The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


Well-Known Member
And he was the actual Muppet with his original performer doing the voice. In fact, puppeteer Matt Vogel's sticking around to do a signing of Muppets Most Wanted on Monday.

Supposedly it was a very good meet and greet but I don't know if I would wait 3+ hours.


Well-Known Member
Too bogus...I wonder why they didn't cap the attendance here? Or did it sell out and they just sold too many tickets?

They really should have this multiple times during the Halloween season instead of just one night...

I also just moved from Chicago suburbs to the Kenosha / Pleasant Prarie area this past spring...where in WI r u?

I've heard conflicting reports. It really depended upon what you were looking for going into it.

If you were looking for character meet and greets? You had an awful night. They are ridiculously low capacity and assuming you can do 200 and hour, you're looking at 1000 people max. And even that is unlikely.

For the people who went to just have fun and enjoy the night and have a cool experience with their friends and maybe meet random wondering people? They seem to have a fantastic time.

So it appears it is what you made of your night.


Well-Known Member
I've heard conflicting reports. It really depended upon what you were looking for going into it.

If you were looking for character meet and greets? You had an awful night. They are ridiculously low capacity and assuming you can do 200 and hour, you're looking at 1000 people max. And even that is unlikely.

For the people who went to just have fun and enjoy the night and have a cool experience with their friends and maybe meet random wondering people? They seem to have a fantastic time.

So it appears it is what you made of your night.
Still doesn't make up for disney not doing better than last time. I can understand the long character waits but running our of food and merchandise very early in the evening isn't good. I haven't seen a positive post on twitter except for people saying the fireworks were good. There are lines at guest services of people getting refunds. If disney would've controlled how many tickets they sold its would've been okay I think and I know I wasn't there but most people are saying it was extremely crowded.


Well-Known Member
New Jim Hill podcast again. All about DVC, he says a 7 story DVC section is coming to Caribbean beach with a possibility of a bar or restaurant on the top with illuminations viewing. They would also build a canal that would go under buena vista drive. He also says the river country DVC may be back on the table...

Yeah, cause goodness knows all four WDW theme parks are all recently updated, chock full of popular new rides and shows and major entertainment spectaculars, and are firing on all 8 cylinders. So with that all done, why wouldn't you focus on more timeshare condos? :rolleyes:

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I've heard conflicting reports. It really depended upon what you were looking for going into it.

If you were looking for character meet and greets? You had an awful night. They are ridiculously low capacity and assuming you can do 200 and hour, you're looking at 1000 people max. And even that is unlikely.

For the people who went to just have fun and enjoy the night and have a cool experience with their friends and maybe meet random wondering people? They seem to have a fantastic time.

So it appears it is what you made of your night.

Ha ha! Now that's the reason I'd go to an event like this. Most of the suckers would be standing in line to meet someone in a fur suit, and meanwhile maybe I'd get to ride Peter Pan's Flight without standing in a claustrophobic line for 45 minutes. Woo hoo!


Well-Known Member
Supposedly it was a very good meet and greet but I don't know if I would wait 3+ hours.
Muppet fans aside, it's really interesting as one of the few times you can say you actually met a character. Not a rubberhead, not a college student being paid to cosplay or do a bad impression like Crush, but the actual character. Of course it's worth the wait for people.
Muppet fans aside, it's really interesting as one of the few times you can say you actually met a character. Not a rubberhead, not a college student being paid to cosplay or do a bad impression like Crush, but the actual character. Of course it's worth the wait for people.

Agreed that it's worth the wait for people. There's authenticity to it and it makes it special.

I just got back from Villains Unleashed, and I had an absolute blast. I got to the park during the daytime so as to not fight traffic and sweated it out in however many degrees it was, lol. The rainstorm was welcome, and I'm so happy that it didn't rain out Fantasmic. I figured I'd not get to see everything so I planned conservatively--watch the opening announcements, fall in line for Fantasmic and the villain-themed pre-show, then run over to the line for a character. (The villain-themed sing-along during the preshow was actually pretty challenging, and some of the trivia was pretty obscure) I was lucky that the only character I wanted to see had an hour-long line, so I got to do more things than I had planned.

It was fun trying to scour for roaming villains, and I saw Frollo twice, but was too intimidated by him to to ask him for a photo, lol. XD

The lighting in that area where the villains were was really cool, it was all blue and eerie--and Shan Yu's area was completely dark.

Then I got dinner, and I loved the villain decorations at the Brown Derby. One thing I was eyeing but didn't get were the Maleficent Staffs--they sounded kind of hefty.

I missed most of the fireworks, but what I saw of them wowed me. : D It was so cool hearing "Sanctuary"--I think that's the name of the song during Frollo's part. There was so much smoke, lol : D Oh right, they played the Stampede during Scar's part. Awesome!

I finished up the night with face painting--I never tried the FX face painting that Hollywood Studios usually has there but maybe I will after now, the villains face painting was really fun ^^. Makeup artists were awesome ^___^

It was also awesome seeing all the cosplayers around, many of them had really gorgeous costumes, and dedicated to their villains of choice. : D

And the merchandise--yay! : DD It's so rare for there to be villain merchandise, it's even rarer for there to be male villain merchandise--I really like the laniard and the T-shirt, with Hades breaking out of shackles and some other villains looking on. Something that surprised me is how popular Shan Yu has become, he's even on the laniard! Good for him! : D

What I love about villain lines at both Rock Your Disney Side 24-Hour Party (also hero lines) and Villains Unleashed is that the meetings are so personal and memorable, at least has been my experience--you can interact with your favorite villain for a few moments and you are just in that line to see that one, before maybe running to catch another one and see this next one personally, in their own personal space.

I wouldn't want them all randomly lined up in a row and it just be a fast photo with each of them-- : ( the thought the staff puts into the locations of the villains--during Rock Your Disney Side, Hades was at Dumbo's area, I heard--who would have thought? : ) But it's perfect, since he's like a ringmaster. And same for the locations of the villains during Villains Unleashed---Evil Queen kind of off by herself in the park, Facilier and Cruella in the thick of things in the middle of the main road, Shan Yu in the Chinatown? area of Streets of America, Jafar by the public library in Streets of America, which fits since he reads quite a bit in the movie. : DD

I also like how there were more villains being unleashed---I definitely don't remember Prince John or the Song of the South villains being there before, that was a treat.: ) It seems like Hades' minions ascended to villain status for the countdown of 50 villains, which was also cool. : D

Finally, I think the hard ticket did make a difference--if there had been a cap on tickets, a lot of people who wanted to go would not have been able to go, but if it was open attendance, then a lot of people would just show up out of curiosity. The people that were there at least knew what they wanted to do. Of course the trick is to prioritize, but even with an attendance cap for the event, if a thousand people want to go see this one character, the line is going to be long and might get cut off. This happened during the 24-hour party with Hades---there were plenty of other villains and I heard their lines were fine (Certainly Jafar's was : DD) but Hades got swamped.

In sum, I love Villains Unleashed and I really hope they do it again next year. I don't have any criticisms, and I really hope they keep the villains meet-and-greets as they are now--one-at-a-time. They are truly special--yes, the princesses are special, too, but villains have never been in a "set" or "line" as the princesses have been. Each villain is unique and the ones that have their own separate meeting space deserve to keep their own separate meeting space. I do hope that some of the roaming villains will come back next year with their own meeting space. : DDDDDDD

I rate this event, on a scale of 1-10, an 11. XDDDD

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member a distinct possibility.
How would this work, Martin? I thought it sounded crazy until your post. I think I see a plot of land for a tower between Aruba and Barbados, but to make the canal work they would have to raise BVD and enter through the backstage Illuminations area? And then either build new turnstiles and dock over there or sail all the way across World Showcase Lagoon? And is the drawbridge between China and the Outpost even high enough for a regular boat to go through? It would be a nightmare to raise/lower that thing every 20 minutes.


Premium Member
I wonder why hey do not make the central "socket" interchangeable in the magic bands.

aka its a magic band, but once you're done.. you can buy a "socketeted clock" and install it (plug and play style).

So you can have the themed magicband plastic area and you can have a clock in there!

Thus you can wear it everywhere!

The clearly were thinking about doing this, they filed a patent for it...


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Agreed that it's worth the wait for people. There's authenticity to it and it makes it special.

I just got back from Villains Unleashed, and I had an absolute blast. I got to the park during the daytime so as to not fight traffic and sweated it out in however many degrees it was, lol. The rainstorm was welcome, and I'm so happy that it didn't rain out Fantasmic. I figured I'd not get to see everything so I planned conservatively--watch the opening announcements, fall in line for Fantasmic and the villain-themed pre-show, then run over to the line for a character. (The villain-themed sing-along during the preshow was actually pretty challenging, and some of the trivia was pretty obscure) I was lucky that the only character I wanted to see had an hour-long line, so I got to do more things than I had planned.

It was fun trying to scour for roaming villains, and I saw Frollo twice, but was too intimidated by him to to ask him for a photo, lol. XD

The lighting in that area where the villains were was really cool, it was all blue and eerie--and Shan Yu's area was completely dark.

Then I got dinner, and I loved the villain decorations at the Brown Derby. One thing I was eyeing but didn't get were the Maleficent Staffs--they sounded kind of hefty.

I missed most of the fireworks, but what I saw of them wowed me. : D It was so cool hearing "Sanctuary"--I think that's the name of the song during Frollo's part. There was so much smoke, lol : D Oh right, they played the Stampede during Scar's part. Awesome!

I finished up the night with face painting--I never tried the FX face painting that Hollywood Studios usually has there but maybe I will after now, the villains face painting was really fun ^^. Makeup artists were awesome ^___^

It was also awesome seeing all the cosplayers around, many of them had really gorgeous costumes, and dedicated to their villains of choice. : D

And the merchandise--yay! : DD It's so rare for there to be villain merchandise, it's even rarer for there to be male villain merchandise--I really like the laniard and the T-shirt, with Hades breaking out of shackles and some other villains looking on. Something that surprised me is how popular Shan Yu has become, he's even on the laniard! Good for him! : D

What I love about villain lines at both Rock Your Disney Side 24-Hour Party (also hero lines) and Villains Unleashed is that the meetings are so personal and memorable, at least has been my experience--you can interact with your favorite villain for a few moments and you are just in that line to see that one, before maybe running to catch another one and see this next one personally, in their own personal space.

I wouldn't want them all randomly lined up in a row and it just be a fast photo with each of them-- : ( the thought the staff puts into the locations of the villains--during Rock Your Disney Side, Hades was at Dumbo's area, I heard--who would have thought? : ) But it's perfect, since he's like a ringmaster. And same for the locations of the villains during Villains Unleashed---Evil Queen kind of off by herself in the park, Facilier and Cruella in the thick of things in the middle of the main road, Shan Yu in the Chinatown? area of Streets of America, Jafar by the public library in Streets of America, which fits since he reads quite a bit in the movie. : DD

I also like how there were more villains being unleashed---I definitely don't remember Prince John or the Song of the South villains being there before, that was a treat.: ) It seems like Hades' minions ascended to villain status for the countdown of 50 villains, which was also cool. : D

Finally, I think the hard ticket did make a difference--if there had been a cap on tickets, a lot of people who wanted to go would not have been able to go, but if it was open attendance, then a lot of people would just show up out of curiosity. The people that were there at least knew what they wanted to do. Of course the trick is to prioritize, but even with an attendance cap for the event, if a thousand people want to go see this one character, the line is going to be long and might get cut off. This happened during the 24-hour party with Hades---there were plenty of other villains and I heard their lines were fine (Certainly Jafar's was : DD) but Hades got swamped.

In sum, I love Villains Unleashed and I really hope they do it again next year. I don't have any criticisms, and I really hope they keep the villains meet-and-greets as they are now--one-at-a-time. They are truly special--yes, the princesses are special, too, but villains have never been in a "set" or "line" as the princesses have been. Each villain is unique and the ones that have their own separate meeting space deserve to keep their own separate meeting space. I do hope that some of the roaming villains will come back next year with their own meeting space. : DDDDDDD

I rate this event, on a scale of 1-10, an 11. XDDDD


Well-Known Member
Agreed that it's worth the wait for people. There's authenticity to it and it makes it special.

I just got back from Villains Unleashed, and I had an absolute blast. I got to the park during the daytime so as to not fight traffic and sweated it out in however many degrees it was, lol. The rainstorm was welcome, and I'm so happy that it didn't rain out Fantasmic. I figured I'd not get to see everything so I planned conservatively--watch the opening announcements, fall in line for Fantasmic and the villain-themed pre-show, then run over to the line for a character. (The villain-themed sing-along during the preshow was actually pretty challenging, and some of the trivia was pretty obscure) I was lucky that the only character I wanted to see had an hour-long line, so I got to do more things than I had planned.

It was fun trying to scour for roaming villains, and I saw Frollo twice, but was too intimidated by him to to ask him for a photo, lol. XD

The lighting in that area where the villains were was really cool, it was all blue and eerie--and Shan Yu's area was completely dark.

Then I got dinner, and I loved the villain decorations at the Brown Derby. One thing I was eyeing but didn't get were the Maleficent Staffs--they sounded kind of hefty.

I missed most of the fireworks, but what I saw of them wowed me. : D It was so cool hearing "Sanctuary"--I think that's the name of the song during Frollo's part. There was so much smoke, lol : D Oh right, they played the Stampede during Scar's part. Awesome!

I finished up the night with face painting--I never tried the FX face painting that Hollywood Studios usually has there but maybe I will after now, the villains face painting was really fun ^^. Makeup artists were awesome ^___^

It was also awesome seeing all the cosplayers around, many of them had really gorgeous costumes, and dedicated to their villains of choice. : D

And the merchandise--yay! : DD It's so rare for there to be villain merchandise, it's even rarer for there to be male villain merchandise--I really like the laniard and the T-shirt, with Hades breaking out of shackles and some other villains looking on. Something that surprised me is how popular Shan Yu has become, he's even on the laniard! Good for him! : D

What I love about villain lines at both Rock Your Disney Side 24-Hour Party (also hero lines) and Villains Unleashed is that the meetings are so personal and memorable, at least has been my experience--you can interact with your favorite villain for a few moments and you are just in that line to see that one, before maybe running to catch another one and see this next one personally, in their own personal space.

I wouldn't want them all randomly lined up in a row and it just be a fast photo with each of them-- : ( the thought the staff puts into the locations of the villains--during Rock Your Disney Side, Hades was at Dumbo's area, I heard--who would have thought? : ) But it's perfect, since he's like a ringmaster. And same for the locations of the villains during Villains Unleashed---Evil Queen kind of off by herself in the park, Facilier and Cruella in the thick of things in the middle of the main road, Shan Yu in the Chinatown? area of Streets of America, Jafar by the public library in Streets of America, which fits since he reads quite a bit in the movie. : DD

I also like how there were more villains being unleashed---I definitely don't remember Prince John or the Song of the South villains being there before, that was a treat.: ) It seems like Hades' minions ascended to villain status for the countdown of 50 villains, which was also cool. : D

Finally, I think the hard ticket did make a difference--if there had been a cap on tickets, a lot of people who wanted to go would not have been able to go, but if it was open attendance, then a lot of people would just show up out of curiosity. The people that were there at least knew what they wanted to do. Of course the trick is to prioritize, but even with an attendance cap for the event, if a thousand people want to go see this one character, the line is going to be long and might get cut off. This happened during the 24-hour party with Hades---there were plenty of other villains and I heard their lines were fine (Certainly Jafar's was : DD) but Hades got swamped.

In sum, I love Villains Unleashed and I really hope they do it again next year. I don't have any criticisms, and I really hope they keep the villains meet-and-greets as they are now--one-at-a-time. They are truly special--yes, the princesses are special, too, but villains have never been in a "set" or "line" as the princesses have been. Each villain is unique and the ones that have their own separate meeting space deserve to keep their own separate meeting space. I do hope that some of the roaming villains will come back next year with their own meeting space. : DDDDDDD

I rate this event, on a scale of 1-10, an 11. XDDDD

Disney social media brigade at its

Very random they would post it here instea of the actual Villians Unleashed thread...:hilarious:

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