The Ecstacy and the Agony: 3/17-3/24 Trip Report

This report may be on interest to anyone travelling with small children, those staying at Port Orleans, or those considering the Disney Dining Plan (and of course to those who just enjoy reading about other people's Disney trips).

The title of this trip report comes from the Unofficial Guide's chapter regarding traveling to Walt Disney World with kids. We've been to WDW with kids before, but on this trip we had a 4-year-old and an infant. Over the course of a week, we all experienced plenty of ecstacy and agony.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't have been fool-hearty enough to attempt such a trip. We went in 2008 when my wife was pregnant with our youngest. The idea behind that trip was that it would be a farewell to Orlando until the kids were old enough to really enjoy it.

But then a unique opportunity arose. I detailed the entire experience of planning this trip in this thread: If you feel like reading the background of how this trip came to be, go back and read-up. We'll wait for you.

For those who didn't bother going back to read the pre-trip thread, here's a rundown on the players:

Obviously, there's me. I'm the Disney fan in the family. More specifically, I'm the Disney parks nut. I had been to MK as a kid and Epcot as a teen. But I didn't get crazy about Disney until I went as an adult. My wife was a big fan of Mickey Mouse. But she'd never been to WDW. So when I planned our honeymoon, I figured we had to go to WDW. To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to it. A few years later, I am here on the forums and my wife tolerates my Disney "obessession".

Then there's my wife, Mindy. I've pretty much told her story as relates to WDW. Honestly, she would prefer a more relaxing vacation than Disney World. Her idea of a vacation would be somewhere she can watch TV and swim. Yes, she can do both of those things at WDW. But I'm constantly dragging her out to the theme parks.

Joey, our oldest daughter is 4 (going on 5). She's a girly girl and can sometimes be shy. Other times, she loves the spotlight. This was her third trip to WDW and she has some memories of previous trips. Also, I prepared her for the trip by showing her lots of videos and pictures. Before we left, she was appointed as "the boss" of what we would and wouldn't ride.

Kara is the baby of the family. At the time we decided to take the trip, she was just a happy little bundle. She just sat and smiled at us. She was slow to start crawling, but once she did, she took off. At 10 months, she started walking. Now at 11 months, there's no stopping her. She wants to explore everything all the time!

In a supporting role, we have my younger brother. He was a cheerleader in college and taught cheerleading for many years after that. Now, he has moved into a more professional career. But he still judges cheerleading competitions from time to time. One of the reasons he does this is that he gets free trips to WDW.

One more note before I get into the trip itself, there will be pictures. But it will take me a little while to get to them. So, bear with me.

Wed, 3/17: Arrival Day

Arrival day was agony pure and simple. I won't get too deeply into the details here as they are too painful to relive. Also, I think I've blocked them from my memory. Things started off promisingly enough with a cab ride to the airport. Joey had been looking forward to riding in a taxi for a very long time. And she finally got her wish.

When we arrived at the airport, we were immediately hit with a baggage handling fee. $20 per bag for three checked bags for a total of $60. This came as a surprise to me as an infrequent traveler. In 2008 (our last flight) there had been no such charge.

I knew Delta had changed their policy, but I didn't worry too much because I had bought the tickets prior to the policy change and we had been grandfathered in. It turns out, the new charges were for carry-on bags. With no other options, I grumbled as I paid $60 for my bags to go on vacation with me. My wife fumed.

The bag fees were a minor hiccup compared to the flight itself. As I mentioned before, Kara had recently discovered walking. Ever since, she has been exploring her surroundings like crazy. So for her, sitting on our laps for two hours was not in the cards. When we wouldn't let her play on the floor of the plane, she launched into a screaming fit that lasted for most of the flight.

If you've ever been on a flight with a crying baby, you know it's torture. But trust me, it's far worse when the screaming baby is yours. Thankfully, all the guests around us were very gracious. If they were bothered, no one let on. And several started playing games of peek-a-boo or smiling and waving. This would usually stop the fits for a brief time.

When drinks came around, we got Kara some water. She likes drinking from bottles of water, but it tends to make a mess. In this case, the mess was on me. This was followed by a biscotti cookie. The cookie plus the water formed a kind of cinnamon-scented cement which bonded to my shirt for the rest of the night.

We arrived at the Orlando airport exhausted. But we were excited to leave the negative behind us and start enjoying our vacation. Thanks to Magical Express, we didn't have to worry about carting around luggage in addition to two tiny tikes. However, we did have our double stroller and some carry-ons.

At one point during the trip through the airport, Kara pulled off one of her shoes. I scooped it up and put it in a carry-on bag. Later on, a couple stopped us and asked if we were missing a shoe. I assured them that we had the shoe in our bag. Until I looked and saw that the bag had a rip in it. We hadn't even made it out of the airport and we were down 1 shoe.

The shoe was a hand-me-down, so we decided to move on without it. Kara has a habit of tossing her shoes, so I never really understood the point of buying them anyway. She never wears them for more than a couple of minutes at a time.

When we got to Port Orleans, all the girls were tired. But I was still full of excitement. The resort was even more beautiful than it looked in pictures. It was sunny and cool. I was sure the tide would change once we got checked into our room.

The castmember at check-in was really taken with Kara. I had done on-line check-in, but it actually took a good ten minutes to complete the process because he kept stopping to play games with her. As a proud dad, I can't say as I minded. He gave her a sticker which she promptly ate (well, sucked on anyway).

We headed back to the room which was in building 28 in the Alligator Bayou section of the resort. It was a little challenging to find. The signs in Port Orleans aren't always as helpful as they could be. More than once during the trip, I took the scenic route to the room by accident. Usually, I didn't mind. But this time, we were all pretty tired.

When we got to the room, our bags weren't there. For me, this was not a big deal. I knew they were travelling separately from us. But apparently my wife didn't understand this when she packed. She had been counting on changing before we went out. So she wanted to stay in the room and wait on the bags to arrive. I didn't object as the idea of changing out of my cookie shirt was appealing.

After an hour or so, my wife reluctantly gave up on waiting for the bags. We had a lot to do and we were all getting hungry. Of course, I was still wearing a shirt covered in crushed up cookie cement. But with no idea how long we could be waiting, it seemed like a good idea to go get dinner.

The plan was to go to Downtown Disney. We were going to use our first counter service credits at Wolfgang Puck Express and then shop for an autograph book as I had promised Joey. Mindy and the girls would then head home and I would go to another resort to pick up our free tickets.

What we had not counted on was that Downtown Disney was packed. It was St Patrick's Day and even the counter service restaurants were standing room only. The line at Puck's was around the block. And my wife was now blaming me.

Mindy and the girls get especially grumpy when they are hungry. So I decided to try Earl of Sandwich thinking that the line would be shorter. I'm not sure if it was shorter or not, but it seemed to be moving faster. All the while, Joey was getting whinier, Kara was getting more fidgety and my wife was fuming.

I was trying to grab a table before we even got our food. But with two little kids in a double stroller, we had limited mobility. As soon as a table became available, someone else pushed through the crowd and grabbed it. No one took mercy on us.

After we got the food, I found an empty table outside. When I say it was empty, I mean it had been stripped of any and all chairs. But I noticed lots of people sitting at tables which were bigger than their party required (a theme that would run through most of our counter service experiences on this trip). I went from table to table asking for empty chairs. After being turned down a couple of times, I finally found a party that was willing to give up their empty chairs.

Finally, the day could turn around. Or so I thought. As soon as Joey saw her peanut butter and jelly sandwich, she started crying. She expected a pb&j on white bread with the crust cut off the way she would get it at home. Instead, she had a crusty, toasty thing that was completely foreign to her. She was inconsolable.

(The sandwich didn't go to waste. As would happen many times on the trip, Kara stepped up and finished Joey's meal.)

After our failed dinner, we went to World of Disney to buy the autograph book I had promised Joey. Joey and shopping go hand in hand. She would have been happy to stay in World of Disney all week. And after the pb&j debacle, I was happy to buy her something extra.

I showed her all of the autograph books and pens. She was very reluctant to commit to any one book or pen. Instead, she wanted to look at everything. Especially the toys. Unfortunately, I needed to see someone about our tickets and it was getting late.

My wife was still fuming about the entire situation, but she agreed to let me go pick up the theme park tickets. Long story short, I spent about two hours on Disney buses picking up the tickets. When I got back to the room, the girls were all asleep.

To my surprise, Joey had picked out an autograph book with Mickey and friends on it. I was sure she'd go for princesses or Tinker Bell. But instead she went for the old school autograph book with a matching Pluto pen. (more on this later). She also picked out a Vinylmation figure. (much more on this later).

Tired, weary and hoping to make it to Epcot by rope drop, I finally turned in to bed around 11:30.

Don't worry, folks. Things get a lot better on day 2. And we start taking pictures to break up all the text!

I'll post Day 2 as soon as possible. Thanks for reading.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Either of you guys now follow the Brian Setzer Orchestra? We have a couple of those CDs. More good stuff, especiallly their Christmas album. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sat 3/20: The Mountains

When we left the castle, we started trying to decide what to do next. Once again, Joey asserted her authority of "the boss" of rides. However, she was being wishy washy about what to do next.

I suggested hitting the Tea Cups again while the line was short. Joey agreed and we had a great time as we had the time before. But Mindy was annoyed. She doesn't do spinning rides.

After the Tea Cups, we had another meeting. Did we want to head over to Toon Town to see Tinker Bell? No. Ariel's Grotto? No. Haunted Mansion? Definitely not. The Fast Train (Big Thunder)? No. The Donald Duck movie (Mickey's Philharmagic)? You guessed it. No.

Mindy was getting very frustrated. She wanted to ride Big Thunder. She'd never ridden it before. What's more, she didn't want to ride it alone. Since I couldn't ride with her, that meant we had to coax Joey into riding it.

I had my doubts about whether or not Joey would like BTM. She didn't like Soarin'. But she has been on some roller coasters she liked. I wasn't present for most of these. The biggest coaster I've seen her ride could safely be described as a "kiddie" coaster. But Mindy had prodded her on to some coasters at carnivals that she apparently liked.

Regardless, in order to turn Mindy's mood around, I needed to get Joey on BTM fast. I went with my fall-back: bribery. I promised to buy her a toy if she tried it. The more new things she tried, the more I'd spend.

I'm not proud, but it worked.

This early in the morning, BTM was a walk-on. Kara and I camped out at a nearby bench and a few minutes later the girls came walking out the exit.

Based on the smiles, I assumed Joey liked it. No. She hated it. She clutched Mindy the whole time. Apparently she yelled "Hold on, mommy!" repeatedly. To make matters worse, the ride was longer than Mindy expected. So she kept telling Joey it was almost over when in fact it was not.

But even though she did not like the ride, Joey was beaming with pride for having ridden it. More importantly, she was now guaranteed a toy.

I asked Mindy if she wanted to hit Splash Mountain while we were here. She has also never been on Splash Mountain. Mindy hates getting wet almost as much as she hates spinning. She decided it was too early to take a chance getting wet, so she declined. But she offered to watch the kids if I wanted to go.

Not surprisingly, Joey was not interested in taking the plunge with me.

I thought about it. I almost said "no". But then I decided to check it out. It was also a walk-on after all. I'm glad I did. I believe Splash had recently undergone its annual maintenance and I'd never seen it look better. As far as I could tell (I'm something of a Splash Mountain novice) all of the effects were working. After giving the matter some thought, I decided that Splash was in fact my new favorite ride.

After riding the mountains, we decided to head back towards Fantasyland. The one other thing Mindy really wanted to do today was the Donal Duck movie (Mickey's Philharmagic).

On the way, we passed Donald and Goofy in their frontier get-ups. I asked Joey if she wanted to stop for autographs. Silly me. We only do that at character meals.

Joey has seen Mickey's Philharmagic before. This was actually her third time. But it was the first time she would wear the 3-D glasses. It was a whole new experience for her. She was reaching out trying to touch the images. It was a lot of fun to watch.

I had Kara on my lap. She decided she needed to have my 3-D glasses. So, this was my first time watching the movie without them. She frequently (and violently) threw them to the floor. Each time, I picked them up and tried to sneak them past her so I could wear them. To no avail. She caught me every time and threw them back on the floor where they belonged.

Everyone had a great time in Mickey's Philharmagic. How can you not? Even when a crazed monkey is ripping the 3-D glasses from your face, it's still Disney at it's best.

By this point, the park was starting to fill up. We decided to leave on a high note and headed back to the hotel for our afternoon break.

More to come...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Btw wife is sitting less than three feet from me in this picture and Thought It was funny that i got shot down.............My daughter was mortified that Id be "interested" In Jasmine.........

I'd have been wearing my french toast at that point.

Todd L

Well-Known Member
I'd have been wearing my french toast at that point.

Thats wifes informed me that If she ever runs into Gerad Butler shes gonna have her way with short list is Gina Gershon, Selma Hyaek and Jasmine........A guy can dream cant he?


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Your wife might be surprised by Gerard Butler. I was marching in St. Patricks Day parade two weeks ago, and was in front of St. Patricks Cathedral for a while so traffic could pass by up ahead. I noticed a bearded fellow standing a bit apart from the VIPs and thought he looked familiar. It took me waay longer than it should have to recognize Gerard Butler--because he was so small and skinny!!!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I am a Huge stray cats fan. I see Brian with or without the cats whenever I get the chance and Play Guitar In a Rockabilly band because of Him. I own a Gretsch Brian Setzer Model and am looking for another.

I live on long island so in the 80's they were Huge here...

Im 43 and a Big kid at heart. thanks man.

Haha dude my birthday wish for like 5 straight years when I was 3-8 was for that guitar!!!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Ha, see that's why our English teachers always told us not to use double negatives. All I meant was, being recently engaged, you would naturally not notice the scantily-clad girl in the picture. :wave:

We've all seen pictures of your lovely fiancee, so it's understandable that your attention would be drawn to the Stray Cats tshirt instead of Jasmine!

I'm thinking that lebeau and ToddLee have been married for a while, so maybe a little of the pixie dust has fallen away :animwink: (I've been married for 24 years myself, and probably wouldn't even notice if my hubby noticed Jasmine!! :lol:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ha, see that's why our English teachers always told us not to use double negatives. All I meant was, being recently engaged, you would naturally not notice the scantily-clad girl in the picture. :wave:

We've all seen pictures of your lovely fiancee, so it's understandable that your attention would be drawn to the Stray Cats tshirt instead of Jasmine!

I'm thinking that lebeau and ToddLee have been married for a while, so maybe a little of the pixie dust has fallen away :animwink: (I've been married for 24 years myself, and probably wouldn't even notice if my hubby noticed Jasmine!! :lol:)

Well, now you're just trying to get me in trouble! ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sat 3/20: The Calm

We got back from our morning at the MK and did our usual afternoon break routine. I took Joey to the small, nearby pool and Mindy put Kara down for a nap in the room.

Since we had breakfast in the castle that morning, we had burned our table service credits for the day (and for another day to boot) so for the first time since our arrival we did not have a meal scheduled.

Let me just say, that freedom was wonderful. I don't think advocates of the dining plan take into consideration just how liberating it feels to not have to be somewhere at a specific time (expecially one you committed to months in advance) while you are on vacation.

I should also note that by this point in our trip both Mindy and I were in physical pain. Thus, "the agony". We had been picking up the kids, the stroller and various supplies and purchases. Not to mention all the walking that is involved in any Disney trip. It seemed one kid always needed to be carried at any given time and it was taking a toll.

Since we didn't have to be anywhere and we were aching, we decided to take it easy Sat night. Rather than venture into the parks, we decided to hit Downtown Disney while the sun was still up.

Our first stop was Wolfgang Puck's Express. On our arrival day, the wait had been prohibitively long. But we had been looking forward to eating there. So we decided to make up for it today.

On our honeymoon, my wife and I had pizza at Puck's in the sit-down portion of the restaurant. We loved it. We raved to everyone we knew. Best pizza ever!

On our next trip, we brought Joey (then almost 2). The waiters seemed disdainful of us for bringing such a small child. We've never been back to the sit-down portion of the restaurant. The food was good, but not nearly as good as we remembered. We chalked it up to a bad day.

We tried the Express option in 2008. I liked being able to get the same food without having to deal with snooty waiters. Once again, the food was good but not exceptional.

That was our experience on this trip as well. It was good. But no better than Dewey's pizza back home. In retrospect, I'm not sure if we over-rated the pizza on our first visit or if the quality has dropped on our subsequent visits. Maybe some combination of the two.

Ironically, we wound up tipping at the counter service. The cast member who brought us our food was very helpful. It was better service than we had gotten at the sit down portion of Puck's a few years before.

After dinner, we went shopping. Joey was promised a toy for riding Big Thunder Mountain that morning. I was prepared to spend some money, but I got off pretty easy. (Or so I thought.) She wanted another Vinylmation figure.

The first one Joey got was a Cutester. I figured if she got a duplicate, she might not be happy about it. So I steered her towards some of the other series so there would be no chance of duplicate figures.

She decided she wanted one of the figures from one of the Urban series. Specifically, she wanted a little guy who looked like a hamburger. I tried to prepare her in the (likely) event that she would not get the figure she wanted. But, what do you know? She got the little hamburger guy!

There was much rejoicing.

We walked around. We shopped some more. And we had way too much fun outside the Hanes T-shirt store:





I kid you not, this was a trip highlight for Joey. Just about every day when I asked her what she wanted to do, she said she wanted to go back to Downtown Disney and "play on the laundry".

We'd had an early morning. And as I said before, we were tired and hurting. So we called it quits early and hopped a boat back to POR. When we got home, Joey wanted to "jump in the pool." I offered to take her to the playground instead.

When we got there, it was too dark to play safely. So I wound up taking her to the pool anyway. Since the pool was heated, we didn't freeze. But it wasn't exactly ideal swimming conditions.

There was actually another father/daughter team in the pool when we arrived. He looked up at me and said, "It's amazing what we'll do for our kids. You drop bank to bring them here and then they want to swim in the hotel pool all day."

Amen, brother!

(I wonder if his kid played on the laundry too.)


Active Member
What a wonderful report...I just wonder if you really be able to be a little more detailed....ha ha, just kidding! You put in a WHOLE lot! I know that it was pretty exhausting and so much fun at the same time! Glad you did not "wear the french toast"..your girls are so cute! I know next year my four y.o. to be will try to wear us out!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Just about every day when I asked her what she wanted to do, she said she wanted to go back to Downtown Disney and "play on the laundry".

Wow, talk about "out of the mouths of babes". This is about the funniest thing I have ever heard. If I am ever feeling down and need a laugh, I will remember your Joey's face peeking through that tshirt while she "plays on the laundry". She sure calls 'em as she sees 'em. :ROFLOL:

Oh, and I had the same impression of the sit-down area in Puck's. It was kind of like they were doing you a favor by letting you sit there, and every now and again they would sneer at you as they passed by. And we were just two adults.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What a wonderful report...I just wonder if you really be able to be a little more detailed....ha ha, just kidding! You put in a WHOLE lot! I know that it was pretty exhausting and so much fun at the same time! Glad you did not "wear the french toast"..your girls are so cute! I know next year my four y.o. to be will try to wear us out!

Thanks for the kind words!

I'll say this, if it was just the 4-year-old, we'd have been fine. Broke, but fine. It was the combination of the two kids. If one of them was being held, the other one wanted to be held. Obviously, Kara couldn't walk and sometimes she wouldn't ride in the stroller. Sometimes Joey was cranky and I would carry her on my shoulders.

Plus, the double stroller was a bear. Lugging that thing around (especially with one or no kids), folding it, unfolding it, dragging it onto and off of busses (through crowds of people most of the time) that was the exhausting part!

We'd taken Joey when she was nearly 2 and when she was 3 1/2. And we'd never experienced anything like this. So I would think you'll have no problem with a single 4-year-old.

Enjoy your trip next year. I'll expect an equally detailed trip report when you get back!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, talk about "out of the mouths of babes". This is about the funniest thing I have ever heard. If I am ever feeling down and need a laugh, I will remember your Joey's face peeking through that tshirt while she "plays on the laundry". She sure calls 'em as she sees 'em. :ROFLOL:

Oh, and I had the same impression of the sit-down area in Puck's. It was kind of like they were doing you a favor by letting you sit there, and every now and again they would sneer at you as they passed by. And we were just two adults.

Yeah, Joey had a lot of spot-on comments about WDW. They should hire her as an advisor!

I've heard a lot of similar stories about Puck's. At least the counter service still has good service! It's great when you're on the dining plan.


Well-Known Member
Btw wife is sitting less than three feet from me in this picture and Thought It was funny that i got shot down.............My daughter was mortified that Id be "interested" In Jasmine.........

My husband & older brother made several not-so-family-friendly comments about Jasmine before she approached our table at Akershus in January '09. When she got to our table my youngest was blushing & couldn't even look at her. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Lovin' the report! I hate that your wife isn't as "into" it as you are. That's why I don't take my hubby to the big Cabbage Patch collector events. I'd rather go by myself & enjoy then worry if he's having fun. Your girls are adorable. Kara must've really loved Belle to offer to share her yummy french toast. I love that Joey enjoyed "playing with the laundry". :ROFLOL:I have a ton of laundry around here...she'd have a ball! :lol:

It's funny y'all had such a disdain for the POFQ bus floods. When the hubby & I stayed at POFQ we had a disdain for having to make the loop around POR (all those stops took forever!). Ironic! :animwink:

Can't wait for more!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Lovin' the report! I hate that your wife isn't as "into" it as you are. That's why I don't take my hubby to the big Cabbage Patch collector events. I'd rather go by myself & enjoy then worry if he's having fun. Your girls are adorable. Kara must've really loved Belle to offer to share her yummy french toast. I love that Joey enjoyed "playing with the laundry". :ROFLOL:I have a ton of laundry around here...she'd have a ball! :lol:

It's funny y'all had such a disdain for the POFQ bus floods. When the hubby & I stayed at POFQ we had a disdain for having to make the loop around POR (all those stops took forever!). Ironic! :animwink:

Can't wait for more!

Thanks for the kind words.

My disdain for the FQ guests was all in fun. Joey's was real. She was mad that she never got dropped off or picked up first. Mindy was just mad the busses were always full.

As much as I liked a lot of aspects of PO, I don't know if I'd stay there again based soleyly on the bus situation. Maybe I'd go back during off season. But with the kids starting school, I doubt we'll taka another trip during off season for a long, long time.


Active Member
Thanks for the kind words.

My disdain for the FQ guests was all in fun. Joey's was real. She was mad that she never got dropped off or picked up first. Mindy was just mad the busses were always full.

As much as I liked a lot of aspects of PO, I don't know if I'd stay there again based soleyly on the bus situation. Maybe I'd go back during off season. But with the kids starting school, I doubt we'll taka another trip during off season for a long, long time.

I really hate that you had problems with the busses there at PO, while we stayed there, we had only two times with problems, and that was my fault! :lol: We were there for Halloween, not too crowded and we did enjoy talking to people to and from the parks, kids esp...they were always excited and would tell you anything! I know my daughter will be one of these! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sun 3/21: The Storm

By this point in the trip, we had reached the 1/2 point and we had pretty much done everything we considered to be a must-do. The wife and I had aching feet and aching backs. And we were pretty fed up with loading kids and strollers onto and off of standing-room-only busses. So, we decided to take things easy today.

The plan was, there was no plan. We were just going to see where the day took us. We had a few ideas in mind. But we weren't going to try to force anything.

For starters, Mindy wanted breakfast. She had eaten a "real" breakfast every day of the trip and she felt like it put her in a good frame of mind. We decided to check out the food court to see what it looked like.

The POR food court was a mess. Next to busses, the thing I was most sick of was trying to wrangle trays of food in a packed counter service restaurant with no tables.

We decided to move on. Our Plan B was to catch a boat to Downtown Disney and have breakfast at Wolfgang Puck's Express. I had shown Mindy some menus and WPE had some breakfast offerings she liked. Plan B didn't last very long. The boats to DTD weren't running yet.

Plan C was to go to POFQ and try out the beignets. It was a bit of a walk, but I'd been wanting to check out our sister resort for a while now. And we were in no hurry. So we decided to hike over to the French Quarter.

It was a pleasant walk and the food court at FQ wasn't as busy as the one at Riverside. I grabbed a table with the baby while Mindy and Joey got in line. Soon, they returned with two orders of 6 beignets and something for the kids (I can't remember what.)

To be honest, I was a little disappointed in the beignets. I suppose my expectations were too high, but I found them to be too heavy and too greasy. Between the two of us, Mindy and I struggled to finish an entire order of 6.

Fortunately, once they cooled off, Joey decided she loved them. Over the course of the day, she would slowly polish off the remaining 6 beignets. I'm glad we tried them. But I don't think I'd order them a second time. I can make tastier donuts at home at no significant cost or effort.

We all liked touring the grounds at FQ. It seemed like a nice resort and it had a fun vibe. Joey played on the playground for a little while, but it was raining lightly. So we went inside to wait things out.

Over the course of the trip, Joey got a lot of souveniers. Pretty much any time we went into a gift shop, Joey got something. I'm sure she got another Vinylmation figure. Her collection grew at a rate of one a day on average. But I couldn't tell you what else she got on this rainy shopping trip. She has some Chip and Dale earrings that I think she bought here, but I wouldn't swear to it.

Once the rain stopped, we decided on our next course of action. We had reservations at Akerhus at 5. So we knew we eventually wanted to end up at Epcot. Mindy wanted to stay out of the room all afternoon if at all possible. For some reason, Mousekeeping always came during Kara's afternoon nap. And the room had not been touched since our first day. So she wanted to give them a chance to clean up.

We decided to hop a boat from FQ to DTD. We'd shop a little, play on the laundry (as this was one of Joey's favorite activities in all of WDW) and then catch a bus to Epcot. The morning went pretty much according to plan until we reached the bus stop. A sign there indicated that in order to reach the parks from DTD, we should take a bus back to Port Orleans!

That was not going to happen! No way were we making a big bus loop. Instead, we decided to catch a bus over to the Boardwalk. We had wanted to check out the Boardwalk on this trip anyway. We figured we'd grab lunch or a snack and then take a boat over to Epcot. The idea was to spend as little time on busses as possible.

Well, that part of the plan definitely backfired. The bus to the Boardwalk made an unbelievable number of stops. First we stopped at Typhoon Lagoon. Then we stopped at every single resort in the Epcot area. We actually passed the Boardwalk to hit all of the other resorts first. Then we doubled back to the Boardwalk.

By the time we finally reached the Boardwalk, Mindy was furious. Kara wasn't handling bus rides well. She wanted down and did not like sitting on our laps. Joey hated making a bunch of stops. Basically everyone was mad at me. No one had any interest in seeing the Boardwalk any more.

It was a shame because the Boardwalk looked like a lot of fun. Mindy later confessed that it seemed like the kind of place she'd really like to spend some time at. But she was in no mood. So we headed right to the boat to Epcot.

When we reached the dock, there was no indication whatsoever that the boats were running. I was dispatched to find out when and if a boat would be coming. I could feel the icy glares the entire time as I sought out a cast member on the empty Boardwalk to verify that the boats were in service.

Fortunately, they were and a boat arrived shortly. The boat ride to Epcot was brief and it seemed like things were finally looking up. After a rough morning, I was optimistic that we would have another great day at Epcot.

As soon as we passed through the turnstyles, it started to rain. Things only got worse from there...

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