It seems like the more energetic members here might be better off pooling their efforts to create an AC-esque type club in Orlando. There is a built in fan base and downtown entertainment is making a comeback with several major projects underway. International Drive/Sand Lake Road might also be viable. Just a thought. Has anyone discussed this?
To do it right, you'd need MAJORLY deep pockets... Just think of the required theming alone. If you went with an adventurer theme (which I think you'd have to do to help ensure carry over of fanbase and success) you'd have to theme it similarly... By that I just mean you'd have to have tons of artifacts and everything else. You couldn't have stucco walls and some palm trees. That all costs a good amount of money. Tack that on to the R&D (because you'd have to have some variation, you couldn't just have another mask room, Coloniel, etc) and you're deep in the hole before you've even talked about a building, staffing, finding a cast and writing, directing, and rehearsing a show.
It would take a major company with seven figures available to do it right. I think it would be a hard sell to a bank. Especially in the next couple years with the economy.
To be realistic, either Disney's going to have to resurrect it, or someone like Universal would have to do it... It needs to be at a location like downtown Disney or CityWalk, where there's foot traffic in front of it, and where people might walk by and want to stop in for a drink and see what the place is about. I think a stand alone location not in a bar/restaurant central WALKING area would mean less chance for success.
Truthfully, I would think the easiest and fastest way to generate revenue would be to talk to Disney about buying the concept and building, etc. Then you've got location, you've got story, you've got characters, you've got infrastructure, you've got everything you need. Maybe you re-write some of the shows to make it new and fresh... Make advertising of the Club part of the deal with Disney, and you're probably off and running. The challenge with this solution though is that Disney's obviously done math on what they want that land to generate revenue wise. So the sale price of the whole package would have to be effected by that.
Trust me... I've thought about this. I own 3 companies in St. Louis, and hate it. Don't like the town, don't like cold weather. If it weren't for the Cardinals, I'd have nothing. :lol: But the wife and I talk about moving to FLA and Orlando all the time. But I don't know what I would do for work... Since the announcement though, this has been on my mind. I just don't know how realistic it could possibly be. Probably not too much.

Family in the Loo here, etc...