Tigger Punches Guest??


Active Member

It is obvious that they are looking for much more than an apology now otherwise why would they have to hire an attorney and go on morning shows. If you watch the video the son has nothing to say (or is told to stay quiet) except for the fact he is on medication now for the pain - oh the poor thing!

And he can't even look at the camera when he is saying that


New Member
Why is it always the guests with NY accents who cause a ruckus?
I am afraid that I must correct you. That is a New England accent you are listening to in the videotape. The family was from New Hampshire.:hammer: Since I am originally from New York, I could not let that one slide. I will not let my fellow New Yorkers take the rap for a jerk from New Hampshire(not that there is anything wrong with NH, it is actually a lovely state)!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I am afraid that I must correct you. That is a New England accent you are listening to in the videotape. The family was from New Hampshire.:hammer: Since I am originally from New York, I could not let that one slide. I will not let my fellow New Yorkers take the rap for a jerk from New Hampshire(not that there is anything wrong with NH, it is actually a lovely state)!

Why is it always people from "The Twins Territory" that can't tell the difference between a New York accent and a New Hampshire accent?

Tell ya, I wouldn't trust people from that area any farther than I could throw 'em.

:lol: j/k

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Oh my God! Pain medication for that! I have three girls (15,13 and 5) all of which spend no less than 3 hours a week in karate classes. The 2 older girls compete on the Black Belts for Christ tournament circuit and I have personally witnessed each of them take real punches and kicks more times than I can count and none of them have had to take so much as an aspirin. This little whimp gets what would amount to a sissy slap with a padded hand and he has to go to the hospital and be on pain medication. Give me a break!

All this family sees is dollar signs! I hope they file suit and Disney fights it. Any rational person will watch this tape and laugh them out of court.


Does anyone else find it odd that Daddy was recording the conversation with the Disney employee?
It was a phone recording. Also known as an answering machine.

That's pretty much what I was thinking earlier when the father said "at first he was mad at his son".... go figure! That kid is a troublemaker and that father is out for some Disney cash.
Again, point to ANY evidence the family wants cash or anything of material value. The only ones saying that is you (plural you).

And again, regardless of whether the kid did anything or not, it doesn't change the fact that a purposeful punch by a CM is not tolerated and should not be allowed at all.

just another note ---
*the father claimed in his police statement that the event occurred on Friday at 12:30pm
*the video shows a sunny day
*I was at the park the same day probably within 100ft of the incident at the time of the incident and it was rather cloudy at that time

so I think that the incident occurred on Saturday and the family is just pulling a scam
Okay, so you think the father went foward in time, recorded the video and then went back a day and reported it? :confused:

And the lawyer is saying all they want is an apoligize?!?!?!?! When do you call a lawyer for that?

Give me a break!!!!!!
Even more proof that the family DOESN'T want money like so many people on this board are putting into their mouths.

I know that many of you think this is a humorous situation, and that's within your rights, but please remember that a castmember's job is on the line, and even his freedom if he is found guilty of assault.

But, if the guest really was hit (and I have my own opinions on that) it's very cruel to make fun of him and his family just because of the way they look or talk.

I'm also tired of the bickering, and the totally inappropriate or nonsensical remarks.

PLAY NICE!!!! :mad:
Thank you The Mom. Best post of the thread.

All this family sees is dollar signs!
I want you to point to ANY evidence the family wants money. Guess what? You won't find any!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
...it doesn't change the fact that a purposeful punch by a CM is not tolerated and should not be allowed at all.

So it's OK if it turns out to be an accidental "punch" like if the CM lost his balance trying to stop the kid from choking him (perhaps accidentally) and connected with his head as a result. Which is what most people here seem to think. If that's the case, then there's no problem, and the CM doesn't have to be fired.

I'd also like to find out if the kid was still enjoying his vacation for the 30 hours between getting hit and going to the hospital. As has been mentioned before, if the family does decide to sue (yeah, I know, no mention of it yet, just lawyers and appearances on network talk shows), they have less of a leg to stand on to have waited that long before going to the hospital, because anything could've happened between the "hit" and the hospital visit, from wrenching his neck on an attraction to sleeping with one pillow too many to wrestling with his brother to getting hit by his father for not being a convincing enough liar to being in a fender-bender off-site. Lots of options.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Where did Mr. Monaco learn to speak english, The Tony Soprano School of Diction and Petty Theft?

I've lived up and down the East Coast for many years, and now that I'm happily back on the West Coast when I was watching this video and Mr. Monaco began speaking I literally winced in pain. I had forgotten how unattractive that regional New England accent is. I'm betting Rhode Island, or perhaps South Boston.

I wouldn't trust anyone with that accent to sell me a used car, so why would I trust him to tell me Disney owes him an apology?

The young Monaco boy looks shifty and dorky. His father looks just as shifty and out for a buck.

Ha ha ha...i agree TP2000. I currently live in the Boston area and i know EXACTLY what you are talking about! I am alreay convinved that these people "from New Hampshire" are really Mass residents who registered their cars there ( Sooo common here...)

I am happy to say that a lot of people when they meet me have a hard time figuring out where i am based. I'm proud to say i shed the local "accent" years ago. :king:


I want you to point to ANY evidence the family wants money. Guess what? You won't find any!

As of yet? None. But I bet it will be forthcoming.
At the very least they are media-baiting to get attention, likely to set the stage for some sort of legal action down the road.

This should have never gone beyond a conversation with Guest Relations.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
God this is unreal. You know, I wish the CM in question would come forward. Forget about working at Disney, big deal he can find another job in Orlando that will pay him 8 bucks an hour. Forget any chance of Disney suing him, not going to happen with the bad PR that would bring.

He should call up CBS and book an interview, appear with the family and tell his side of the story, pretty much that the kid was pulling on the back of his costume and he was choking and gasping for air. He should have medical evidence to support this (for example, did he go to the hospital after his shift with any neck pain?) He should state that his immediate reaction was to stop this from happening and in doing so lost his balance and his arm swung accidentally to the kid. In a costume that restricts your vision and while almost blacking out from not breathing this could easily happen. He should then and there, offer the apology to the family right then and there.

The family has said that an apology is all they wanted and now they will have it. This should be done LIVE on air in the studio (and a playback of the father saying this should be played.) If the family backs out at that point, then the CM should introduce his own lawyer and announce that he is suing for deformation of caricature (when dad said he acting strange when he tried to snap a photo) as well as injuries caused by the kid pulling on the costume and choking him causing him to have to gasp for breath and of course, mental anguish for all this has put him thru.

I’d suspect this might end things once and for all. Once the family realizes that now the only money they might get is from a person and in doing so, will incur a large debt of there own they might end it. Not to mention how dumb they will look when they are caught red handed, going back on their word that all they wanted is an apology.


Active Member
Thank you The Mom. Best post of the thread.

Actually I think she is being overly sensitive. As I read through this thread you seem to be the one having trouble with other people's opinions on the matter. You think Tigger should be fired? Ok, that's fine but that doesn't mean I can't think the kid is a punk who is trying to cause a scene out of nothing.

Just because I disagree with your opinion does not mean you need to try and refute what I say. Message boards are all about sharing opinions and personal views on a subject, not just fact.


Active Member
Having watched this video again and againlike I am examing the Zubruter film... It looks like the kids arm flexes up then town like on a zipper.. Free Tigger


Well-Known Member
I've watched this tape over and over. I showed it to my husband and he agreed. It looks as though the kid did something behind Tiggers back (hence Tigger wrapping one arm around the kids arm to stop whatever was being done), then moved his other hand around towards the kids shoulder (to move him away), and brushed his face on the way. Tigger wasn't even looking in the kids direction to even know where his face was to "punch" him. Who punches without first drawing their arm back anyway? This kid had that "up to something" smirk on his face and if you watch closely (watch Tiggers shoulder), you can see the kids hand for a split second up around the neck area).

That interview this morning..... *shakes head*


New Member
Ugh...I finally watched the video. This may have already been said, but it looks pretty clear to me that Tigger is reacting to something the boy did to him - trying more to push him away than cause harm. I'm on Tigger's side.

And let me add that there are people out there who totally forget that there is a person inside those costumes. Behaviors that they might never consider using towards another person is somehow funny for them when they do it to a "character". Totally unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
As of yet? None. But I bet it will be forthcoming.
At the very least they are media-baiting to get attention, likely to set the stage for some sort of legal action down the road.

This should have never gone beyond a conversation with Guest Relations.:rolleyes:

I agree dude. If tigger was able to come fourth and apologize that would be admitting wrong doing which im not convinced he did anything wrong yet. And in doing so would give them the ability to say they want more than an apology.

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