Tigger Punches Guest??


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I know that many of you think this is a humorous situation, and that's within your rights, but please remember that a castmember's job is on the line, and even his freedom if he is found guilty of assault.

But, if the guest really was hit (and I have my own opinions on that) it's very cruel to make fun of him and his family just because of the way they look or talk.

I'm also tired of the bickering, and the totally inappropriate or nonsensical remarks.

PLAY NICE!!!! :mad:
i do feel for the CM because he will probably lose his position even if he isnt at fault.

but i dont feel for the family that is infront of the camera etc etc and going on talkshows. these situations can be handled quietly in my opinion. when you get infron of the camera like this, you have to suffer the consequences of today society and media giant that in which, they are taking advantage of themselves.


Well-Known Member
So I don't know if this point has been made...but why is a video camera being used in an instance one would expect a regular photo to be taken?



i do feel for the CM because he will probably lose his position even if he isnt at fault.

but i dont feel for the family that is infront of the camera etc etc and going on talkshows. these situations can be handled quietly in my opinion. when you get infron of the camera like this, you have to suffer the consequences of today society and media giant that in which, they are taking advantage of themselves.

Well stated. I feel for the CM as well, because this is clearly getting blown WAY out of proportion. I am sorry if others don't agree but if those parents honestly think that kid didn't do something they are blind. You can tell just by the way Tigger reacts-something was being done behind him. Come on people! I had wanted to see the family on the morning show this morning, but missed it. Did they ask the kid if he really did do something? Like he will come clean now. I wonder how the family would feel if "Tigger" turned around and sued them for dep. of character? Pun intended.


Active Member
Some can take still photos while video taping. I doubt the person in question even knows how to do that, though.

The Mom: We are making fun of the fact that this kid's parents (father?) are making such a big stink about something so ridiculous.


I wonder if they even know what a bunch of putzes they look like. If it was accidental and Tigger just lost his balance(which I doubt-he was provoked) any other family would laugh it off as some silly thing that happened at disney. This family is staging (word very appropriate) an all out national assault on Tigger. Before we know it there will be all kinds of restrictions on meet and greets. Thanks Monaco family.


Does anyone else find it odd that Daddy was recording the conversation with the Disney employee?
The fact that he gave the video to the media tells me his real name is Mr. Gold-digger. You wouldn't be taping conversations unless you were planning on doing something with it.
Later, he'll likely sue because all the kid's classmates will be teasing him that he was beat up by tigger. Oh the stress and agony.:cry:
Yep, he's on the phone with the lawyer as we speak...


New Member
Thanks for the link MDisney, every time I watch the video I feel outraged because it is so obvious that Tigger was provoked and the family is making such a big deal about a situation that I believe was the son's fault. They just want to see what they can get out of it. It is so sad really. I hope the CM doesn't loose his job.

Side Note : The Tigger Movie is on the Disney channel this morning!! :sohappy:


New Member
The fact that he gave the video to the media tells me his real name is Mr. Gold-digger. You wouldn't be taping conversations unless you were planning on doing something with it.
Later, he'll likely sue because all the kid's classmates will be teasing him that he was beat up by tigger. Oh the stress and agony.:cry:
Yep, he's on the phone with the lawyer as we speak...

"I ain't saying he's a gold-digga, but he ain't messin with no broke Tigga!!!"


New Member
"I ain't saying he's a gold-digga, but he ain't messin with no broke Tigga!!!"


It is obvious that they are looking for much more than an apology now otherwise why would they have to hire an attorney and go on morning shows. If you watch the video the son has nothing to say (or is told to stay quiet) except for the fact he is on medication now for the pain - oh the poor thing!


to me the kid in the video just looks like a punk. he's got some sort of biker gloves on and some weird belt thing. he's just like all those other punks that run around and yell and make fool's of themselves at the park.


Well-Known Member
Had to weigh in on this.

The interview this morning where the kid states the pain isn't too bad anymore because he's on medication for it made my jaw literally drop. And it is NOT easy to catch me speechless. This happened Friday afternoon at Disney's MGM Studios, and on Saturday night (according to what the father said in the CBS interview) Junior's neck was hurting enough to warrant a trip to the ER. About 30 or more hours after the 'incident'. During those 30 hours, did we ride Rock'n Roller Coaster? or Tower of Terror? Because my neck has been whipped around far more on R'nR than junior's from Tigger's 'slap'.

It was stated that the family received apologies from managers and other staff, but not Tigger. That indicates that the 'incident' was reported in a timely manner. If this incident was reported, junior would have been offered first aid a MINIMUM of three times while still at the park. His neck could have been examined by a registered nurse, and if necessary, he would have been transported to a hospital, and all this would be on Disney's record. By denying medical assistance and leaving the park on Friday, junior's neck becomes his problem. I'd bet his neck was more sore from riding the rides, waiting on line, sweating like a pig while fighting the crowds this weekend (and man, was it busy), and the stress of the situation (in my opinion, the situation created by his fater) than the slight contact that Tigger's paw made with his face. Junior's glasses do not even come off his face.

Even though so much has already been said on this topic, I felt the need to throw in my two cents on it. I feel horrible for my fellow cast member, and just hope that whatever the truth is, it comes out, and the guilty party/parties are held accountable.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure of the legal logistics but I would love to see Tigger come with a counter suit of character defamation (no pun intended) and verbal abuse (for the dad saying "be a man about it and come out of the costume) and assault if the kid was choking him.

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