Tigger Is Innocent!


Well-Known Member
What about my kids????

Ok...had to explain this one to our 9 year old son. He busted out laughing so hard my wife and I had to laugh too. He's kind of small (one of the smallest in his class), VERY intelligent (gifted program, straight A's), but does take karate. He said that if this happened to one of the kids at his school (elementary school), they'd be the laughing stock for the rest of the year, and at they high school he'd probably get beat up every day. He couldn't believe that someone actually is saying they not only were 'punched' by Tigger, they claim four days later it still hurts! He's had some bruises from karate that other when they were touched didn't hurt at all the next day...

Now, just as I finish writing this up, he broke out into another round of the serious giggles...

Now, if only the press could laugh at these people that hard....


Well-Known Member
I feel so bad for Tigger. This is the kind of thing that drove me crazy- people that know better abusing the characters. But I too ask- where was the attendant? There should have been one nearby.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I feel so bad for Tigger. This is the kind of thing that drove me crazy- people that know better abusing the characters. But I too ask- where was the attendant? There should have been one nearby.

There probably was one near by who saw the incident, but when Tigger patted the kid on the back after it happened and no further incident occured ( that is, until the dad decided to make a big deal out of it ) the attendant probably just thought that it was a simple accident with no harm done.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I teach 6th grade in a Catholic school, and my kids are generally pretty good, kind-hearted kids. This "incident" came up in current events today, and I asked them what would happen if this kid went to our school, and they all assured me he'd be the laughing stock of the class for the rest of the year, at least. His comments like, "It still hurts," and the fact that he claims to be traumatized by this incident would do him in.

I love how he appears to be this big tough guy (wearing biker gloves at MGM Studios???) but then can't take what appears to be an accidental, reactionary shove from Tigger.


Well-Known Member
This made the 11p news in CT last night. I guess the family is from here. The father called it "an unprovoked attacked>"


Well-Known Member
too bad this didn't happen at Disney in the far east...

Because after they find out that this kid was trying to hurt this CM, they would take the kid and his family out to the back 40 and cane him for a while..

this is so much of a BS call. this family is after a million dollars and is looking for any excuse to get it.. and Disney is the perfect foil.. Sue them and hope that it gets settled as a nuisance suit. that's what this is all about, getting MONEY FROM WDW...

if I did this as a kid, my dad would have smacked me right in front of God, Tigger and the whole of DISNEY WORLD.. and back in 1971, every one would have applauded , and probably got him a free coke and me a free trip to the car..

I would have never even thought of trying to screw up going to Disney.. Are you KIDDING? Screw up one of the greatest places that you will go to the rest of your life? are you insane..

Obviously this trailer trash needs to train their children or dogs better.. in fact I would bet that I have seen much better trained dogs then this kid..

maybe the Dog Whisperer should come and train this family about how to act once they are out in the real world...


Well-Known Member
Oh please... FREE TIGGER for crying out loud.

This case is ridiculous. Maybe the Disney Co. will read our posts (like they usually always do, since WDWMagic is pretty infamous around these here parts... haha).

We have given some good pieces of evidence that show that the family (especially the father) is just looking for some quick cash and 15 minutes of fame to try and defame the Disney name.


Well-Known Member
Is there any official word on how the CM is doing??? I Am not going to go into how I feel about the kid or his family but it isnt a good thing. However I Am more concerned how the CM is doing. I Am sure he/ she is a great person just out there trying to do the best job they can!!! Keep your chin up there, Tigger!!! Belle


Is there any official word on how the CM is doing??? I Am not going to go into how I feel about the kid or his family but it isnt a good thing. However I Am more concerned how the CM is doing. I Am sure he/ she is a great person just out there trying to do the best job they can!!! Keep your chin up there, Tigger!!! Belle

I could not agree more. If anyone does have any updates on how the CM is doing, I am sure it would be appreciated by all. I may only be speaking about myself here, but sometimes it is easy to get lost in the schock and odd humor in the story (and the posts) and forget that this has a chance to actually cost someone their job (perhaps their dream job...)


Well-Known Member
Is there any official word on how the CM is doing??? I Am not going to go into how I feel about the kid or his family but it isnt a good thing. However I Am more concerned how the CM is doing. I Am sure he/ she is a great person just out there trying to do the best job they can!!! Keep your chin up there, Tigger!!! Belle

I couldn't agree more with this post. Hang in there Tigger.:)


Well-Known Member
It's a sad situation all around.

It's a shame that there are people in this country who need to get money/attention/whatever by doing a stupid accusation like this. :brick:

Good luck, Tigger. I know *I'll* get my picture taken with you the next time I visit! :D


As soon as I heard the Dad on the video with that awful Northeatern accent..I knew the family was trash and that the kid was at fault. And then the kids outfit...c'mon...it was a no brainer.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
As soon as I heard the Dad on the video with that awful Northeatern accent..I knew the family was trash and that the kid was at fault. And then the kids outfit...c'mon...it was a no brainer.

Comments like this is what got the other thread shut down. :wave:


Well-Known Member
As soon as I heard the Dad on the video with that awful Northeatern accent..I knew the family was trash and that the kid was at fault. And then the kids outfit...c'mon...it was a no brainer.

First, what is Northeatern?

Second, what does it have to do with anything. Where you iive and how you talk makes you trash? Somebody could say somebody who makes comments like that are trash. Also comments like that could also get you the boot you know...


First, what is Northeatern?

Second, what does it have to do with anything. Where you iive and how you talk makes you trash? Somebody could say somebody who makes comments like that are trash. Also comments like that could also get you the boot you know...

You know I meant Northeastern..and lighten up folks.

The Mom

Premium Member
Comments like this is what got the other thread shut down. :wave:


Trust me, this Northeasterner with a Bawstin/RowDyeland accent will lock it if I read one more comment about how dropping an r here and there = trailer trash. :mad:
I loved how full of it the family is.

Gotta love dad: "His head was hurting so I took him to the hospital."

Like father like son: "It still hurts... but I am on medicine for it."


To the poor CM: I wish you luck and I hope you sue the family for assault, defamation of character and emotional damage.

I haven't read through all of this thread (or any of the others), but I definetly agree that Tigger is innocent!

I would love to know what type of "pain medication" the kid is on....my thoughts are probably advil/tylenol. I really hope that no doctor would prescribe any type of controlled pain medication for this incident. I don't have the ability to judge anyones pain tolerance, but any type of slap/punch/light touch to the face is not worthy of a controlled substance.

Free Tigger!!!

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