News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
So... I’m no expert of course, but is construction on Tron running behind? I ask because Guardians of the Galaxy is due to open only months ahead and seems significantly further along while Tron hasn’t even had its steel rise yet.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
I don't think the FAA cares except to punish those that don't follow the rules on the book. And the rules regarding Disney NFZs were inserted into a post-9/11 security bill not at the request of the FAA. I'm sure the FAA isn't hostile to requests to enter this space since they know this is more politically motivated than a real issue of security.
It's not an MOA, so there's no external coordination required to let someone fly through it if they want...

All bets are off after Alcatraz opens, however, and who knows what'll happen with all those Millennium Falcons zooming around...


Premium Member
But isn’t Guardians of the Galaxy, which looks substantially further ahead, expected in early 2021? Only months ahead of Tron?

Neither should need 2 1/2 to 3 more years to build, so they will probably move along at a pace that has them open on the dates rumored. Also remember that Tron is an existing and proven ride system, Guardians is brand new so will probably take longer to complete.


Well-Known Member
But isn’t Guardians of the Galaxy, which looks substantially further ahead, expected in early 2021? Only months ahead of Tron?

I actually don't feel the issue is that Tron looks behind, it is that GoTG looks substantially more ahead than a typical project this far out does

I think it is partially that they are building the enclosure and then the coaster for GoTG, whereas they will first build the coaster and then the enclosure for Tron. It actually was the first attraction be be completed for Shanghai, so it should go up reasonably quick.

Eisner will demonstrate...


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I haven't read this thread, so am asking questions probably answered before.

1) Why is the Tron coaster going into the MK? Or, has Disney given any "explanation" for that decision? Maybe because it fits in with Tomorrowland's current theming of things that used to seem futuristic but no longer do?

2) I gather they're taking up some of the space of the Speedway. Why aren't they just removing the entire Speedway and using all that space for Tron and maybe something else? (I'm not a Speedway fan, though I guess some must be.) Does it really make sense to spend time and money to make the speedway smaller instead of just removing it?


Park History nut
Premium Member
Sorry, I haven't read this thread, so am asking questions probably answered before.

1) Why is the Tron coaster going into the MK? Or, has Disney given any "explanation" for that decision? Maybe because it fits in with Tomorrowland's current theming of things that used to seem futuristic but no longer do?

2) I gather they're taking up some of the space of the Speedway. Why aren't they just removing the entire Speedway and using all that space for Tron and maybe something else? (I'm not a Speedway fan, though I guess some must be.) Does it really make sense to spend time and money to make the speedway smaller instead of just removing it?

1) it’s ”futuristic”.

2) Barely any Speedway will be taken.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I haven't read this thread, so am asking questions probably answered before.

1) Why is the Tron coaster going into the MK? Or, has Disney given any "explanation" for that decision? Maybe because it fits in with Tomorrowland's current theming of things that used to seem futuristic but no longer do?

2) I gather they're taking up some of the space of the Speedway. Why aren't they just removing the entire Speedway and using all that space for Tron and maybe something else? (I'm not a Speedway fan, though I guess some must be.) Does it really make sense to spend time and money to make the speedway smaller instead of just removing it?

1. Best fit thematically. Also will allow SM to be upgraded eventually.

2. They need the speedway for capacity. And an eventual expansion pad.

IMO of course.


Well-Known Member
Who shares my opinion that they are again wasting a huge opportunity by keeping the
heavily outdated, ugly, loud and outright booooring TL Speedway instead of building a TL expansion with a unique TRON attraction that is tailored to the completely different situation and the design of MK TL, instead of building a Shanghai clone that has been designed for a TL with a completely different design approach. If they take out the TLS there would be plenty of space for an entire TRON sub-land with not only an improved main ride (I consider it a major flaw of the ride to go outdoors partially although it is inside a computer world) but also a restaurant (with energy water), a gift shop and "Flynns" arcade.
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Well-Known Member
Who shares my opinion that they are again wasting a huge opportunity by keeping the
heavily outdated, ugly, loud and outright booooring TL Speedway instead of building an TL expansion with a unique TRON attraction that is tailored to the completely different situation and the design of MK TL, instead of building a Shanghai clone that has been designed for a TL with a completely different design approach. If they take out the TLS there would be plenty of space for an entire TRON sub-land with not only an improved main ride (I consider it a major flaw of the ride to go outdoors partially although it is inside a computer world) but also a restaurant (with energy water), a gift shop and "Flynns" arcade.
Last I heard the speedway was going to get a face lift as well, not sure if new vehicles are included or not, but that was part of the original rumor, and it will all be tailored to fit "tron" look


Well-Known Member
Who shares my opinion that they are again wasting a huge opportunity by keeping the
heavily outdated, ugly, loud and outright booooring TL Speedway instead of building a TL expansion with a unique TRON attraction that is tailored to the completely different situation and the design of MK TL, instead of building a Shanghai clone that has been designed for a TL with a completely different design approach. If they take out the TLS there would be plenty of space for an entire TRON sub-land with not only an improved main ride (I consider it a major flaw of the ride to go outdoors partially although it is inside a computer world) but also a restaurant (with energy water), a gift shop and "Flynns" arcade.
Kids love it. MK is for kids, nuff said


Well-Known Member
Who shares my opinion that they are again wasting a huge opportunity by keeping the
heavily outdated, ugly, loud and outright booooring TL Speedway instead of building a TL expansion with a unique TRON attraction that is tailored to the completely different situation and the design of MK TL, instead of building a Shanghai clone that has been designed for a TL with a completely different design approach. If they take out the TLS there would be plenty of space for an entire TRON sub-land with not only an improved main ride (I consider it a major flaw of the ride to go outdoors partially although it is inside a computer world) but also a restaurant (with energy water), a gift shop and "Flynns" arcade.

To be honest I can see why they've done this. That design is tried and tested and very popular. I'd hazard a guess that the vast majority of guests are unlikely to visit both parks so despite it being a clone, most won't have ridden it anyway so it will seem unique to them. Also most people go on rides repeatedly if they're good anyway. For those guests who've done it in Shanghai, it's unlikely they'll say "I'm not riding that as I've done that before", especially if they enjoyed it.

I do take on board some of your points though. My wife however loves the TL Speedway (as long as she's driving) and I think young kids love it too, it takes up space but is probably more loved than we'd imagine.


Well-Known Member
Who shares my opinion that they are again wasting a huge opportunity by keeping the
heavily outdated, ugly, loud and outright booooring TL Speedway instead of building a TL expansion with a unique TRON attraction that is tailored to the completely different situation and the design of MK TL, instead of building a Shanghai clone that has been designed for a TL with a completely different design approach. If they take out the TLS there would be plenty of space for an entire TRON sub-land with not only an improved main ride (I consider it a major flaw of the ride to go outdoors partially although it is inside a computer world) but also a restaurant (with energy water), a gift shop and "Flynns" arcade.

I partially disagree. I wish they would update the speedway to electric cars. Give them a sound effects to sound like an ICE if you need to but it would be more environmentally friendly. Also it would smell a lot better on the ride. I also agree with @JoeCamel and @mergatroid above so won't repeat what they said.


Well-Known Member
Who shares my opinion that they are again wasting a huge opportunity by keeping the
heavily outdated, ugly, loud and outright booooring TL Speedway instead of building a TL expansion with a unique TRON attraction that is tailored to the completely different situation and the design of MK TL, instead of building a Shanghai clone that has been designed for a TL with a completely different design approach. If they take out the TLS there would be plenty of space for an entire TRON sub-land with not only an improved main ride (I consider it a major flaw of the ride to go outdoors partially although it is inside a computer world) but also a restaurant (with energy water), a gift shop and "Flynns" arcade.
I posted somewhere in the miles of thread that they could have kept the them pitch perfect without mod'ing the ride, only the queue. Build an old brick & mortar Flynn's Arcade as the entrance. Walk through the arcade (all games playing as background props just out of reach), then finally through the door behind the TRON machine. There would be 2 for speed, each one going into a duplicate of Flynn's work area. Sam starts talking to you on a video screen about helping get them out while the desktop computer flashes the commands. The video is taken over by Clu who threatens to bring you to the grid, the laser turns on, a strobe flash with the room goes dark. When the lights come on the room is all TRON'ed out appearing like the grid. You leave the room into the TRON world queue and then ride the light cycles. The exit is through a shop (with cool retro Flynn' & arcade stuff) attached to Flynn's Arcade. This could easilly exit out of a TRON'ed Flynn's into the tron sub-land you speak of.

Seems easy enough to me to make it awesome, slightly unique, and not break the bank on construction. But alas, what do I (we) know?


Well-Known Member
Kids love it. MK is for kids, nuff said

No. Mk is for families and families come in all shapes and sizes and deserve a diverse array of attractions. Saying MK is for kids only further limits the attractions and experiences contained within the park. MK needs bigger rides to balance out the years of stagnation of smaller “kiddie” focused attractions.

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