The Spirited 11th Hour ...

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
True, but the emphasis has been on the character, be it live action or animated. The focus has not been on the genitals and the uses thereof. Why, because that is not how anyone should be identified. Be they straight or gay. It is the person that we should be focusing on, not what their "other" habits or needs are. Even the Prince and Princesses do not go there. What is achieved? If the character has qualities that can be emulated, gender or gender identification should be completely unimportant. I would think that would be a desire of all people regardless of lifestyle. In other words, for the most part, very few people really care. Why should it be pushed to the point of making people care? Is it just to say... hey, look at me, I'm "whatever". No one will ever change the minds of those that believe differently, why wake a sleeping giant. Think North Carolina. No one really had a major concern until the issue was forced. It was happening anyway and nobody was having seizures over it. Now, everyone has been forced to stand by their conviction because they are being challenged. No one is going to win from that. Moral: Live your life, be the best person you can be, strive to be a good role model and your and our lives will be much easier.

You know, you're getting pretty wise in your old age. :p


Well-Known Member
Sounds like she's one of those LGBT who are oblivious to the realities. If it doesn't affect them, its a non issue. Gays like that are truly pathetic :hungover: The homophobia in this thread is pathetic too :rolleyes: The point has been made, romance in Disney films is only accepted if its a man and woman. Man and man or woman and woman, alert the effing elders. Thank all deities, this bigotry seems to be on the decline. It just can't come fast enough. And for the record, anyone who thinks we've achieved equality in America is a delusional idiot. Sorry for the bluntness, it just ticks me off :mad:

I get where you're coming from. But Hollywood was barely ready for Blue is the Warmest Color (highly recommend) or Carol. Both critically acclaimed but didn't get any mainstream traction and that's what Disney's meal ticket is - the mainstream.

Now that's no good excuse not to find a great story that has a LGBT protagonist. It's just going to take some time before that ever happens. There's no way a social media campaign, slactivism, hashtags or petitions that will convince the mouse to risk alienating their meal ticket. I mean it took HOW long to get a Disney princess that wasn't white? Progress will take time here.

It's a worthwhile issue to bring up but people pushing their fanfic desires and using that as an excuse to push this issue? Seems selfish to me.

Edit: mobile site fun....

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Yes, omg this irritates me so much. As an out gay man, its so cringey when I see someone's fan fic of Prince Philip and Prince Charming locking lips. It just rubs me the wrong way for some reason o_O Totally not what you're speaking about, exactly, but I do hate when previously established characters are "re-imagined" to suit someone's fantasy
cant be that bad.. some people go to extremes that are beyond vomit worthy
male pregnancy, oviposition and other really weird fetishes somehow pushed as "canon" on characters!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
It sounds like they may have trouble keeping Shanghai DL clean
wow, that reflects a lot about education.
I mean, children defecating/peeing in public in gardens, people trampling the flowers despite warnings of "do not step here"....?
I guess Disney will have to hire chinese police officers or report all these visitors to the Chinese Visitors Bureau (or whatever its called, which chastises any tourist or visitor from china that are rude, dirty and do not behave on good terms)


Well-Known Member
wow, that reflects a lot about education.
I mean, children defecating/peeing in public in gardens, people trampling the flowers despite warnings of "do not step here"....?
I guess Disney will have to hire chinese police officers or report all these visitors to the Chinese Visitors Bureau (or whatever its called, which chastises any tourist or visitor from china that are rude, dirty and do not behave on good terms)

Some seriously racist comments there.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Children don't need the pressures of this hypersexualized world. It's just not necessary... Mostly because it's everywhere else in society. It does not need to be In their entertainment.

More over… Adults should not be attaching sexual anything to things intended for children.
I had a seriously huge explanation on why you are wrong Dave. But lets put a brief tiny resume.

Sexuality is more than just sex you know.
Sexuality can be from orientation(the attraction or interest), to representation (how people identify, represent themselves), to their state of mind (Gender Dysphoria, or transexualism vs normal representation)

On one side, the conservatives have the incessant push that any talk about sexuality must involve sex and try to block all type of education.
This has always shown that it backfires and damages the kids. If the kids learn they have a more secure and safe life.
After all, kids as young as 12 start thinking about suicide because their insecurity and the fact that certain groups refuse to knowledge their difference.

Implying a character's sexual orientation does not mean exposing children to inappropriate imagery or themes. There is a big difference between implications of sexual identity in a character like Elsa that children can identify with, and invasive sexualizing of children's entertainment by adults. It's the difference between showing Anna and Kristoff kissing versus, say, the bronie phenomenon.


Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I agree with you. But I will say for everyone Elsa has not been confirmed to be any sort of LGBT character therefore for now she is not an lgbt character. BUT for the people who see that in her story arc I would like to share a post of mine that delves into why people can interpret her as a CODED lgbt character. And it goes far beyond not having a male love interest. That can be seen here for those who wish to gain a perspective on perhaps why some folks can see her story lining up with lgbt themes
I still wonder why they have to contest if Elsa is LGBT or NOT.
Its not like she did show much interest in the movie.
Its not like there was a real suitor for her anyway!
Its like trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
She could be asexual or just plain uninterested in the movie.
I mean she was more busy worrying about her powers and her rise to Queen status (and her fears to be found and ruining her life/reputation)
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Well-Known Member
I had a seriously huge explanation on why you are wrong Dave. But lets put a brief tiny resume.

Sexuality is more than just sex you know.
Sexuality can be from orientation(the attraction or interest), to representation (how people identify, represent themselves), to their state of mind (Gender Dysphoria, or transexualism vs normal representation)

On one side, the conservatives have the incessant push that any talk about sexuality must involve sex and try to block all type of education.
This has always shown that it backfires and damages the kids. If the kids learn they have a more secure and safe life.
After all, kids as young as 12 start thinking about suicide because their insecurity and the fact that certain groups refuse to knowledge their difference.

I've said my peace on this. (I've made my merchandising jokes privately)

In short? There's a way about putting this idea out here and hashtag nation/slactivism isn't how it works. Yes, someday I would like to see Disney have a LGBT protaginist in one of their films. Its just not going to be Elsa.

No Name

Well-Known Member
But yes, Disney at some point should address this.... Probably on the Disney Channel on one of their teen shows would be a great place to start.

They did it with Good Luck Charlie a few years ago. It was just a minute-long scene, but a pretty strong one.

Here's a video (hope it works, otherwise a quick search will do):

In my opinion, it was very well done. It's not too long, not too distracting, but it's proud to be there. You can (or at least I could) sort of feel that pride. These are the first LGBT characters on Disney Channel, and it did cause some stir. I think it was certainly a step in the right direction.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Some seriously racist comments there.
How is that racist? even the Chinese government said about these issues with some chinese individuals and tourists.
even talked about banning them or "educating" them if they make an scene in foreign countries.
After all, there are a huge line of chinese individuals that never had the luck of full proper education, yet they started to finally get improvements on their life style.

Kinda reminds me of India. They also had huge issues regarding health because of lack of hygiene. (imagine the street vendors, offering you some hot tea. The vendors picks up a dirty mug, washes that tea mug with just plain dirty reused water and then fills it with your drink)
This was pretty prevalent as late as the 90's. Until the Indian ministers started a campaign of education and awareness.
Or also street food (full of flys which they clean before selling the product to you).
I had a cousin who flew around India Pakistan in the 90's and he told me about this.
You had to have a very strong immune system to dont fall ill.

I've said my peace on this. (I've made my merchandising jokes privately)

In short? There's a way about putting this idea out here and hashtag nation/slactivism isn't how it works. Yes, someday I would like to see Disney have a LGBT protaginist in one of their films. Its just not going to be Elsa.
I never said that it MUST have been her.
I'm just clarifying that some people making some dissonance. Romance has been there, but as soon someone thinks about a different orientation character.. they instantly lash about "oversexualization".

I also have a giant problem with the social media mob telling artists how they should portray their art and characters. I feel thats selfish.

On this I sooo agree with you.
It gets worse when they attempt to shame you or force to have their way into your own personal work.
There are some "social justice" guys who are just plain aholes.. using the movement and the excuses they can. Do push their own personal agenda.

A fine example was that fired teacher in a famous prestigious school.
Who tried to censor and even punched/shoved/threatened a reporter/journalist student.
The irony? this teacher was a "social, internet expert teacher (aka communications professor" )
The best part was the video of the confrontation, where the "protesters" had no right to block media or other students. Since they were in a clearly open "public" space of the campus. They pretty much were making their own rules as they went.
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Well-Known Member
How is that racist? even the Chinese government said about these issues with some chinese individuals and tourists.
even talked about banning them or "educating" them if they make an scene in foreign countries.
After all, there are a huge line of chinese individuals that never had the luck of full proper education, yet they started to finally get improvements on their life style.

Kinda reminds me of India. They also had huge issues regarding health because of lack of hygiene. (imagine the street vendors, offering you some hot tea. The vendors picks up a dirty mug, washes that tea mug with just plain dirty reused water and then fills it with your drink)
This was pretty prevalent as late as the 90's. Until the Indian ministers started a campaign of education and awareness.
Or also street food (full of flys which they clean before selling the product to you).
I had a cousin who flew around India Pakistan in the 90's and he told me about this.
You had to have a very strong immune system to dont fall ill.

No, in the comments. Saying "XXXX will be XXXXX".... Thats racist.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
You reach a point where using an industrial stapler to affix your scrotum to a bench would be less painful.

The only thing that counts is the folding stuff, and if it sells more units than it loses the character will be sold to that bidder.

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