The main hurricane Charley thread (for WDW & Central Fla. discussion)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Kenan said:
Charley got Test Tracks awning. So as of the moment, there is no shelter outside at Test Track.

Ask and ye shall receive! Kenan posted as I typed! :)

Glad to see you are O.K.

Any more news about Epcot?


Well-Known Member
mermaidlagoon said:
Thank you all for your great information. I am new to this group, so no one here knows me. I have been relying on groups like this for information in the ORlando area. The TV news covers mostly the west coast where most of the damage was done. We on Kauai know first hand what hurricanes can do. My daughter is a CM there and we hadn't heard from her since just before 9PM your time,when the storm hit until just a few minutes ago. Finally, this mother can breathe. I am happy to say she is alright, but still without power.

Knowing that she is OK for now, we are also concerned about the others there. Is there any word on how the Poly (where she works) fared? We hope that Aunt Kaui and her other co-workers are OK. As I recollect, the Poly was pretty much open air.

We are hoping right along with you that all of your friends will be able to check in and everyone can breathe the same sigh of relief.

Keep writing, any nwe pics are appreciated, and thank you.

Welcome to WDWMagic. I am glad to read that your daughter and other WDWMagic members are OK. Thanks also to paulcmartens & MKT (and any others I may have missed) for posting pictures. The CMs have done an amazing job of battening down and cleaning up. My thoughts and prayers are with all.


Well-Known Member
xfkirsten said:
I heard today from a SeaWorld friend in Orlando that the park had very minimal damage, and that the animals were okay. :) It was mainly just cleaning up branches and trees.


Thanks Kirsten! That's great news. :)


New Member
I'm so relieved to see the list of WDWMAGIC members who are safe to be growing and growing.

I also appreciate the pictures and first-hand reports you guys. I am comforted that our beloved WDW has come through without any MAJOR damage.

Blessings and prayers to all of you hit by Charley.


New Member
Glad to hear everyone is okay, any more news and pictures from inside the parks yet to post, maybe we will see them Sunday Morning.


Can I be added to this wonderful list? After all, I did endure the storm at Old Key West last night and I'm a cast member (campus rep. in Tallahassee). Thank you! My story is on page 5 somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Incredible storm. The turquoise and amber lights that lit up the whole sky were (i found out) in fact power transformers exploding. Never seen anything like that in my life, and probbaly never will again. My power went out at 10pm. I woke up to still no power, so I went to a friends place that had power. By 6pm the power was restored. There were alot of downed trees in our area, and cars crushed by parking too close to said trees. :( Traffic lights being out made for pretty brutal travel especially at major intersections.



New Member
Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been around lately. But...we got hit pretty bad in my area and power could be out for 5 days so I am in a hotel out by DTD. The place is pretty cool its got high speed internet and a playstation..anyhow....i got a little video put together at my website ( Sorry about the compression I dont have a ton of room. It shows the damage and the hurricane coming in and in progress. Enjoy.

Its sad thought all the people in trailor parks with trashed homes..I pray for them. Two of my friends have damage one has two 50 feet oak trees fallen in his front yard and one in the back that crushed the fence and boat, the other ones carport got hit.


Hopefully all us floridians get our power back soon


New Member
Great to see that you all have survived Charley ... and thanks for reporting back to the board!

Hope your lifes can return to normal very soon!!



Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Good morning. :wave: Glad to see 2 more people checking in....

mkt (rob)
The Mom
speck (Brad)
wdwprincess (kelly)
Invero (Tyler)
ISTCrew20 (Patrick)
KevinPage (and wife)
General Grizz
Has anyone heard from Lee, he said he was going up to Coronado on Friday.


New Member
Just checking in.

My husband and I headed to Kissimmee after a mandatory evacuation was issued Thursday for our part of Tampa (we live only a few miles from the bay).
We stayed at Travelodge Suites on 192. We breathed a brief sigh of relief when we heard Friday that Charley's path had changed and wouldn't hit Tampa. However, we were now in Charley's path. So we headed Wal-mart, got what provisions we could, and prepared to ride out the storm in our motel room. I really wish we had gotten a room at Disney, because there was a lot of drunk idiots running around outside during the storm. At one point we could hear a motel worker yelling at them to get back into the rooms for their own safety. Anyway, we lost power around 9:00 or so and still didn't have power when we checked out Saturday morning. There wasn't any damage to the motel, but we did see numerous trees and business signs that has been blown over as we headed back to I-4. Traffic was very slow moving heading back to Tampa, though it did pick up just past Lakeland. It slowed again due to torrential rain when we got near Plant City. It took us a little over 3 hours to home (more than twice as long as normal).

Just wanted to check in. I have to get back to unpacking and doing laundry.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts everyone...

As of 15 minutes ago...still no word from her and we can't get ahold of her.

Her husband couldn't get a flight out until Tuesday so he is on the road as we speak.

I'll keep you posted.

General Grizz

New Member
I'm glad to hear your house is OK, Corrus!

Brian -- A lot of people have lost power - I'm in the minority having it, I'm sure - so phone and computer communication could be cut off. My prayers are with you all.


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts everyone...

As of 15 minutes ago...still no word from her and we can't get ahold of her.

Her husband couldn't get a flight out until Tuesday so he is on the road as we speak.

I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for the update Brian. I will continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he has good news when he arrives in Fl.

mkt (rob)
The Mom
speck (Brad)
wdwprincess (kelly)
Invero (Tyler)
ISTCrew20 (Patrick)
KevinPage (and wife)
General Grizz

Thanks for checking in CrisKennedy. :) I'm glad ya'll are ok.


Well-Known Member
Just heard from my RE agent, Tony, that the new house should be in decent shape since there aren't that many trees around it. He's going to go over later today or tomorrow and check for me to make sure it's all good. Thankfully, if there is any damage, it should be covered by the homeowners insurance of the people selling to me, so there should be no problems.


Well-Known Member
Hello all.
Sorry for not responding any faster...

Being called-in early for aftermath/recovery for southern counties.

I will report later this evening on what status is (from a non-media standpoint)
Sorry to keep you all in suspence about my where-abouts!

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