Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Summer Nightastic drop profile details - SPOILERS


Why thank you, I'm glad to be with the group that see's absolutely nothing wrong with SSE as it currently sits. You, obviously, must also contribute to what you call the "dumbing down of Epcot," as I'm sure you continue to go and ride the "big and bad horrible" SSE.

I actually prefer the previous version of the ride, but there's nothing wrong with what's there now. It seems as though people like you get bored with touching the screen and then get mad that there's nothing else to look at while on your way down. You also seem to be the person to complain about current epcot, but continue to go and help disney fund the "atrocity."

And fyi, I strongly dislike the new TTA narration.

It's not that I get bored with it, however, I do think that the imagineers got "bored" with being creative. It's basically a post-show taped onto the ride. This is evidenced by the fact that you can experience the finale of the ride on the computers after the ride, or at other Disney parks.


Well-Known Member
Nobody's stupid. Some possess more information than others, but nobody's stupid, including you. The Philistines were a nation of people who were warlike conquerors. In Biblical times, they were a constant threat to Israel. They worshiped what would be termed as "idols". In one instance, they stole the Ark of the Covenant as a show of disrespect toward the God of Israel. Consequently, the etymology associated with the term "Philistine" is that of an individual who is a heathen or a heretic. It is often applied to someone who is speaking or acting out of turn with that which one would consider as being appropriate or decent. My obviously unsuccessful joke involved the fact that it seemed unimaginable that you would avoid a ride that I consider to be fantastic in its theme and overall experience. Sorry, but it was just a joke. :o

Ahhh....Got ya. I actually knew what a Philistine was. I just didn't get the joke.

I love the ToT. But my stomach isn't what it once was. Just don't think I could handle it much more.


Well-Known Member
I've always been a huge fan of Tower of Terror since its inception. I finally got a chance to check out the updates for Summer Nighttastic this past weekend. I was... underwhelmed, to say the least.

The good:
- the new drop sequence is pretty fun. Its basically four full drops in a row. The elevator also seems like it "jerks" you a bit more than the previous sequences did. I'm not sure if I liked it better than the Tower 4 sequences, but its still good.
- The new green lights in the drop shafts looked cool at night.
- The new effect where the lights go out in the loading area is a nice touch.

The bad: almost everything else.
- The new 5th dimension looks very much like a quick fix. Like they threw some ideas together at the last minute. The entire scene is covered with the fiber optic star curtains. They look... okay. But the effect is not very convincing because there is no depth to the stars. You can tell its just a wall, and anyone who has ridden the ride before probably knows exactly what those curtains are covering up. The stars also don't do anything but twinkle. I'm curious as to why they thought covering up a scene that had SO many different effects going on to look at, so that all of your attention is focused on a projected image of yourself, would be a good idea.

- The projected image of yourself is hard to see. By the time you get close enough to tell its you, you disappear. The special effects on this projection basically looked like they applied a few Photoshop filters to your picture and closed with a Microsoft Powerpoint slide transition. Not even kidding. The worst part of this effect is that you can see the perfect rectangle where the projection will be before it even appears.

Wait, no. The lamest part of that effect is that you awkwardly see yourself "re-appear" after the drop sequence, in silence. The image then again Microsoft Powerpoint transitions away, and the old ending video starts. It probably sounded cool on paper, but it looked VERY cheesy. Is anyone actually going to ask "Wow! How did they make that picture of us disappear??"

- The strange piano music before the drops is okay. It sounded like it was scratchy and cutting in and out, though. Not sure if that was intentional. Personally, I would have used "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn, which also plays in the line. Maybe they couldn't use that ON the ride because of some sort of copywright law? :shrug:

- I didn't notice any new sound effects in the queue like some of the announcements said there would be.

- The whole ride felt kind of run down (and not because of the theming!) and in need off a good refurb. For example, I rode four seperate times, and each time I had a hard time hearing Rod Serling and some of the music and sound effects and stuff. The audio also seemed choppy in some parts. I wasn't riding with any particularly loud, rowdy groups, either. :shrug:

Overall, I can't believe they consider these changes big enough to be a main draw for "Summer Nighttastic". I like the new drop sequence, but I would hope to eventually have random sequences back. I like the new lighting effects, too, but I REALLY, REALLY hope the re-done 5th dimension and image projections are just temporary. Otherwise, we've got another SSE descent on our hands.


Well-Known Member
I've always been a huge fan of Tower of Terror since its inception. I finally got a chance to check out the updates for Summer Nighttastic this past weekend. I was... underwhelmed, to say the least.

The good:
- the new drop sequence is pretty fun. Its basically four full drops in a row. The elevator also seems like it "jerks" you a bit more than the previous sequences did. I'm not sure if I liked it better than the Tower 4 sequences, but its still good.
- The new green lights in the drop shafts looked cool at night.
- The new effect where the lights go out in the loading area is a nice touch.

The bad: almost everything else.
- The new 5th dimension looks very much like a quick fix. Like they threw some ideas together at the last minute. The entire scene is covered with the fiber optic star curtains. They look... okay. But the effect is not very convincing because there is no depth to the stars. You can tell its just a wall, and anyone who has ridden the ride before probably knows exactly what those curtains are covering up. The stars also don't do anything but twinkle. I'm curious as to why they thought covering up a scene that had SO many different effects going on to look at, so that all of your attention is focused on a projected image of yourself, would be a good idea.

- The projected image of yourself is hard to see. By the time you get close enough to tell its you, you disappear. The special effects on this projection basically looked like they applied a few Photoshop filters to your picture and closed with a Microsoft Powerpoint slide transition. Not even kidding. The worst part of this effect is that you can see the perfect rectangle where the projection will be before it even appears.

Wait, no. The lamest part of that effect is that you awkwardly see yourself "re-appear" after the drop sequence, in silence. The image then again Microsoft Powerpoint transitions away, and the old ending video starts. It probably sounded cool on paper, but it looked VERY cheesy. Is anyone actually going to ask "Wow! How did they make that picture of us disappear??"

- The strange piano music before the drops is okay. It sounded like it was scratchy and cutting in and out, though. Not sure if that was intentional. Personally, I would have used "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn, which also plays in the line. Maybe they couldn't use that ON the ride because of some sort of copywright law? :shrug:

- I didn't notice any new sound effects in the queue like some of the announcements said there would be.

- The whole ride felt kind of run down (and not because of the theming!) and in need off a good refurb. For example, I rode four seperate times, and each time I had a hard time hearing Rod Serling and some of the music and sound effects and stuff. The audio also seemed choppy in some parts. I wasn't riding with any particularly loud, rowdy groups, either. :shrug:

Overall, I can't believe they consider these changes big enough to be a main draw for "Summer Nighttastic". I like the new drop sequence, but I would hope to eventually have random sequences back. I like the new lighting effects, too, but I REALLY, REALLY hope the re-done 5th dimension and image projections are just temporary. Otherwise, we've got another SSE descent on our hands.

picture effect at DCA is defintely alot better since theirs look like a mirror that you're looking into.

Our effect is definitely a cheap immitation that gets an F-- in my book.
Yeah, I rode TOT on Saturday and all I can say is "EH" Could be a lot better. I ended up thinking when I finished "really, that's freaking cheesy." I can't wait for the old profiles to come back after the summer.


Beta Return
Am I still understanding correctly that they only replaced one of the four drop profiles with this new one? Many posts imply that there's only the new drop profile.

And maybe all the 5th dimension effects are bad, but I just can't imagine that the new drop profile - which FINALLY includes full 13-stories again, like the good 'ol days - is so horrible that it warrants "wishing for the previous ones back".

But then again, I haven't ridden it, and won't until February.


Well-Known Member
Are people really that uptight over a summer change? I haven't been on it yet, but even if I dont like it, I'm sure it'll be ok because it's just for the summer. Maybe I should shutup until I see whats so "horrible" about it, but I guess this is why some WDW rides can't get christmas overlays like DL as people would complain. Well, they'll complain about pretty much anything so idk.
Are people really that uptight over a summer change? I haven't been on it yet, but even if I dont like it, I'm sure it'll be ok because it's just for the summer. Maybe I should shutup until I see whats so "horrible" about it, but I guess this is why some WDW rides can't get christmas overlays like DL as people would complain. Well, they'll complain about pretty much anything so idk.

Well to me it's not just the summer change, it's in general when disney decides to get rid of or change things such as TTA, SM, LOW, SSE etc...


Well-Known Member
Am I still understanding correctly that they only replaced one of the four drop profiles with this new one? Many posts imply that there's only the new drop profile.

And maybe all the 5th dimension effects are bad, but I just can't imagine that the new drop profile - which FINALLY includes full 13-stories again, like the good 'ol days - is so horrible that it warrants "wishing for the previous ones back".

But then again, I haven't ridden it, and won't until February.
This is the only profile running, currently. It honestly isn't noticeably more thrilling than the previous ones. I would like it to stay, but also hope that they return to randomized drop sequences.

Are people really that uptight over a summer change? I haven't been on it yet, but even if I dont like it, I'm sure it'll be ok because it's just for the summer. Maybe I should shutup until I see whats so "horrible" about it, but I guess this is why some WDW rides can't get christmas overlays like DL as people would complain. Well, they'll complain about pretty much anything so idk.
If a temporary overlay just cheapens the whole experience (in this case, pretty drastically), then why do it? Isn't the point of them to enhance the experience for a special occasion?

Disneyland can do overlays because they rely on local attendance a lot more than WDW. How many people visit WDW once in their entire lifetime? Every person who rides Tower of Terror this summer is getting a cheapened experience, and that impression is what will carry with them the rest of their lives if they never return.

Also DL is obviously willing to do more than slap some fiber optic star curtains up.


Well-Known Member
This is the only profile running, currently. It honestly isn't noticeably more thrilling than the previous ones. I would like it to stay, but also hope that they return to randomized drop sequences.

If a temporary overlay just cheapens the whole experience (in this case, pretty drastically), then why do it? Isn't the point of them to enhance the experience for a special occasion?

Disneyland can do overlays because they rely on local attendance a lot more than WDW. How many people visit WDW once in their entire lifetime? Every person who rides Tower of Terror this summer is getting a cheapened experience, and that impression is what will carry with them the rest of their lives if they never return.

Also DL is obviously willing to do more than slap some fiber optic star curtains up.

Thats why I say I should wait and see, but I'm sure it isn't that bad, esp for a temporary change. And of course, the whole local vs tourist thing plays a big role in season overlays, this is known and I've read that countless times here. But I've also read comments asking why WDW can't, and this is one reason why. To many, "the sky is falling" reactions, as well as WDW being more tourist heavy. And from what I've read about it so far, I don't see whats so bad about it. Of course, everyone's different and will think differently but I should just wait and see for myself.


Well-Known Member
"the wall" is not back in its original form. In the earlier days of Tower, the wall in front of you was illuminated by green lights for a split second before you dropped the first time. It is not illuminated before you drop with this new profile, but a bit of sunlight leaks in from the doors at the top opening, unless you ride at night.

After the first drop, you do pause, awkwardly, at a wall though.


Well-Known Member
Do they really think this is "plused"???????

I jus got off of it awhile ago, and for a temporary summer change, it is a plus. I don't see where all the negative complains are coming from, but everyone's different and people need to complain abt something so, there ya go.


I jus got off of it awhile ago, and for a temporary summer change, it is a plus. I don't see where all the negative complains are coming from, but everyone's different and people need to complain abt something so, there ya go.

huh? they covered up half of the ride with a black cloth with little lights.


Well-Known Member
I rode it two weeks ago and I'm not sure how to describe my feelings toward it. Tower is one of my all-time favorites so I'd probably prefer they never mess with it too much. My best memory on Tower was my first ride back in 1999 when you still got a full drop, I believe twice. It was so great we ran back in the 90 minute line (pre RnRC) and rode again. Unfortunately I've never enjoyed Tower as much since, but that's not to say I haven't enjoyed the new drop profiles.

So back to this version. I really enjoyed the full drop and effects while in the shaft. I also liked the picture effect, but I miss the star doors. It was kind of strange entering the shaft without them. I never really understood all the stuff in the 5th dimension, but now I can honestly say I liked it better than simply having the star curtains. At least the props behind the curtains gave you something else to think about before the drops. Now it's kind of anti-climatic up there.

Do I mind these changes temporarily for the summer? Not at all. Do I fear they could stick around past that? Oh yeah.

I feel like Nightastic brought some nice additions/changes to MK for the summer, but the other parks really got the shaft. Maybe they should have only focused on MK and left it at that.


Well-Known Member
I never really understood all the stuff in the 5th dimension, but now I can honestly say I liked it better than simply having the star curtains. At least the props behind the curtains gave you something else to think about before the drops. Now it's kind of anti-climatic up there.
Agreed. The 5th Dimension scene is supposed to appear as though you are moving up an elevator shaft, as if you are on your back. While you are moving up, it "vanishes" and becomes "Twilight Zone-y" and spacey and stuff.

The scene was never really effective, and was showing its' age, but it was better. You had so many things going on to look at - the floating props, the ghost figures, the lights fading out, the starfield doors, and electricity zapping around on the walls around the elevator. Now there is really only one thing to look at - a picture of yourself. Why are so many people entertained by seeing a picture of themselves while on a ride?

Also, as long as this thread is bumped, I rode again this weekend, and the audio was really quiet and scratchy in some spots, and just overall really bad sounding. What is going on with the audio and why are they not doing anything to fix it??

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