Universe of Energy observation 4/24


Well-Known Member
Except for the dionsaurs I always found Energy boring. When it first opened the show was very boring, and this one is a little entertaining. The music when it 1st opened was good, but then I think that disappeared. Last trip we skipped it. My son went on it to take a nap. That's sad.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. I would think now is a good time to refresh the content of the ride, given the greater emphasis on "going green" and the new developments on alternate sources of energy. Gas prices were a fraction of what they are today when Ellen first debuted.

There are lots of ways to improve the ride, a green emphasis being just one of them. Ellen got more than 10 years out of that ride. If Disney could get another 10 years out of something new, I bet they'd be more than pleased.

Of course, I'm fine with them leaving it as it is too. I never disliked it. Its delightfully cheesy.


Well-Known Member
How I'd do it: Digital Projectors. New Film. New CG (I'm talking gorgeous comedy-free action-packed yet intellectual sequences). Additional dinosaur animatronics. New music score. Cleaned up ride system. Oh yeah...and 3D. Bam. Epic. Not to mention Morgan Freeman's voice.

Morgan Freeman is a win. They could sit you in a room with no lights and as long as MF is involved, it would be great.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that thinks the ride's content isn't really that outdated?

I agree, most outdated thing in that video is that darn cell phone in the preshow!

Energy technology has advanced, but not enough in the public's mind for them to see it too outdated. We're still talking about solar, wind, and the deep sea drilling segment offered lots of answer to people over the past year.


New Member
Am I the only one that thinks the ride's content isn't really that outdated?

I like the ride and always remember the first time I rode it. I even like the smell. :D That said, if it went away tomorrow I wouldn't be devastated - I like new things. However, they do need to replace something over that side of the park before they close it.


Well-Known Member
the projector was like that when we went in august. i also agree that the ellen animatronic needs replacing. it looks awful. considering what they can do now with animatronics, i think it's pretty poor . i like show as a whole though. i think ellen is a good host, and you can't knock bill nye the science guy! but it does need some tlc. if they do close it, i agree with others they need to do something on that side of the park. it's already pretty quiet without WoL pavillion. i wondered why it was so quiet tbh, and i didn't realise there was a whole pavillion behind those trees not being used. it's sad. they need to do something with it.


Well-Known Member
If you don't think any progress in energy production has occurred since 1996.
Right, but like others have said, the film doesn't go into technical details about the different types of energy production.

Its basically "theres also wind energy! and solar!" etc. Its all a very general and broad overview which is why it doesn't come across as very outdated to me.


Well-Known Member
Right, but like others have said, the film doesn't go into technical details about the different types of energy production.

Its basically "theres also wind energy! and solar!" etc. Its all a very general and broad overview which is why it doesn't come across as very outdated to me.

yeah i'd actually tend to agree with this. my job forces me to keep a pretty close eye on innovation in the energy space and obviously there's been progress, but i don't think the collective public awareness is such that people notice. the film takes a pretty broad swipe at what's out there, like thelookingglass said.

also, the msongs from the original universe of energy are by far my favorite tracks in WDW history (along with tomorrow's child), but the old show was a pretty big snoozefest. i wouldn't mind them tweaking or doing something new with ellen's energy adventure, but i think going backwards would be pretty counterproductive.


Premium Member
I remember hearing that the 1996 attraction was nearly named "Ellen's Energy Crisis", and that hints at the issue with the new attraction.

Energy is still a difficult topic to discuss with an upbeat way, with all of the bad news media coverage and differing opinions.

The good news for the pavilion is now that it's no longer sponsored by a big oil company, they can completely ignore that side of things (although honestly the existing attraction doesn't go much into it at all)

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member

Yeah, UoE definately needs a update. I think the Dino scene can stay, maybe update a few of the AAs, but as a whole i find that scene still impresses ( exspecially when the fog works..!).

Ditch the familar comic hosts. Do not replace them with different ones. Energy is a serious topic, and although i can understand Disney wanting the maybe lighten things up in tone, personally i think UoE needs to go in a more inspirational direction.

Make the films impact upon its audience. Make them dramatic, and also entertaining. Include a awesome score...lush, bold....expansive. Like the topic of Energy should be.

Perhaps add a 3D segment in Theatre 2. Watching too many films, or too much of the same story telling devices, makes it seem dull to Guest Average. Right now it seems one is just watching films on four different screen, with a short break to see some AAs. Mixing up the mediums will help make the Show seem much more varied.

Example :

Start with a film as always, in the Pre-Show, but jazz it up a bit once seated in Theate 1. Once seated, folks may be expecting something more then just another film ( as it stands now). Show a dramatic and exciting film covering a overview of to various Energy related topics, but add some in theatre effects. Add some lighting effects, fiber optics, anything that will make the film aspect seem a step up from the Pre-Show. Perhaps this is where 3D could be used to the best effect.

Keep the Prehistoric Diorama...just touch up the scenes a little. Some of the Dinos could possibly have updates to their movements, but as long as effects are in place this scene is a nice change from just watching another film.


I like UoE ...it is a very interesting attraction when one learns what is behind making it operate. The tech used to move those huge theatre vehicles around is fasinating. There is a website out there covering the topic, though i do not remember the name of it off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong will keeping bill bye or the entire show... he makes science cool... get him and another "expert" that would work for the younger audience and then go from there... and stay away from making it complete comedy but have some elements that distract people from realizing they are being educated.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Right, but like others have said, the film doesn't go into technical details about the different types of energy production.

Its basically "theres also wind energy! and solar!" etc. Its all a very general and broad overview which is why it doesn't come across as very outdated to me.
I think the only thing that dates it is Alex Trebek's mustache. I was actually remarking to my wife during our last trip how NOT out of date it was, considering its age.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Eh, I really like EEA. You've got Michael Richards doing his physical humor shtick back before his comedy club implosion tainted his image. Jeopardy! is still relevant today with the IBM Watson shows recently airing. There's that delightful part where you hear the history of evolution presented as updates on a newsradio station. And I don't think we should overlook the significance of an actress who was pilloried in the '90s for coming out as a lesbian taking a starring role at a vacation spot filled with kids...and nobody cares! The lack of controversy around this attraction (Has anyone EVER protested Ellen being affiliated with Disney World?) is itself kind of a big deal IMO.

Whenever it goes, I'll light a candle somewhere, because there's a lot to love about this attraction.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Half the people would put their 3D glasses on for the whole ride, not just the second theater
Dosn`t matter. It works for Spiderman. The lighting would just need to be adjusted. It could even be worked into the theme of the show (protective goggles and the like)


UoE is still a favorite for me :eek: always has and I guess always will.

All I ask is for the original pre show to make it's way into the pavilion. Anyone? That was very orginal. So unlike Disney but somehow it was:shrug:

Silver Figment

Active Member
I've always enjoyed the ride, but i don't remember the original. With that said, i also am a fan of Bill Nye and i would miss him being in the attraction if it was changed. Nothing agaisnt Ellen but it's easy to get a dose of Ellen these days, She's over in the Seas as Dory but also she has her own television show and people can always watch it. Bill Nye however is gone from the spotlight, with Ellen's Energy Adventure being the exception. He had a show which is gone now and i sort of look forward to doing this attraction on my trips. I think the pavillion could use a little updating but the attraction is just fine IMO.


UoE is still a favorite for me :eek: always has and I guess always will.

All I ask is for the original pre show to make it's way into the pavilion. Anyone? That was very orginal. So unlike Disney but somehow it was:shrug:

Absolutely agreed. I only experienced the original attraction once, when I was 11. I remember two things: falling asleep in the main theater presentation after the dinosaurs, and the amazing pre-show. I actually really like Ellen's Energy Adventure when but will always miss that pre-show.

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