I don't either. It ignores the whole reason why the company went into the business of making live-action films in the first place and the number of expensive flops the company keeps putting out, even if Star Wars and Indy are more guaranteed to succeed.
But there's something else I'm wondering about; is DC really a big threat to Disney's comic book movie business? Besides two movies with "Dark Knight" in their title, DC has struggled to get their theatrical output going. Green Lantern was a flop, Green Arrow and Flash have been sent to TV (and Flash doesn't even get to have his own show), they still don't know what to do with Wonder Woman and everyone's too embarassed to even think about Aquaman. Even Man of Steel had a weak foreign return and only made 2/3 what Dark Knight Rises did worldwide at a similar cost to produce. The Batman vs. Superman featuring Wonder Woman movie should at least coast its way to some sort of profit, but it's not guaranteed either (hence, why Batman was even included in the first place).