Well-Known Member
people that are not enjoying themselves..... people who are not having fun..... people that get upset in the happiest place on earth:king:
*rams stroller into your ankles until it upsets you at WDW*
Some good ones added:
-Love bugs, especially when they crawl all over your hotel room or the concrete (Astor Orbitor's queue comes to mind)
-Smokers (bad everywhere but the ones who don't follow the rules especially)
-bad smells of many varieties
I have however had the good fortune not to meet the infamous Brazilian tour groups. But my number one complaint is guests that simply check their brains at the gate and have no idea what to do once inside the park, with their kids, what to line up for etc. a little research goes a long way (and so does avoiding a minor heat stroke).
However, I still have fun! If I don't like a smell I can go to a place that smells good (bakery), I can squish the bugs, I can not go to a public restroom (wait to go back to hotel, the restaurant ones are cleaner though I've noticed) I can take the path less traveled by and escape the crowds and I can choose not to buy the Turkey Legs. The Brazilians? I don't know though.