Tom Staggs drops some REAL information about the future


Well-Known Member
Perhaps, but have you ever seen them on the same thread at the exact same time? No? That's right! Just like Clark Kent and Superman, or Peter Parker and Spiderman. Wonder which one's the super hero though? ;)

We both are. ... We just have different ... um ... super powers!


OV 104
Premium Member
If IP is a must and sole basis then how do these parks around the country and world survive with primarily coasters?

Does not compute.


Well-Known Member
The only thing Staggs "dropped" was yet another arrogant deuce in our faces.
Just more bullstuff.
Carsland at DLR sounds great, I guess, overall (but, RSR just an - old version - Test Track remix from what I'm told, anyway), and FLE sounds like just a reboot, warmed over, whatever with great theming and nothing of real substance there.
It seems to me like TWDC just keeps drunkenly in' on it's own shoes and pretendin' like it's rain.


Well-Known Member
I'll delete my account if Lee or 74 get me a job at WDI.

Do you really think that's going to happen?
Also do you really believe that your ideas if given the chance to express them would have the wallet holding execs somehow "seeing the light" ?
I hate to be that guy but come on. Now if you're just joking I apologize. If not then I just don't know.


Well-Known Member
The only thing Staggs dropped was yet another deuce in our faces.
Just more bullstuff.
Carsland at DLR sounds great, I guess, overall (but, just a Test Track remix from what I'm told - RSR, anyway), and FLE sounds like just a reboot, warmed over, whatever with great theming and nothing of real substance there.
It seems to me like TWDC just keeps drunkenly in' on it's own shoes.
Honestly though what would be good enough to shut fanbois up for more than a week? I think with even an incredible E ticket or two every couple years they'd see the concept art and say cool! then turn around and say but where's the next thing? resting on laurels! accusation...


Well-Known Member
I don't know what "fanbois" is , but if TWDC can't get off it's laurels (and Hardy's ;) for that matter), because they've been sittin' on there arrogant ones for too long (as Walt had always suggested they NOT do), then they deserve everything they DON'T get.


Well-Known Member
Do you really think that's going to happen?
Also do you really believe that your ideas if given the chance to express them would have the wallet holding execs somehow "seeing the light" ?
I hate to be that guy but come on. Now if you're just joking I apologize. If not then I just don't know.
Ideas are meaningless. Individuals who think that IDEAS will get you into any creative company if there still very much green should really reconsider their thinking. While I don't know why someone would bother working at WDI nowadays with all the deliberately vague stories coming from folks like spiri,t blueskydriveby etc. Creative companies look at the SKILLS, and other things at WDI :o.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Except Shrek is a horrible, horrible attraction - but that's because it was poor execution to begin with, it has nothing to do with stale IP. Having said that, your overall point is well taken and one you, me, any anyone else with common sense has made time and time again. The Intellectual Property itself is really only important from a marketing standpoint. A quality attraction can be made around just about any Intellectual Property.
Yep. We bypass Shrek. Watch the footage on the DVD box set. But.... It has insane lines. Even for a show based attraction. They had to build a second theatre and run them in tandem to satisfy demand, like Soarin'. This shows a) personal opinion about what's good and what's not doesn't count b) someone's stale IP is someone else's idea of fun and c) adjusting supply to demand is a great idea, even if the initial outlay won't see immediate results.


Well-Known Member

Knock yourself out with the link but for those that want a summary:

- Avatarland budget between 400-500 million dollars.
-Cars Land has (obviously) been a huge success and will be used as the model going forward. They want to focus on building entire lands for properties instead of just 1 ride like in the old days.
-He hints/basically confirms Cars Land is getting cloned (Doesn't mention when or where)
-Promises bigger Lucasfilm presence in all of the parks.
Actively hate the idea of Avatarland in the AK
Don't care about Carsland and Star Wars in DHS at all. Don't go there very much, anyway. Wish they'd stick stupid Avatarland in there, too.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to be a downer because I think if Pandora is done correctly it can be one of the best most immersive theme park experiences ever. However, will anyone still care about the Avatar franchise in 2017?
Does anyone really care about it now?

I've asked many people I know who liked Avatar whether they liked the movie because it was a good story with good characters or whether they liked the special effects. The most recent person I asked was very succinct. "Primarily, the effects." And he summed it up for all of them.

All that glisters is not gold. They went to see special effects. They liked them. That's it.

People never cared about this movie.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone really care about it now?

I've asked many people I know who liked Avatar whether they liked the movie because it was a good story with good characters or whether they liked the special effects. The most recent person I asked was very succinct. "Primarily, the effects." And he summed it up for all of them.

All that glisters is not gold. They went to see special effects. They liked them. That's it.

People never cared about this movie.
to me the question should be do you think pandora can be turned into a great theme park area....heck FJ has little to do with any storyline....just my opinion


Well-Known Member
Until they start to actually build something....all of this is just talk. Here we are in 2012 looking at a ride (mine train) that should be opening mid 2013 and waiting for something in the parks that won't open till 2017 or later. Over 5 years from today, just an enormous amount of time to wait for a kick start in the Disney world parks.

Still nothing announced yet...this is all just talk.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts on the classic (Disney) vs stale (UNI) attractions are that the Disney "classic" attractions are based on tried and true stories that explore universal tales of friendship, good beats evil, and family, and tend to be "period" pieces. Shrek, MIB, Transformers and others are contemporary to pop culture, music, humor and and as a result tend to "date" themselves. The stories may be in fact good and enjoyable, but a cool song in 2003 may not be so great in 2016.


Well-Known Member
Ask most people which ride they like better, Peter Pan or Haunted Mansion. The majority would opt for the better ride experience, even if they know and like the Pan IP.

The idea that people would prefer a poor or mediocre experience over a great one just because of IP...nah. I don't buy it.

In the end this is arguing apples and oranges. An E-Ticket can be an E-Ticket without the Disney characters. But given a choice, I would think that the vast majority of guests want there to be some of films represented in the rides.

I rode Haunted Mansion last week, there was a decent sized line at some point in the day, as it is currently has the Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay, which is more popular than the generic HM ride.

So, stories and characters can be used to plus an attraction, it done properly.

When Disneyland opened, it was the name "Disney", that brought in the guests, in addition to Walt heavily marketing the park on the Disneyland show. So, it is hard to separate guest counts from the whole brand.


Well-Known Member
To those who think Disney acquiring avatar was a bad idea, I bet u guys would freak if universal acquired it and say "Disney missed another great opportunity and how you believe it could of been a potter swatter"

"Said No One ever...". I think they would've been smart to keep it one attraction for brand recognition and to add capacity to a park that needs it, but spending $500 million on an entire land- that is what I find ridiculous.

Like I pointed out Harry Potter is an established brand with years worth of merchandising, film and book selling track records. It has traits that appeal to WIDE audience of ages and backgrounds. It has great characters that people love. Potter has been around for a decade or more AND STILL GOING STRONG. People who don't even watch or read Harry Potter know who Hermoine, Ron, and Harry are.

Avatar was one movie during one year (with supposed sequels coming). It looked pretty and was actually filmed in 3-D. The James Cameron hype machine rolled into town: Produce simplistic, overdramatic story with drastic cliches from other movies and shove a moral message about the environment/man's folly down our throats (See: Titanic). The hype and merchandise died out quickly after its release. A few people dressed up as the Na'vi for Halloween because they thought it'd be hot to be dressed as a blue cat person. That was it. That was the impact of Avatar. That is why I think it's a bad idea and no matter what, an entire land is a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
I've asked many people I know who liked Avatar whether they liked the movie because it was a good story with good characters or whether they liked the special effects. The most recent person I asked was very succinct. "Primarily, the effects." And he summed it up for all of them.

All that glisters is not gold. They went to see special effects. They liked them. That's it.

Sure. And that's the exact reason it could be a fantastic themed area in a park -- what was truly impressive about Avatar the movie was the environment and the ambiance and the visuals. Recreate that in real life and you have a fantastic place to "visit" as a theme park guest. It can be impressive and immersive even if you don't care for or don't remember the movie (or even if you hated it).

Now, will WDW do a good job? No idea. But there certainly is the basis for something impressive and something that would be a great fit for DAK.


Well-Known Member
Do you really think that's going to happen?
Also do you really believe that your ideas if given the chance to express them would have the wallet holding execs somehow "seeing the light" ?
I hate to be that guy but come on. Now if you're just joking I apologize. If not then I just don't know.

I was being rather sarcastic.


Well-Known Member
Do you really think that's going to happen?
Also do you really believe that your ideas if given the chance to express them would have the wallet holding execs somehow "seeing the light" ?
I hate to be that guy but come on. Now if you're just joking I apologize. If not then I just don't know.

Although I do love the extensive jumping to conclusions you did. lol.

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