Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Summer Nightastic drop profile details - SPOILERS

Here's my opinion of the re-imagined Tower.

I thought it was pretty cool. I enjoyed seeing the new effects in the boiler room. I do think the first show scene looked the best it has in a long time!

I'm not the BIGGEST fan of the starfield in the 5th dimention did look kinda cool. I wish the stars would slowly dim and brighten a bit. It is a neat temporary effect, tho...I'll be ready for the scene to return to normal.

The picture idea was a good one! After a little tweaking, it could be very creepy.

I absolutely loved the creepy music playing as the elevator moved into the drop shaft....AND the new sound effects. The new drop profile made the elevator feel out of control. I miss having multiple profiles, it would be nice to see them add more new ones this august. The new one is awesome, tho.

After the sequence was over, they projected the empty elevator car, and our bodies re-appearing in the elevator....before the normal ending.

Overall, I liked the changes. It is good to see that they are trying new things.


There's nothing wrong with either SSE or Space mt. Sure they could have possibly done more. But that doesn't mean whats there is bad. So many people complain about SSE ending, and how there's nothing to look at, thats because you're suppose to look at the screen. And I'm sure it wasn't cheap installing screens on all the cars.

NOTHING WRONG WITH SSE? Congratulations, on contributing to the dumbing down of Epcot. They destroyed the whole point of the ride, the whole point of the entrance to the park. It's an atrocity, yet people like you get kicks because you can touch the screen and watch a cartoon of yourself. I bet you love the new TTA spiel as well.


Well-Known Member
NOTHING WRONG WITH SSE? Congratulations, on contributing to the dumbing down of Epcot. They destroyed the whole point of the ride, the whole point of the entrance to the park. It's an atrocity, yet people like you get kicks because you can touch the screen and watch a cartoon of yourself. I bet you love the new TTA spiel as well.

Why thank you, I'm glad to be with the group that see's absolutely nothing wrong with SSE as it currently sits. You, obviously, must also contribute to what you call the "dumbing down of Epcot," as I'm sure you continue to go and ride the "big and bad horrible" SSE.

I actually prefer the previous version of the ride, but there's nothing wrong with what's there now. It seems as though people like you get bored with touching the screen and then get mad that there's nothing else to look at while on your way down. You also seem to be the person to complain about current epcot, but continue to go and help disney fund the "atrocity."

And fyi, I strongly dislike the new TTA narration.


Active Member
Well, if we're going to be purists about this... how can we dislike the new TTA narration when it's nearly the same in tone as the original WEDWAY narration.

Just a thought.

Because the WEDway narration was in a different Tomorrowland, not the future that never was that the current Tomorrowland is. The narration made sense in its time, but to revert back to it after having one that strengthened the story and theme of the land is a huge cop-out. It's as if they couldn't think of any logical way to write Monsters Inc. and Stitch in, so they just phoned it in instead. And the WEDway narration never had cartoon characters, horribly overused puns, and poor attraction descriptions.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrowland 1994 is long gone now.

Agreed. They should change the name of it to Sci-Fi City, if only because sci-fi seems to be the general theme of Tomorrowland these days. It's not about the future and it's not about the future that never was. It's really a shame.
my daughter likes the ride but i'm not sure if she could handle long drops. could you tell me how much longer the drops are, does it double, triple in lenths of drops.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
And the WEDway narration never had cartoon characters, horribly overused puns, and poor attraction descriptions.

Seriously, did they even proofread the new script? You hear "its Out of this World!" twice, and Carousel of Progress is described as FOUR families, not ONE.

Its an atrocious script delivered by the most generic voice.


Well-Known Member
Im a huge fan of WDW, but not a fanboi. I like most of the changes being made and wish i could see tot, but it will revert before i get there in december, this is why i would like to see it stay longer, so everybody has a chance to see it within a year. Its that kind of wdw mentality that irks me, captain Eo for a year, but TOT for 2months? :shrug:

This is why we can't have seasonal overlays... :rolleyes:


New Member
I got to ride ToT last Thursday night and enjoyed the changes but I'm not blown away by it. I'd say my favorite thing is the creepy piano music they play just before the drop. On our last ride of the night we got stuck just before we entered the drop shaft. We sat there in the dark for about 5 minutes before they finally turned the lights on and made some announcements. I was kinda bummed bc they had the black screens up so we couldn't really see anything cool but I still took pics. At one point we could hear people yelling and it sounded like they were stuck below us actually in the drop shaft, that must have been really weird! In total we were there a good 15-20 minutes. Once they started us back up they kept the lights on and there was no sound at all during our drop sequence which was really cool. We were all laughing and screaming, that was probably the best time I've ever had on ToT. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Eh, more drops. No thanks. The latest incarnation was just enough before my pukeometer went off. I think I'll skip ToT during Nightastic.

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
New drop sequence, effects or not ToT is still the best 'thrill' ride on WDW property as far as I'm concerned so there's not much they can do to make it less enjoyable.
I got to ride ToT last Thursday night and enjoyed the changes but I'm not blown away by it. I'd say my favorite thing is the creepy piano music they play just before the drop. On our last ride of the night we got stuck just before we entered the drop shaft. We sat there in the dark for about 5 minutes before they finally turned the lights on and made some announcements. I was kinda bummed bc they had the black screens up so we couldn't really see anything cool but I still took pics. At one point we could hear people yelling and it sounded like they were stuck below us actually in the drop shaft, that must have been really weird! In total we were there a good 15-20 minutes. Once they started us back up they kept the lights on and there was no sound at all during our drop sequence which was really cool. We were all laughing and screaming, that was probably the best time I've ever had on ToT. :animwink:
are the drops longer if so how much or are there just more drops


New Member
They all seemed longer compared to the random drops where you'd usually get one or two good long drops. I still think one of the random sequences gives you the most air time compared to this new sequence but that's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I'm stupid. What does that mean?

Nobody's stupid. Some possess more information than others, but nobody's stupid, including you. The Philistines were a nation of people who were warlike conquerors. In Biblical times, they were a constant threat to Israel. They worshiped what would be termed as "idols". In one instance, they stole the Ark of the Covenant as a show of disrespect toward the God of Israel. Consequently, the etymology associated with the term "Philistine" is that of an individual who is a heathen or a heretic. It is often applied to someone who is speaking or acting out of turn with that which one would consider as being appropriate or decent. My obviously unsuccessful joke involved the fact that it seemed unimaginable that you would avoid a ride that I consider to be fantastic in its theme and overall experience. Sorry, but it was just a joke. :o

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