Universe of Energy observation 4/24


Well-Known Member
I want to say this as kindly and gentley as I can. NO WAY! I like the song a bit, but the original presentation had to be the most boring, mind numbing show ever done at WDW.

Just because you didn't care for it doesn't mean other guests don't have fond memories of the original attraction and would love to see it again.

Much of the difference between the original and Ellen is the pre-show and projections on a movie screen. While more involved than EO, it ought to be possible to bring back at least a modified version of the original, for occasional or limited engagements, even if the primary show is still Ellen or something new. Not that I'd ever expect that to happen, of course.


Well-Known Member
I'm an engineer, and I can tell you that it is out of date.

It is still a good ride, but it is incredibly dated. The energy information is out of date. The cost of solar power (which has gone down drastically since the 1990s), the amount of natural gas and oil we have access to (and the dangers involved with them), the information on most of the things they say could definitely use an update. They gloss over nuclear power, don't really describe the difference between fission and fusion (which is very important). Bill Nye points out how nuclear power is controversial, but nothing is said about the damage and controversy of oil exploration and things like the deep sea drilling (thank you unfortunately named Deepwater Horizon). I've been in the ride multiple times since that disaster when Bill and Ellen are underwater, talking about the deep sea drilling, and you can hear audience members laughing out loud at the silliness of what Bill Nye say's about deep sea drilling (this is not meant to be an indication of my positions on oil, just an observation). They don't even mention things like lithium ion batteries, or the simple fact that the building has soloar panel on it's roof to help power the attraction. You can see them but the attraction totally ignores what is the coolest feature of the building: it's own photo-voltaic solar cells!

On top of that, the scenes in Ellen's apartment scream 1990s. The phone she uses, the age of the actors, the clothing, all of it is very out of date.

I for one would like to see more information actually given to the audience in the ride. It can be done in an informative way that is still entertaining.

come on, it is the newest o canada, look how outdated that was before they finally updated it.

they need to update the film for the times, unfortunately it could look like a downer.


Well-Known Member
Can't people just get over the fact that you're NOT going to go backwards in time? WDW is about progress, as a whole, and with the exception of captain EO (which was brought back because of growing popularity and rosy retrospection of Micheal Jackson) Disney brings in NEW things. They don't revert back to past versions of rides.

LOL you are wrong think...perhaps you may want to consider a visit to the MK this fall.... :) ....and in this case it is a wonderful thing imho!

I don't care what they do to it really, but two things...

1) Do NOT board it up like WoL!
2) Get some stinking seats for the pre-show! It's too long of a pre-show to be standing around for people of any age. Last few times I have been there we were told we could not sit on the floor. So annoying. :fork:

Agree on both points!!!

ALSO I agree that the show could be a bit more cutting edge in the educational portions... I like to learn while being entertained at EPCOT.... heck thats the part about Futureworld that hooked me as a kid in the 80s!!


Premium Member
You aren't supposed to sit on the floor because when the show starts and the lights dim, people are still coming in, they might trip over you causing, yet another, Disney lawsuit.


Well-Known Member
As a loose concept this is the best idea of them all. Love the original pre-show. Love the idea of this becoming a Bill Nye hosted show. Love the idea of adding more green energy info, updating Dinos, etc. This attraction and the film, moving theater concept is quintessential EPCOT experience and needs to remain.

Ideally, my preference for the show runs pretty much in the same general direction as what most people have already said:

New film. Bill Nye can stay (The man's show hasn't been on the air in the US for ten years but he still has remarkable name recognition - and as his presentations at Innoventions back in February show, he's definitely still on good terms with Disney), while Ellen's new contract with Universal would almost assuredly mean her getting removed.

Bring back a new version of the pre-show with the spinning cubes and classic song (Narrated by Nye...or Morgan Freeman), put in new updated Nye-hosted films in the two theaters, and update the dinos. You can even find a way to keep Michael Richards as the poor hapless caveman. Ideally, I'd like to see what's genuinely good about Ellen's show kept, mixed with the best parts of the old show plus some new parts - with updated new science and information thrown in.


Well-Known Member
You aren't supposed to sit on the floor because when the show starts and the lights dim, people are still coming in, they might trip over you causing, yet another, Disney lawsuit.

I know why they don't let you sit on the floor but couldn't they at least throw some benches in there with some dim floor lighting? I'm kinda surprised that they leave it this big open room for such a long pre-show movie. I respect the rule, I just think after so long of telling people not to sit on the floor they could install some seats but oh well.


Park History nut
Premium Member
but the original presentation had to be the most boring, mind numbing show ever done at WDW..
Speak for yourself!
The original pre-show was spectacular! What happened to that? Someone please weigh in with its history.
It was literally ripped apart in the 1996 refurb.

I`ve said it before; reuse the pavilion as it was originally intended to be used. Ellens Energy could be shown at AMC since it is just 4 movies. The pavilion space, ride system and diorama has so much potential.


Well-Known Member
If no new ellen film, then yeah, make it with Nye as the host. We can get a little bit more education and fun out of it.

Bill Nye needs a larger presence in the world. Lets give him his own land in Epcot. Nyeland will go inbetween Germany and China. It'll have white lab coats and box sets of his show.

I can't figure out how this WOULDNT work out.


Well-Known Member
Ellen's popular and many people that go to it don't know how old it is. It really is a huge attraction and takes in a lot of people.

It's just the boards. :)

For one reason or another, many aren't the biggest fan of having Ellen associated, and act like she's somehow a has-been. Ellen's pretty much as big as ever, and when Oprah's off the air starting next season (Ellen and Oprah air against each other in many markets) he ratings only will increase.

The attraction gets great reactions from people every day. For many on vacation, I think it's a bit of "home" - they may be used to at least flipping past Ellen if not watching it, and it's nice to have a familiar face host an attraction.

Unfortunately, the relationship between Disney and Ellen is not good, so I'm surprised it's gone on this long. I'm sure they have Ellen signed to a good, long contract but of course Disney could choose to remove her from the attraction at any time. In fact, I don't know how those things work - do they act as "work for hire"? There may not be a term at all, even at Ellen's discretion.

Anyway, I think it's great - and it certainly is a crowd pleaser. It's a long, relaxing ride in the dark and cool A/C, a familiar character and a few moments of excitement. Would I like some new state of the art ride? Sure, but it's sure as heck no Imagination.


The biggest problem I see is that energy technology is moving so fast that even if they decided to change it today, what they decide to put in there could be obsolete 3 years from today when it reopens.

Don't get me wrong, I agree it needs an update an I agree with Martin that it has a lot of potential, I am just saying that it will be hard for Disney to make it relevent.

I don't like Ellen, and in 1997 when I first rode it, an old couple in front of us left when they found out Ellen was featured on the ride.

I just don't think she's funny....


Well-Known Member
The biggest problem I see is that energy technology is moving so fast that even if they decided to change it today, what they decide to put in there could be obsolete 3 years from today when it reopens.

Don't get me wrong, I agree it needs an update an I agree with Martin that it has a lot of potential, I am just saying that it will be hard for Disney to make it relevent.

I don't like Ellen, and in 1997 when I first rode it, an old couple in front of us left when they found out Ellen was featured on the ride.

I just don't think she's funny....

The power sources that we use are about the same as they were 10 years ago, but the size of some of them as grown much larger while others have shrunk. With how much Google is investing in green technology, it would make sense for Disney to get them to sponsor UoE.


The power sources that we use are about the same as they were 10 years ago, but the size of some of them as grown much larger while others have shrunk. With how much Google is investing in green technology, it would make sense for Disney to get them to sponsor UoE.

fair enough, I never thought of them as a sponsor.


Well-Known Member
fair enough, I never thought of them as a sponsor.

True, well their goal is being carbon neutral. Also, there was news yesterday that they are behind a line of wind farms on the east coast. The first phase will run from off the Delaware coast to about AC. The only wrinkle would be steve jobs, but blocking a sponsor for a pavilion will get him scorned from coast to coast.


Well-Known Member
The ride is missing information, but I don't believe it's outdated. Much of the content is relevant but it fails to address recent developments in energy technology.

The attraction really harkens back to a mixture of Epcot Center with modern day Epcot. It tried to be hip, while still having a long detailed dark ride. Now a days it seems that guest preference is no ride over 10 minutes, and for the most part most rides are under 5 minutes. An attraction that's 45 minutes long is going to be a tough sell now a days.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I wonder if new visitors even know there is a ride in the building. The last time we went on it there were only a handful of people in one ride vehicle and the others were pretty empty as well.

i know! the last 2 visits we completely ignored it.
one of those trips was my Senior class trip, and NO one in my
class even knew about it.

the building is kinda set back with an Erie deserted absence to it.


Well-Known Member
It is pretty decent fun - except at the end when its pouring outside and CMs literally push you into the downpour.

It seems though that if you like Ellen, you'd enjoy this ride.

Hmmm... That's not my experience.

Back in June '09 there was a tremendous downpour and active thunder and lightning happening outside when we exited. The CMs specifically said people could stay if they wanted to, and put the outside exit doors into override mode to stay open. People camped out in the exit room, and outside under the overhang. When the next show let out, some stayed others went out into the rain. The rain lightened up and we left before the third show let out.

I could see, though, if crowds were very heavy and the shows were running at nearly-full capacity that they wouldn't let people stay.


Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
The biggest problem I see is that energy technology is moving so fast that even if they decided to change it today, what they decide to put in there could be obsolete 3 years from today when it reopens.

Exactly. Anything they changed it to would have to be as vague and cursory as what's there now to not become completely irrelevant in a decade. And if that's the case, then it doesn't make much sense to change anything...if being relevant and updated is the main concern anyway.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
It's just the boards. :)

For one reason or another, many aren't the biggest fan of having Ellen associated, and act like she's somehow a has-been. Ellen's pretty much as big as ever, and when Oprah's off the air starting next season (Ellen and Oprah air against each other in many markets) he ratings only will increase.

The attraction gets great reactions from people every day. For many on vacation, I think it's a bit of "home" - they may be used to at least flipping past Ellen if not watching it, and it's nice to have a familiar face host an attraction.

Unfortunately, the relationship between Disney and Ellen is not good, so I'm surprised it's gone on this long. I'm sure they have Ellen signed to a good, long contract but of course Disney could choose to remove her from the attraction at any time. In fact, I don't know how those things work - do they act as "work for hire"? There may not be a term at all, even at Ellen's discretion.

Anyway, I think it's great - and it certainly is a crowd pleaser. It's a long, relaxing ride in the dark and cool A/C, a familiar character and a few moments of excitement. Would I like some new state of the art ride? Sure, but it's sure as heck no Imagination.

I agree.

If Disney needs a new ride at EPCOT, do something with Wonders of Life of the Imagination ride. Why waist a very good attraction when you can do something with another that's pathetic/abandoned? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
As a MASSIVE fan for the pavilion, here's my 2 cents...

Personally, I think Ellen's Energy Adventure was a step in the right direction for Disney. Today's theme park market doesn't care too much about education (technically it never did), so the original UoE would be ignored and/or skipped by the general public. With EEA, Disney managed to make learning interesting and fun at the same time. Believe it or not, I rarely see a time when the pavilion is empty. Mostly, the seating is completely filled whenever I enter the theater. As for the show being outdated, it fairly is. The information is still relevant but everything else has stayed behind in the 90's. (have you seen Alex Trebeck lately?)

The pavilion doesn't need to be torn down, but rather fully updated. The biggest things are;

  • New, refurbished screens
    Fixed curtain in theatre II
    updated dinosaur scene
    completely new film
    updated digital/HD cameras
    Expanded/revised finale

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