You don't know the half of it. I'm working on this project (mostly involving the ride's show aspects) and I can tell you that this ride system will break records for down time. Unfortunately there is a lot of politics invovled and nobody is willing to take the fall so they instead choose to bury their heads in the sand.
To explain further, Imagine a ride vehicle that is suspended and has the ability to articulate out laterally from the ride track. Now imagine each weld joint of the entire track being a failure point. Now imagine the forces that will be exerted on this load rail and supporting structure and how each faliure point is monitored. Because of the weight of each vehicle and the length of the arm, the RMS will shut down constantly! Beyond that, there are 50 vehicles on the system! Each vehicle is a major point of failure. To top it off, the storage bay does not have the capacity to handle all of the vehicles that will be out of service at any given time. That means that they will have to operate with fewer vehicles than calculated for the already low THRC.
All that being said, if these issues can somehow be worked out (Many never thought Test Track's reliability could be as it is today) this ride will raise the bar in terms of themeing, technology, environmental effects, optical effects, detail, ride experience ad infinitum.