Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Summer Nightastic drop profile details - SPOILERS


Well-Known Member
It happened but it isn't "bad show." Technical things like that happen every day everywhere. Not just at Disney.

It's definitely bad show. an effect like the stretch door not working in HM one day is a passable technical issue...Slightly out of focus projection so guests have a hard time figuring out what exactly we're looking at (as it was last weekend) is a passable technical kink that needs to be worked out...but a projector showing the idle screen with "Panasonic" in big letters in the middle of the 5th dimension...if that doesn't ruin the ambiance I don't know what does! Epic Bad Show on par with Ellen's hand falling off it UoE or Lincoln gushing red hydraulic fluid like the old story from Great Moments...stuff like that completely ruins the immersion.

well maybe not the Lincoln one so much... :dazzle:

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
^ Sometimes special effects break down and the CMs do not know. If you notice something like this, it never hurts to inform the CMs after you get off the ride, as they may not even know anything was wrong.

I can guarantee you that the "Panasonic" thing was addressed as soon as a CM was informed about it.


Beta Return
Yeah, I wouldn't call the projection incident "bad show" as much as an "unfortunate mishap".

To those of us sitting at our computers, chatting on the forum, it was an "unfortunate mishap."

For someone riding ToT for the first time, or for someone who doesn't think seeing mis-haps like that is cool, it was definitely "bad show".

By "definition" it would probably be considered bad show, because, in reality, it ruined the "show" for those who saw it happen.


Well-Known Member
For the projection incident, if I was on the attraction with someone that was on for the first time, I would mention it at the exit and then say, "this was there first time - can they go on again with the effect working correctly?"


Well-Known Member
It's definitely bad show. an effect like the stretch door not working in HM one day is a passable technical issue...Slightly out of focus projection so guests have a hard time figuring out what exactly we're looking at (as it was last weekend) is a passable technical kink that needs to be worked out...but a projector showing the idle screen with "Panasonic" in big letters in the middle of the 5th dimension...if that doesn't ruin the ambiance I don't know what does! Epic Bad Show on par with Ellen's hand falling off it UoE or Lincoln gushing red hydraulic fluid like the old story from Great Moments...stuff like that completely ruins the immersion.

well maybe not the Lincoln one so much... :dazzle:

I think guests are adapting their own version of the term "Bad show." If you actually work for the company you will know it's mainly used on posters for the Disney Look or, by management, means something intentionally placed on stage that doesn't fit. It has nothing to do with an effect not working in an attraction and it's not like it was placed that way on purpose. This was simply a technical issue that can happen anywhere in any company.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely bad show. an effect like the stretch door not working in HM one day is a passable technical issue...Slightly out of focus projection so guests have a hard time figuring out what exactly we're looking at (as it was last weekend) is a passable technical kink that needs to be worked out...but a projector showing the idle screen with "Panasonic" in big letters in the middle of the 5th dimension...if that doesn't ruin the ambiance I don't know what does! Epic Bad Show on par with Ellen's hand falling off it UoE or Lincoln gushing red hydraulic fluid like the old story from Great Moments...stuff like that completely ruins the immersion.

well maybe not the Lincoln one so much... :dazzle:

Its clearly bad show, yes. Doesn't mean its the end of the world. Things happen.


Active Member
So after riding tower of terror twice today, I have to say I dont get why people were being so negative about the changes. I liked them.
All the lights in the boiler room turning off was cool
The star curtains and the projection of the elevator worked very well (and was easy to tell that that was you slowly disappearing, even if it is on a non-flat surface)
The elevator shaft green lighting was very nicely done, and is not even noticeable when on the ride,
Overall i like all the Nightastic changes


Well-Known Member
So after riding tower of terror twice today, I have to say I dont get why people were being so negative about the changes. I liked them.
All the lights in the boiler room turning off was cool
The star curtains and the projection of the elevator worked very well (and was easy to tell that that was you slowly disappearing, even if it is on a non-flat surface)
The elevator shaft green lighting was very nicely done, and is not even noticeable when on the ride,
Overall i like all the Nightastic changes

Good to hear a positive take on the attraction. Ill be there next month and I cant wait to see it.


Premium Member
I guess I should wait and see before I bash you guys for thinking the ToT "enhancements" are bad as I haven't seen them yet and may feel the same way. However, I will feel better even if I don't like them just because I know its temporary.

As far SSE and Space mt. neither are fails imo. For years people were complaining about SM and when it was gonna get its refurb, and when it does people still complain. I know they could have done more, and my answer is not to just be happy. But in my eyes, even if they had done all that they said they were gonna do, people still would complain. And I can't see how anyone can say that SM's refurb was not an improvement. It may not be a major improvement, but it was an improvement nonetheless.

The improvement for SM was 95% nothing to do with the ride itself, that's the problem


Well-Known Member
The improvement for SM was 95% nothing to do with the ride itself, that's the problem

That is true, but the improvements were welcomed imo. However, I do remember reading how they updated the lift hill chains and added extra safety and security to the ride. It may not be things we see as far as visuals and such, but it improved a couple of important parts of the ride.


Well-Known Member
WhY DO U pPLE COMPLANE ssoooooOO MuCh?!11/? iF U dONT LIkE DiznEE WuRLD deN DoNT GOOO!!!11! oNE LeSS pErSON FOur MEEE 2 WoRee AbOUT thErE.

It's the same handful of clowns who ________ and moan about everything. Just watch the names and you'll see. They think that they have all the answers sitting behind their computer. :rolleyes:

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if this has been really mentioned that much in this thread, but the green lights at the top of the drop shafts look pretty cool at night now.

I don't mind the fiber optic star curtains that much, but IMO, the picture effect is terrible. The funniest thing about it to me is that the original effect on the starfield doors would look better NOW more than it ever did, and instead we see an obvious projection.


Well-Known Member
Im a huge fan of WDW, but not a fanboi. I like most of the changes being made and wish i could see tot, but it will revert before i get there in december, this is why i would like to see it stay longer, so everybody has a chance to see it within a year. Its that kind of wdw mentality that irks me, captain Eo for a year, but TOT for 2months? :shrug:


Active Member
I wish they'd just update the 5th dimension. Make the ghost guests move around more or do something, make it so you can actually see that they move around.

Make it so the sideways elevator doors open with glowing light coming through.

Make a better looking eyeball and breaking glass window, or take them out and replace it with something else Twilight Zone-ish. We already see a cool breaking window effect in the corridor anyway.

I'm kind of a fan of the picture showing up on the star field doors, as long as you can't tell it's a projection before the picture shows.

Fix the audio from sounding so loud and crackly in some of the shafts! :zipit:

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