Tigger Punches Guest??


Well-Known Member
God this is unreal. You know, I wish the CM in question would come forward. Forget about working at Disney, big deal he can find another job in Orlando that will pay him 8 bucks an hour. Forget any chance of Disney suing him, not going to happen with the bad PR that would bring.

He should call up CBS and book an interview, appear with the family and tell his side of the story, pretty much that the kid was pulling on the back of his costume and he was choking and gasping for air.

As you and everyone else knows... the CM in question will be fired for breach of contract if he does what you propose. The CM also probably does not want to admit guilt if none exists... and if the kid in the video did provoke (through pinching, poking, choke, costume intrusion, etc) the armlock and push by Tigger - then working through Disney's Administration & public relations is his best option.

To me, the video shows the CM restraining the arm of the kid before the hand comes up to push him away. Again this is my opinion from what I have seen.


Well-Known Member
Poooooorrrrrrrr New Hampshire!!!!!!

Oh how I see the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ coming rolling in.

I would not be surprised to see this as a set up well planned prior to the trip.


Well-Known Member
Why is it always people from "The Twins Territory" that can't tell the difference between a New York accent and a New Hampshire accent?

Tell ya, I wouldn't trust people from that area any farther than I could throw 'em.

:lol: j/k
Just like the rest of us can't tell the Minnesotans from the Canucks....:animwink:


Active Member
This whole thing is such a joke, the kid obviously did something to make Tigger do this. Someone isn't going to just play hit a guest for no reason. But Tigger is still wrong, he has to keep his composure in situations like that.

There was an incident I was part of with one of the Power Rangers at MGM last November (2006). While on my college program, my roommate and I were at MGM and he wanted his photo taken with the green ranger. My roommate who is very funny started to pretend he was a power ranger while he was waiting in line, but he wasn't trying to be funny......he was being serious :lol: . He was saying stuff like, "It's morphin time!" "Sabertooth Tiger!" and so on and so forth. So the green ranger stopped the line of autographs and came over to my roommate and whispered in his ear "Wrong season buddy". I guess they don't say stuff like that in the new power ranger shows. So the green ranger then resumes pictures and autographs. When it was my roommate's turn, my roommate asked the green ranger, "Who pose are we going to do?" The green ranger held up an "L" with his left hand on his forehead, signaling that my roommate was a "Loser". My roommate was shocked that the green ranger treated him like that and I think he kind of hurt his feelings. He was going to report him to guest services, but he decided not to.


Well-Known Member
Okay, it took my whole work day to get through this. We need to look at 2 similar incidents to really see how this will work out.

#1 Kenny Rodgers. Cameraman gets in his face. The guy has all the right in the world to defend himself if somebody is shooting him on the field from the dugout. Totally justified in smacking around that dude from Ch 11 in Dallas. Then the guy threatens suits and more. Looks like the family will have at least one case for their side. (I never cared to find out the actual outcome of it, but do remember the guy taking a few weeks off work for Med Leave)

#2 Todd Bertuzzi. Steve Moore plays hockey against "his" team. So he blindsides him and knocks him out cold breaking his neck. Bert gets suspended the rest of the season. Now since this incident did take place after the "holiday" season.... Tigger can expect a suspension for the rest of the Winter Season. Wecome back for the Spring Breakers Tiggs.


Well-Known Member
Again, point to ANY evidence the family wants cash or anything of material value. The only ones saying that is you (plural you).

I find it highly suspicious that the family would hire an attorney and go on the morning show circuit and talk up how the boy had to go to the hospital and is now on pain medication. To an investigator, this suspicious activity would lead one to suspect more than a mere apology is being sought.

And again, regardless of whether the kid did anything or not, it doesn't change the fact that a purposeful punch by a CM is not tolerated and should not be allowed at all.

Dealing in such absolutes is indeed dangerous. At first, you mocked the idea that the kid could have been choking the CM, then, when others explained it was possible and it is also appearing in some news outlets, you have conveniently forgotten that aspect. You sidestep it hoping we will have forgotten about it.

Yes, being choked would give the CM every reason to attempt to disengage from the boy by any means possible…including the non-existent punch.

Even more proof that the family DOESN'T want money like so many people on this board are putting into their mouths.

Again, see my first point. If you only want an apology, what purpose does the attorny serve?

Thank you The Mom. Best post of the thread.

You might consider she just may have had you in mind when she made the post.

I want you to point to ANY evidence the family wants money. Guess what? You won't find any!

Again, see my first point.


Well-Known Member
I know that hiring an lawyer does mean the family intends to sue BUT it sure looks that way. Most lawyers do not take a case for a percentage of the settlement UNLESS they think there will be a settlement. A lawyer will charge a fee for his/her service sometimes even if there is no settlement agreed on. Either way, this family, who's kid provoked a character to loose his balance and swing his arm around far enough to connect with the kids face will get money just to shut them up. I hope a settlement also includes a ban from any Disney property, a lifetime ban. I also hope the family has enough money to pay for counseling for the kid, he will need it.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Oh my God! Pain medication for that! I have three girls (15,13 and 5) all of which spend no less than 3 hours a week in karate classes. The 2 older girls compete on the Black Belts for Christ tournament circuit and I have personally witnessed each of them take real punches and kicks more times than I can count and none of them have had to take so much as an aspirin. This little whip gets what would amount to a sissy slap with a padded hand and he has to go to the hospital and be on pain medication. Give me a break!

All this family sees is dollar signs! I hope they file suit and Disney fights it. Any rational person will watch this tape and laugh them out of court.
mental note.... dont ever smart off to masta if his daughters are around.

I've watched this tape over and over. I showed it to my husband and he agreed. It looks as though the kid did something behind Tiggers back (hence Tigger wrapping one arm around the kids arm to stop whatever was being done), then moved his other hand around towards the kids shoulder (to move him away), and brushed his face on the way. Tigger wasn't even looking in the kids direction to even know where his face was to "punch" him. Who punches without first drawing their arm back anyway? This kid had that "up to something" smirk on his face and if you watch closely (watch Tiggers shoulder), you can see the kids hand for a split second up around the neck area).

That interview this morning..... *shakes head*
liz, maybe he needs to come by alabama and see what a true punch feels like from one of our beloved rednecks. i think butterbean could lay a true punch


Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
There was an incident I was part of with one of the Power Rangers at MGM last November (2006). While on my college program, my roommate and I were at MGM and he wanted his photo taken with the green ranger. My roommate who is very funny started to pretend he was a power ranger while he was waiting in line, but he wasn't trying to be funny......he was being serious :lol: . He was saying stuff like, "It's morphin time!" "Sabertooth Tiger!" and so on and so forth. So the green ranger stopped the line of autographs and came over to my roommate and whispered in his ear "Wrong season buddy". I guess they don't say stuff like that in the new power ranger shows. So the green ranger then resumes pictures and autographs. When it was my roommate's turn, my roommate asked the green ranger, "Who pose are we going to do?" The green ranger held up an "L" with his left hand on his forehead, signaling that my roommate was a "Loser". My roommate was shocked that the green ranger treated him like that and I think he kind of hurt his feelings. He was going to report him to guest services, but he decided not to.

Wow..yeah, i would have considered saying something to someone as not only did the Green Ranger "insult" your friend......he also broke the #1 Disney no-no when in non-face character: TALKING! :dazzle:
to make a super long story short we were told that we would be give a couples sweedish massage and when you hear that couples mean two people right. well not to disney we got charged 250.00 and upon check out we were told to pay it. well being huge disney fans we had already spent our money. a manager came out and started yelling at us (we were staying at the polly) that if we didnt pay it we were going to get arrested. now im not a yeller and i avoid conflict at all costs my husband is the same. they called the police and had them escort us out until we found a way to pay them. we finnaly paid them thanks to a family member with a credit card. but i was in tears i have never been embarresed like that in my life. disney finnaly got back to me on the situation lets see four years later after i wrote letters and called millions of times.

Those aren't CMs. They work for a company called Nikki Bryan.


Well-Known Member
My roommate who is very funny started to pretend he was a power ranger while he was waiting in line, but he wasn't trying to be funny......he was being serious :lol: . He was saying stuff like, "It's morphin time!" "Sabertooth Tiger!" and so on and so forth. So the green ranger stopped the line of autographs and came over to my roommate and whispered in his ear "Wrong season buddy". I guess they don't say stuff like that in the new power ranger shows. So the green ranger then resumes pictures and autographs. When it was my roommate's turn, my roommate asked the green ranger, "Who pose are we going to do?" The green ranger held up an "L" with his left hand on his forehead, signaling that my roommate was a "Loser". My roommate was shocked that the green ranger treated him like that and I think he kind of hurt his feelings. He was going to report him to guest services, but he decided not to.

Many poses of the power rangers involve hands placed in "L" shapes and involve hands close to the face

It could have been an over exaggeration of the ranger in reaction to your friend
And what gives your friend the right to ruin the magic for the little kids around him? Obviously shouting slogans caused enough of a ruckus for the ranger to come to him. Basically what I'm saying is, if you are going to act like a jacka@# in front of little kids, do it on your own time.


Active Member
:wave: Looks to me like Askmike1 is having a good time messing with everyone. He will see when the truth comes out. :hammer:

The Mom

Premium Member
Let me try to restate this, so everyone understands. :lol:

I do not want this bickering to lead to name calling on either side of the issue. Please remember that the fact that someone disagrees with your opinion (which is all any of us really have at this point) does not make him/her an idiot.

The fact that someone says Tigga vs Tigger does not AUTOMATICALLY make him an idiot or dishonest.

The fact that someone wears a "gothy" looking outfit doesn't AUTOMATICALLY make him a punk.

The fact that someone works at or enjoys visiting Universal doesn't AUTOMATICALLY make him a lowlife, any more than working at or visiting WDW makes you a saint.

This is what I'm complaining about, as many perfectly intelligent, wonderful members of this forum fit into the above categories.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Let me try to restate this, so everyone understands. :lol:

I do not want this bickering to lead to name calling on either side of the issue. Please remember that the fact that someone disagrees with your opinion (which is all any of us really have at this point) does not make him/her an idiot.

The fact that someone says Tigga vs Tigger does not AUTOMATICALLY make him an idiot or dishonest.

The fact that someone wears a "gothy" looking outfit doesn't AUTOMATICALLY make him a punk.

The fact that someone works at or enjoys visiting Universal doesn't AUTOMATICALLY make him a lowlife, any more than working at or visiting WDW makes you a saint.

This is what I'm complaining about, as many perfectly intelligent, wonderful members of this forum fit into the above categories.
nicely put. I understand your point better. and for the record.... i dont think the gothy look was an issue to me, just that the gloves reminded me of MJ.



Active Member
Been a while since I posted here. Let me clarify something. The kid in the picture is NOT goth. Trust me I know a little something about goth. He is a teenage boy who is an outcast with people in school. He is more punk/emo. He is not goth. I also feel like Tigger did not sucka punch that boy. And this is to Mom. I understand your feelings. But, this family has chosen to put themselves in the public eye and therefore open to ridicule by everyone, including their intellect and speech impediments. You choose to be in the public eye, be prepared for scorn, and they deserve it.


New Member
It was a phone recording. Also known as an answering machine.

Again, point to ANY evidence the family wants cash or anything of material value. The only ones saying that is you (plural you).

And again, regardless of whether the kid did anything or not, it doesn't change the fact that a purposeful punch by a CM is not tolerated and should not be allowed at all.

Okay, so you think the father went foward in time, recorded the video and then went back a day and reported it? :confused:

Even more proof that the family DOESN'T want money like so many people on this board are putting into their mouths.

Thank you The Mom. Best post of the thread.

I want you to point to ANY evidence the family wants money. Guess what? You won't find any!

I agree totally, I am very close to a cast member and if she did this, and there was no proof the kid did anything she should be fired. If the kid did something, that did not have any physical pain on the castmember they still should be fired. Apologize and get it over with. I still do not see them asking for money. Until they are i can't say they are doing this for money. it may seem like it because thats what most people do, but we will see in the coming days and weeks.

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