on drugs!
Kids huffing paint and other materials!
The murder rate in this country!
Child molesters!
Corrupt politicians!
Gas prices!
Mass pollution by companies/refineries!

I could go on and on with this list, bottom line being there are TONS of things much worse then 2nd hand smoke. My father died last Sept of cancer and never smoked a day in his life... wanna know how he got it? THE SUN! He spent countless hours in the sun being involved in a community sports club cutting grass, lining fields, coaching and you name it and it was the almighty "SUN" that did him in. Maybe we need to close WDW and claim the sun as a harmful element!


New Member
Im a smoker and Im more then a little peeved at WDW for this... blah blah blah and #$%^# to anyone with a smart comment. And yes Im a little harsh but ya know, last I checked this was America and I still had rights. I dont do drugs and I dont drink but maybe once a year and if smoking is my pleasure then so be it. Yea I already know it aint good for me and ya know something... so what...its my problem not yours! How many other things in this world arent good but people still do it or use it whatever the case me be. Im the type of person who will go out of the way when there is a nonsmoker around to not bother them... like in my own home I will actually go outside to smoke.

What doesnt make sense to me, is that we have even had company over with asthma and never heard a complaint about our house smelling of smoke or even my mother for that matter who for sure typically complains about our smoking or the smell on our cloths. So if I can have a house full of guests with my wife, my daughter and myself all smoking here and not get one complaint about the smell from nonsmokers... then why the hell cant WDW? Sounds to me like they need better maids and or better products to keep the rooms fresh smelling.

In ending I just want to know since all the complaining in the world isnt going to change the fact that us smokers are yet again getting the shaft... where are hotels expecting all the smokers to go? Will there be a smokers lounge with an airfiltration system? Will it be outside in the heat and humidity? A block away from the building? I wrote WL an email expresing my concerns and questions and havent received a reply... anyone know the true answer?

You know, I think you have EVERY right to smoke IN YOUR OWN HOME. But when you visit others (like Disney Resorts) they have the right to set their own rules. In my house - NO ONE smokes, not even my mother when she visits - Period. I'm pleased that Disney made this rule. During my last visit, I was placed in a "non-smoking" room, that smelled like cigs and the hotel was booked solid. Just because you can't smell smoke, those who don't are often sensitive to that smell. I know I am.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
"A scent that doesnt kill"... statements like that make me wanna slap the hell out of someone. Everyone wants to make complaints about smokers and 2nd hand smoke... what about concerning yourself with more important issues like:

Bringing our troops home from Iraq!
Homeless people!
People in this world who are starving!
Drug addicts!
Drug dealers!
Kids on drugs!
Kids huffing paint and other materials!
The murder rate in this country!
Child molesters!
Corrupt politicians!
Gas prices!
Mass pollution by companies/refineries!

I could go on and on with this list, bottom line being there are TONS of things much worse then 2nd hand smoke.

Conversely, aren't all those things more important than whether WDW chooses to allow smoking in their hotel rooms?


Well-Known Member
"A scent that doesnt kill"... statements like that make me wanna slap the hell out of someone. Everyone wants to make complaints about smokers and 2nd hand smoke... what about concerning yourself with more important issues like:

Bringing our troops home from Iraq!
Homeless people!
People in this world who are starving!
Drug addicts!
Drug dealers!
Kids on drugs!
Kids huffing paint and other materials!
The murder rate in this country!
Child molesters!
Corrupt politicians!
Gas prices!
Mass pollution by companies/refineries!

I could go on and on with this list, bottom line being there are TONS of things much worse then 2nd hand smoke. My father died last Sept of cancer and never smoked a day in his life... wanna know how he got it? THE SUN! He spent countless hours in the sun being involved in a community sports club cutting grass, lining fields, coaching and you name it and it was the almighty "SUN" that did him in. Maybe we need to close WDW and claim the sun as a harmful element!

Who are you? A mind reader? Do you have any inkling as to the concerns of the masses on this board? I highly doubt it. You know nothing about me or many other people on this site and I would like it if, before you jump to concluions about me, you maybe try to learn something about me.

FYI, I have more concerns than secondhand smoke and you listed many of them.


New Member
Conversely, aren't all those things more important than whether WDW chooses to allow smoking in their hotel rooms?

Yes they are but my point just being that to make a statement about a smell that will kill you is pathetic to say the least. So will the sun and I dont see anyone being banned from going outdoors.... yet! :D


New Member
"A scent that doesnt kill"... statements like that make me wanna slap the hell out of someone. Everyone wants to make complaints about smokers and 2nd hand smoke... what about concerning yourself with more important issues like:

Bringing our troops home from Iraq!
Homeless people!
People in this world who are starving!
Drug addicts!
Drug dealers!
Kids on drugs!
Kids huffing paint and other materials!
The murder rate in this country!
Child molesters!
Corrupt politicians!
Gas prices!
Mass pollution by companies/refineries!

I could go on and on with this list, bottom line being there are TONS of things much worse then 2nd hand smoke. My father died last Sept of cancer and never smoked a day in his life... wanna know how he got it? THE SUN! He spent countless hours in the sun being involved in a community sports club cutting grass, lining fields, coaching and you name it and it was the almighty "SUN" that did him in. Maybe we need to close WDW and claim the sun as a harmful element!

When my grandfather died in 1994 of LUNG cancer, his smoking was the direct cause. There are individuals who have died of LUNG cancer and didn't smoke (Christopher Reeves wife) but many who do, smoke, once smoked, or lived with individuals that do smoke.

I'm not trying to get into a smoking kills debate, but 2nd hand smoke has been proven more dangerous than smoking directly. You can take that fact, or leave it alone!!! I choose to it seriously!!!


Well-Known Member
Bringing our troops home from Iraq!
Homeless people!
People in this world who are starving!
Drug addicts!
Drug dealers!
Kids on drugs!
Kids huffing paint and other materials!
The murder rate in this country!
Child molesters!
Corrupt politicians!
Gas prices!
Mass pollution by companies/refineries!

All of those things would require huge amounts of thought, dedication, and determination to fix or eliminate. Let alone all of the confrontation due to different ideas and thoughts on how to fix them. Smoking is very unpopular right now so it provides a much easier target.


Well-Known Member
Yes they are but my point just being that to make a statement about a smell that will kill you is pathetic to say the least. So will the sun and I dont see anyone being banned from going outdoors.... yet! :D

Well, just as you would like vengance on the Sun, I too would like vengance on cigarettes, which kiled my baby cousin before he was a year old. You can thank a houseful of smokers for his death.
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