The main hurricane Charley thread (for WDW & Central Fla. discussion)

General Grizz

New Member
Gas backups last hours. . .

Many intersections now four-way stops. . . abused, of course. . .

Most stores lacking products. . .

Lots of power lost. . .

This is gonna be a rough week, and I pray everyone stays safe.


Well-Known Member
My video is up!!! It is narrated by my dad. What I went through is nothing compared to others. This video is the damage done to my parents house and Grandparents trailer!!! This was set up to be a post card like message that you can send through e-mail that I took no thought into setting it up.

p.s. I will be at disney tommarrow in my new meet shirt (no blue hair though) If you see me say hi!!


New Member
Right now, I HATE HATE HATE the tourists.

So many people that I have dealt with while working for 24 hrs (a 3 hr nap and a 30 min. break), had ABSOLUTELY NO COMPASSION ABOUT OUR SITUATIONS.

Granted, I only lost power for about 8 hours, but most weren't that fortunate. Others I work with have huge oaks in their houses, no roofs, holes in cars, no power for about 5 days and have been working about 13-14 hr shifts minimum.

At the All-Stars, only about 30 housekeepers managed to make it in. At the All-Stars there are 5,760 rooms. There was absolutely no way to get them cleaned. A large number of people had to stay here (about 500 rooms between the three). People were complaining about having to sleep on dirty sheets (their own, they went back to their same rooms) or having to move to another theme (mainly from Movies).

People that were due to arrive on the 13th would complain when their room they were promised wasn't available or wasn't held for them to arrive, but instead given to someone that was already there or someone arriving earlier in the day.

GIVE ME A F*@#ing break.


Well-Known Member
disnyfan89 said:
p.s. I will be at disney tommarrow in my new meet shirt (no blue hair though) If you see me say hi!!

Say it ain't so. I think it should be mandatory that any MEET you attend, you msut have "POOL ALGAE" hair (it's not blue, it's pool algae) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Im with ya Brett. I heard some guests complaining about the Frys being unaviable on Friday in the ______ food court. (They exaust fans were being fixed) They got mouthy. I wanted to yell... but didnt.

As for the parks.... Epcot looked pretty good. Office and Technical people were out and about, including one working as a greeter to ice station cool. Lots of Cross-U going on. Debris wasnt that bad, wasnt that bad yesterday either. (Thats Debris on-stage. Backstage is a different story) Popcorn in Canada was pretty good, too. Lots of ODF stands open. Things were back to normal, for the most part.

95% of the guests ive ran into have been very understanding. The only mouthy ones ive really ran into seem to have just gotten here. I ran into a bunch of people who came to Epcot because they had no power at home.


Well-Known Member
TURKEY said:
Right now, I HATE HATE HATE the tourists.

So many people that I have dealt with while working for 24 hrs (a 3 hr nap and a 30 min. break), had ABSOLUTELY NO COMPASSION ABOUT OUR SITUATIONS.

Granted, I only lost power for about 8 hours, but most weren't that fortunate. Others I work with have huge oaks in their houses, no roofs, holes in cars, no power for about 5 days and have been working about 13-14 hr shifts minimum.

At the All-Stars, only about 30 housekeepers managed to make it in. At the All-Stars there are 5,760 rooms. There was absolutely no way to get them cleaned. A large number of people had to stay here (about 500 rooms between the three). People were complaining about having to sleep on dirty sheets (their own, they went back to their same rooms) or having to move to another theme (mainly from Movies).

People that were due to arrive on the 13th would complain when their room they were promised wasn't available or wasn't held for them to arrive, but instead given to someone that was already there or someone arriving earlier in the day.

GIVE ME A F*@#ing break.

Like Tigsmom, I'm dumbfounded as well. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to let them get to you.

The Mom

Premium Member
Brett, it's too bad that disaster not only brings out the best in most people, but also the worst in some. They were probably SOBs to begin with; this just made it more obvious. :animwink:

Some people are just so self-centered. It never occurs to them that they're so much better off than folks down the road, dirty sheets and all. At least they have a dry bed and a roof over their heads, and an intact home to go back to.


Well-Known Member
TURKEY said:
Right now, I HATE HATE HATE the tourists.

That is awful!! (not that you hate the tourists - but that some of them are being so horrible!) I am frequently disgusted by the way people behave.

Three cheers for all the Disney CMs who are having to put up with all that BS while trying to clean up storm damage AND do their regular jobs, on top of having to deal with Charley's aftereffects in their "real" lives. Give me a break. Some people are too inconsiderate to deserve a Disney vacation!!


New Member
Dave, Turkey, Princess.

Sorry to hear that you are having to deal with such crap from ameobic humans after your recent experiences. Those are the sort of a-holes that made me get out of retail.

Hope things get back to normal for you soon. If you are still getting crap in three weeks, point me at the offenders, I'll be a guest and won't have to hold my tongue :D


Well-Known Member
That is absolutely rediculous that people are complaining about such petty things! It never ceases to amaze me how low some people can be (and I even work with the public daily in guest relations at Six Flags). Do they change their sheets daily at home? I doubt it. It bothers me how others can be so self centered and only think about themselves in times of tragedy like this. So sorry that you are having to deal with people like this and I hope it gets better. God bless all of you who are working such long hours, especially those with damage of your own to deal with at home.


Howdy all...
Just walked in the door from a very interesting weekend at WDW.
Rode the storm out at Coronado. Very windy and rainy, but nothing like the tornados we got back in TN.

I have to really take my hat off to all the CMs. Hours after the storm, the parks were open, except AK of course, and looking fine. I can hardly imagine the work that went into that overnight.

I don't have time to read all these pages, so I'll toss in a few points and hope to not be to repetitive:

-Everest weathered the storm. Folks I talked to over there said there would be no major setbacks there.
-Lots of trees and signs down, but nothing like Osceola County in general. A major bullet was dodged by WDW.
-Trees down behind Tomorrowland, between there and Contemporary. Not noticible in the park.
-Biggest loss I saw was the statue from Splash at the Studios. Tree fell on it.

I hope everyone in the area gets life back to normal quickly. Believe me, I've been through similar stuff with sucks.
Ok, off to bed safe and sound in Miami, where I should have stayed in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
Howdy all...
Just walked in the door from a very interesting weekend at WDW.
Rode the storm out at Coronado. Very windy and rainy, but nothing like the tornados we got back in TN.

Welcome to Florida :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
NSCMC said:
That is awful!! (not that you hate the tourists - but that some of them are being so horrible!) I am frequently disgusted by the way people behave.

Three cheers for all the Disney CMs who are having to put up with all that BS while trying to clean up storm damage AND do their regular jobs, on top of having to deal with Charley's aftereffects in their "real" lives. Give me a break. Some people are too inconsiderate to deserve a Disney vacation!!


I am so sorry that you all are having to deal with such people. But try to ignore their stupidity. Others of us completely appreciate your situation.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
BTW, anyone know how much Disney charged hurricane evacuees (especially Florida residents) to stay at the resorts? I am hoping that they gave them a very significant break, and did not charge them the normally exhorbitant rates.

Does anyone have any numbers, especially in the sturdier deluxe resorts.

Also, I still wonder how Disney secured the boats, or if they just left them at the docks....



Well-Known Member
Update as of 10:00pm EST (from MY end!)
Info trickling in:

National Guard still prohibiting entrance onto barrier islands in Charlotte Harbor/Punta Gorda. Only outsiders allowed into those cities are sister agencies from neighboring cities, Red cross, Salvation Army, subcontractors from state and national, employees from certain businesses....your's truely included... and of course, show valid I.D. of your address in those parts to go back to what is left of your residence.

Donations are an issue right many people want to help, but transportation and consolidation is a problem. Those who wish to help are being asked to contribute monetary means to Red Cross or Salvation Army untill channels can be established.

Understand the only in-bound goods are box-trucks and flatbeds of water, chainsaws, garbage bags/cans, generators, bleach, more plywood and lumber, tarps and visquene, and of course food and immediate perishables.
Replenishments are being allowed in for some of those aforementioned businesses so they can assist in distribution by setting up 'triage' in hard-hit areas.

Today alone, I know of over 50 rigs locally (Tampa) that have come inbound from around the state to make MULTIPLE runs back and forth from Tampa/St. Petersburg to Charlotte Harbor/Venice.

Many, MANY people still un-accounted for.

There is room available, but you must belong to one of the agencies/businesses mentioned outside subcontractors allowed in yet. Many close to me are having to get into marked vehicles to travel to and from each day.

Soon, very soon, there will be a call for more outside help to assist. Going through residences right now to confirm they have been 'searched' by authorities/fire dept (won't explain any further...)

Looting, but not as serious as previous storms. Curfews, obviously.
More updates as I get info...(probably nothing your local news hasn't already told you...)


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Glad to hear you are ok. Adding you to the list.

mkt (rob)
The Mom
speck (Brad)
wdwprincess (kelly)
Invero (Tyler)
ISTCrew20 (Patrick)
KevinPage (and wife)
General Grizz

Is that everyone?

Still waiting to hear from Pixie Duster. I'm on two boards with her(counting this one) so if I see her post on the other board, I'll let you know.


Well-Known Member
Okay, well, I'm sure she's okay. As of Friday morning i saw her back at Team Disney and she was headed back to her parents house on the other side of town. We were both relieved that we were being sent home. My guess is that they just dont have electric.


TURKEY said:
Right now, I HATE HATE HATE the tourists.

So many people that I have dealt with while working for 24 hrs (a 3 hr nap and a 30 min. break), had ABSOLUTELY NO COMPASSION ABOUT OUR SITUATIONS.

Granted, I only lost power for about 8 hours, but most weren't that fortunate. Others I work with have huge oaks in their houses, no roofs, holes in cars, no power for about 5 days and have been working about 13-14 hr shifts minimum.

At the All-Stars, only about 30 housekeepers managed to make it in. At the All-Stars there are 5,760 rooms. There was absolutely no way to get them cleaned. A large number of people had to stay here (about 500 rooms between the three). People were complaining about having to sleep on dirty sheets (their own, they went back to their same rooms) or having to move to another theme (mainly from Movies).

People that were due to arrive on the 13th would complain when their room they were promised wasn't available or wasn't held for them to arrive, but instead given to someone that was already there or someone arriving earlier in the day.

GIVE ME A F*@#ing break.

I'm sorry, Brent. I think it's disgusting that anyone would act like that. People should relax and just be happy that they are lucky enough to be on vacation. Maybe if they turned on the tv they would realize just how fortunate they are.


New Member
PhotoDave219 said:
Okay, well, I'm sure she's okay. As of Friday morning i saw her back at Team Disney and she was headed back to her parents house on the other side of town. We were both relieved that we were being sent home. My guess is that they just dont have electric.
Good to know. I was talking to Rob briefly this morning on Messenger about the people I've not heard back from and he confirmed that a lot of people are still without electricity.


New Member
prberk said:
BTW, anyone know how much Disney charged hurricane evacuees (especially Florida residents) to stay at the resorts? I am hoping that they gave them a very significant break, and did not charge them the normally exhorbitant rates.

Does anyone have any numbers, especially in the sturdier deluxe resorts.

Also, I still wonder how Disney secured the boats, or if they just left them at the docks....


Value's were charging standard FL rates with no exceptions, CM's honored at cast rate, AAA at AAA rate, etc.

Cancellation policy has been waved for Fri-Sun, not sure about now. People extending stays are at same rate as charged for all other nights.

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