TRON Lightcycle Overlay coming to WDW Monorails


Well-Known Member
I'm not a Tron fan, so that may influence my view slighty... but I'm not thrilled with the way it looks in the mock up. I'm not against a monorail overlay altogether. It just looks too much like a moving billboard to me, which detracts from the icon the monorail is.

At the end of the day though, it's not the end of the world, and it's only temporary. If they decide to do this in the future with other movies/etc, I hope they tone down how much of the monorail they cover up with an ad.


New Member
Well, I know it is not an April Fool's JOke because I saw one in mid transformation at the round house today...however, I don't think this is the worst thing they have done...The Pink Castle and the Sorcerer's hat are far worse.

As far as leaving the monorails alone...???

THis is the fourth or fifth generation of monorails since 1971 and each one has been different from the first and usually a "mark"ed improvement :ROFLOL:. Joking aside, there has never been a rule or policy about leaving them alone and they have not been. Especially in 1982 with the addition of the EPCOT loop. I remember we were all excited about that here at WDW ("Cool we have a monorail that goes over the parking lot like Disneyland" LOL)

The recent celebration overlays were much tackier than this one appears to be.

Even in the 1970s the Main Street Windows and buses were used to market films that were being released: THe Black Hole, TRON, Pete's Dragon, The REscuers, as well as re-releases of classics.

Anyway that's my $0.02



Well-Known Member
I love the white monorails with their unique colored stripe. Those TRON monorail colors are ugly. Keep TRON out of EPCOT.

whats the problem with a little diversity in monorails? sure these two wont be uniform, but they will be unique and when they remove the wrapping if they go back to the old style then they may need to repaint them to keep it clean and fresh. :D

now where is my TEA! :eek:


Well-Known Member
CHEERS: For doing something creative, different, and in theory pretty cool (come on - monorail = lightcycle - its a match)

JEERS: For doing a tacky, ugly a$$ job of it (of course that is my opinion, which matters very little in the grand scheme of things)



Well-Known Member
If everything Disney had stayed exactly as it was in 1971, there would be no Disney today. For those who dont remember, that almost happened in the early 1980's.

I think its a good marketing tie in given that there isn't a place in any of the parks that could be used on such a scale that hasn't already had a Stitch or Toy Story character placed on it. Dont get me wrong, I like both Stitch and Toy Story.

The Mononrail is totally appropriate for this as there is a synergy between futuristic light cycles and a (at the time) futuristic mode of transportation.


Premium Member
One thing I forgot to add, ....its temporary, but how temporary? I mean it's only March and the movie doesn't come out until December! :shrug:


New Member
but I hate this overlay ... both from a design standpoint ... and from a marketing standpoint.

I don't think that poor photo shopped job can really give an accurate example of what the monorails might look like.
As far as the marketing standpoint...really? This seems like a perfect marketing idea. Think about it. How many people see the monorail on a given day? Thousands.
First, there are the people that ride the monorail who will see it when it arrives at the station and then again once they exit.
Second, how many people look up in EPCOT to see the monorail as it glides by? How many of those people take photos of it. The answer is a lot.
Third, how many people see the monorails when they cross over the roadways and past the MK parking lot?
By placing such an advertisement on the monorails, they are exposing the movie to a great amount of people.

In my opinion it is too much. Billboards on the busses and posters in the parks yes, but taking a park icon like the monorail and whoreing it out to be nothing more than a mobile billboard? I think it goes to far, but that is just my opinion.

Honestly, what is the difference? I'm sure I'll get a lot of heat for this one but in the end, the monorails are just another form of transportation. Yes, they are a resort icon but they are also a mode of transportation meaning they are exposed to a great amount of people....people who might want to see the movie.
Don't get me wrong, I love the monorails. But honestly, this isn't that bad of an idea. It will give the monorails a new appearance for a limited time and will allow WDS to market a movie with ease.

I won't directly comment on it's appearance until we can see the final product. Marketing standpoint though, Tron seems like a good choice and the lightcycle scene represents the image of Tron.


Well-Known Member
if this thread is any indication - Yes

Its amazing to me how people who love disney so much hate everything they do. :hammer:

All while continuing to go and spend money on it, just to come back here and gripe about peeling paint and burnt out light bulbs and how its not the same as it was back in the 70s or 80s or early 90s and how stale its gotten.


Well-Known Member
if this thread is any indication - Yes

Its amazing to me how people who love disney so much hate everything they do. :hammer:
If we did not love Disney why would we care? We expect what Disney has conditioned us to expect and when Disney does something incredibly tacky and stupid they are going to hear about it. Otherwise we would be Defenders of Mediocrity.


Well-Known Member
EWWWWW, this thread is ugly. It's just an advertisement for Disney and it ruins the iconic internet forum.

I like my threads static, mediocre and unchanging.

And keep advertisements out of Disney, I can't turn a corner in those parks without seeing a lousy excuse to hawk castles, Mickey, and junk...Let alone all those nations selling me their koreaican stuff in Epcot...Speak America, we're in America!


Active Member
I like them... It's only an overlay, why the big craze? :veryconfu It's got an 8 month lifespan at its longest run.

Here's to hoping they do add some Tron into the park :D


as far as I have heard, this will only be done on 2 trains, and will only be on the epcot line.... which, of course, offers maximum exposure on the trains..

Now.. it's march.... About that new 12th train.........

Crazy Harry

Active Member
No offense, but it seems silly to take issue with a temporary covering over the monorail trains. I value everyone's opinion, I just have a hard time understanding what the issue is. I think this advertisement is incredibly creative. Instead of being static like a billboard, it is constantly covering area around the resort. Because of the motion and the asthetic, it draws your attension. And for those familiar with tron it couldn't make more sense. In the movie and the games, the light cycle creates a trail behind it. With the picture of the light cycle at the front of the monorail, it gives the appearance that a trail is being created, which is pretty cool. So it would seem that advertising for tron on the monorail is more creative than one would initially believe. I do not think it makes as much sense to do this with other future movies.

This advertisement also exposes themepark goers to tron which might create curiousity for the movie and act as a precurser to an eventual ride.

And actually, I could see tron in Epcot. It would be cool to have a dark ride showing off the inner workings of the internet in the tron world. But I do agree it is a better in tomorrowland.


Well-Known Member
OOOOOOO! I just realized how awesome the trails will look if you're on the inside of the straightaway and the other train passes your train!

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