The Ecstacy and the Agony: 3/17-3/24 Trip Report

This report may be on interest to anyone travelling with small children, those staying at Port Orleans, or those considering the Disney Dining Plan (and of course to those who just enjoy reading about other people's Disney trips).

The title of this trip report comes from the Unofficial Guide's chapter regarding traveling to Walt Disney World with kids. We've been to WDW with kids before, but on this trip we had a 4-year-old and an infant. Over the course of a week, we all experienced plenty of ecstacy and agony.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't have been fool-hearty enough to attempt such a trip. We went in 2008 when my wife was pregnant with our youngest. The idea behind that trip was that it would be a farewell to Orlando until the kids were old enough to really enjoy it.

But then a unique opportunity arose. I detailed the entire experience of planning this trip in this thread: If you feel like reading the background of how this trip came to be, go back and read-up. We'll wait for you.

For those who didn't bother going back to read the pre-trip thread, here's a rundown on the players:

Obviously, there's me. I'm the Disney fan in the family. More specifically, I'm the Disney parks nut. I had been to MK as a kid and Epcot as a teen. But I didn't get crazy about Disney until I went as an adult. My wife was a big fan of Mickey Mouse. But she'd never been to WDW. So when I planned our honeymoon, I figured we had to go to WDW. To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to it. A few years later, I am here on the forums and my wife tolerates my Disney "obessession".

Then there's my wife, Mindy. I've pretty much told her story as relates to WDW. Honestly, she would prefer a more relaxing vacation than Disney World. Her idea of a vacation would be somewhere she can watch TV and swim. Yes, she can do both of those things at WDW. But I'm constantly dragging her out to the theme parks.

Joey, our oldest daughter is 4 (going on 5). She's a girly girl and can sometimes be shy. Other times, she loves the spotlight. This was her third trip to WDW and she has some memories of previous trips. Also, I prepared her for the trip by showing her lots of videos and pictures. Before we left, she was appointed as "the boss" of what we would and wouldn't ride.

Kara is the baby of the family. At the time we decided to take the trip, she was just a happy little bundle. She just sat and smiled at us. She was slow to start crawling, but once she did, she took off. At 10 months, she started walking. Now at 11 months, there's no stopping her. She wants to explore everything all the time!

In a supporting role, we have my younger brother. He was a cheerleader in college and taught cheerleading for many years after that. Now, he has moved into a more professional career. But he still judges cheerleading competitions from time to time. One of the reasons he does this is that he gets free trips to WDW.

One more note before I get into the trip itself, there will be pictures. But it will take me a little while to get to them. So, bear with me.

Wed, 3/17: Arrival Day

Arrival day was agony pure and simple. I won't get too deeply into the details here as they are too painful to relive. Also, I think I've blocked them from my memory. Things started off promisingly enough with a cab ride to the airport. Joey had been looking forward to riding in a taxi for a very long time. And she finally got her wish.

When we arrived at the airport, we were immediately hit with a baggage handling fee. $20 per bag for three checked bags for a total of $60. This came as a surprise to me as an infrequent traveler. In 2008 (our last flight) there had been no such charge.

I knew Delta had changed their policy, but I didn't worry too much because I had bought the tickets prior to the policy change and we had been grandfathered in. It turns out, the new charges were for carry-on bags. With no other options, I grumbled as I paid $60 for my bags to go on vacation with me. My wife fumed.

The bag fees were a minor hiccup compared to the flight itself. As I mentioned before, Kara had recently discovered walking. Ever since, she has been exploring her surroundings like crazy. So for her, sitting on our laps for two hours was not in the cards. When we wouldn't let her play on the floor of the plane, she launched into a screaming fit that lasted for most of the flight.

If you've ever been on a flight with a crying baby, you know it's torture. But trust me, it's far worse when the screaming baby is yours. Thankfully, all the guests around us were very gracious. If they were bothered, no one let on. And several started playing games of peek-a-boo or smiling and waving. This would usually stop the fits for a brief time.

When drinks came around, we got Kara some water. She likes drinking from bottles of water, but it tends to make a mess. In this case, the mess was on me. This was followed by a biscotti cookie. The cookie plus the water formed a kind of cinnamon-scented cement which bonded to my shirt for the rest of the night.

We arrived at the Orlando airport exhausted. But we were excited to leave the negative behind us and start enjoying our vacation. Thanks to Magical Express, we didn't have to worry about carting around luggage in addition to two tiny tikes. However, we did have our double stroller and some carry-ons.

At one point during the trip through the airport, Kara pulled off one of her shoes. I scooped it up and put it in a carry-on bag. Later on, a couple stopped us and asked if we were missing a shoe. I assured them that we had the shoe in our bag. Until I looked and saw that the bag had a rip in it. We hadn't even made it out of the airport and we were down 1 shoe.

The shoe was a hand-me-down, so we decided to move on without it. Kara has a habit of tossing her shoes, so I never really understood the point of buying them anyway. She never wears them for more than a couple of minutes at a time.

When we got to Port Orleans, all the girls were tired. But I was still full of excitement. The resort was even more beautiful than it looked in pictures. It was sunny and cool. I was sure the tide would change once we got checked into our room.

The castmember at check-in was really taken with Kara. I had done on-line check-in, but it actually took a good ten minutes to complete the process because he kept stopping to play games with her. As a proud dad, I can't say as I minded. He gave her a sticker which she promptly ate (well, sucked on anyway).

We headed back to the room which was in building 28 in the Alligator Bayou section of the resort. It was a little challenging to find. The signs in Port Orleans aren't always as helpful as they could be. More than once during the trip, I took the scenic route to the room by accident. Usually, I didn't mind. But this time, we were all pretty tired.

When we got to the room, our bags weren't there. For me, this was not a big deal. I knew they were travelling separately from us. But apparently my wife didn't understand this when she packed. She had been counting on changing before we went out. So she wanted to stay in the room and wait on the bags to arrive. I didn't object as the idea of changing out of my cookie shirt was appealing.

After an hour or so, my wife reluctantly gave up on waiting for the bags. We had a lot to do and we were all getting hungry. Of course, I was still wearing a shirt covered in crushed up cookie cement. But with no idea how long we could be waiting, it seemed like a good idea to go get dinner.

The plan was to go to Downtown Disney. We were going to use our first counter service credits at Wolfgang Puck Express and then shop for an autograph book as I had promised Joey. Mindy and the girls would then head home and I would go to another resort to pick up our free tickets.

What we had not counted on was that Downtown Disney was packed. It was St Patrick's Day and even the counter service restaurants were standing room only. The line at Puck's was around the block. And my wife was now blaming me.

Mindy and the girls get especially grumpy when they are hungry. So I decided to try Earl of Sandwich thinking that the line would be shorter. I'm not sure if it was shorter or not, but it seemed to be moving faster. All the while, Joey was getting whinier, Kara was getting more fidgety and my wife was fuming.

I was trying to grab a table before we even got our food. But with two little kids in a double stroller, we had limited mobility. As soon as a table became available, someone else pushed through the crowd and grabbed it. No one took mercy on us.

After we got the food, I found an empty table outside. When I say it was empty, I mean it had been stripped of any and all chairs. But I noticed lots of people sitting at tables which were bigger than their party required (a theme that would run through most of our counter service experiences on this trip). I went from table to table asking for empty chairs. After being turned down a couple of times, I finally found a party that was willing to give up their empty chairs.

Finally, the day could turn around. Or so I thought. As soon as Joey saw her peanut butter and jelly sandwich, she started crying. She expected a pb&j on white bread with the crust cut off the way she would get it at home. Instead, she had a crusty, toasty thing that was completely foreign to her. She was inconsolable.

(The sandwich didn't go to waste. As would happen many times on the trip, Kara stepped up and finished Joey's meal.)

After our failed dinner, we went to World of Disney to buy the autograph book I had promised Joey. Joey and shopping go hand in hand. She would have been happy to stay in World of Disney all week. And after the pb&j debacle, I was happy to buy her something extra.

I showed her all of the autograph books and pens. She was very reluctant to commit to any one book or pen. Instead, she wanted to look at everything. Especially the toys. Unfortunately, I needed to see someone about our tickets and it was getting late.

My wife was still fuming about the entire situation, but she agreed to let me go pick up the theme park tickets. Long story short, I spent about two hours on Disney buses picking up the tickets. When I got back to the room, the girls were all asleep.

To my surprise, Joey had picked out an autograph book with Mickey and friends on it. I was sure she'd go for princesses or Tinker Bell. But instead she went for the old school autograph book with a matching Pluto pen. (more on this later). She also picked out a Vinylmation figure. (much more on this later).

Tired, weary and hoping to make it to Epcot by rope drop, I finally turned in to bed around 11:30.

Don't worry, folks. Things get a lot better on day 2. And we start taking pictures to break up all the text!

I'll post Day 2 as soon as possible. Thanks for reading.


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Thurs 3/18: Finally... Rides!

When last we left off, people were goofy for Soarin', kids were sent flying and everyone's belly was full.

With breakfast demolished and FPs in hand, we were finally ready to ride some rides. First stop... Nemo!


After posing for her picture and giggling whenever the seagulls said "Mine!" Joey had second thoughts. The queue was dark and somewhat forboding. She decided to abandon ship. With just a mild prodding, we got her on board the clam.

I've been on this ride before and I have mixed feelings about it. The angler fish is pretty cool (he was working!) but other than that I think the best part of the ride is the queue. (Joey agreed. She loved that when she looked up she could see "the butt". Odds are, she's giggling about that right now.)

Mindy's a big Nemo fan. She watched it dozens of times when she was pregnant with Joey. She can recite the entire movie right now (excluding the opening scene which she has only watched once). So, she really loved the ride. Joey was a little scared of Bruce and the angler fish, but did okay. Kara was wondering if we had any more eggs left.

After the ride, we headed straight over to Turtle Talk with Crush. We got in with very little wait. The room was full and to my utter astonishment, Joey volunteered to go sit up front with the rest of the kids. Joey is our cautious child and she is prone to separation anxiety. So for her to do this was huge.

Mindy didn't fare so well. With her baby out of her line of sight, she was in panic mode. I assured her I could see the top of Joey's head. But my wife doesn't trust anyone where her babies our concerned. So I don't think that helped much.

I had seen the show once before when it was relatively new. But it was new to the rest of the family. And they loved it. I'm not sure if this performance was better than the one I'd seen before or if this crowd was more responsive, but Crush brought down the house. A good time was had by all.

As soon as the show was over, I slid off the bench and walked over to where Joey was sitting. If she was at all uncomfortable being away from us, you'd never know. She had a big smile on her face and had clearly enjoyed every minute of the show.

After Crush, we spent some time exploring the rest of the Seas. Joey was very curious about all of the fish. She wasn't bored at all by the "educational" aspects of the pavillion. But she refused to go into the shark room no matter how many times I told her Bruce wasn't real.

Once we had finished exploring the Seas, we headed over to Test Track to grab some FPs. If Soarin' went well, we thought Joey might be able to handle this thrill ride.

Now holding two sets of FPs, we made our way to Ellen's Universe of Energy. Mindy has been an Ellen fan since her Nemo marathon of 2005. She loves her day time talk show and American Idol. So, all she needed to know was that Ellen was in this attraction. When she found out she could sit down for a half hour, she was doubly sold.

There was a brief wait to get into the pavillion. By now, Joey was ready to go. She made some comment about not wanting to wait in line. And before we knew it *poof* a cast member was at our side.

"Did you know you have a magic autograph book?" the cast member asked Joey.

Joey shook her head in confusion.

"Here," he said. "Let me show you."

The cast member reached down and squeezed the autograph book. It let out a loud squeak. Joey laughed in amazement. I was surprised as well. How had we missed that? Joey tried to duplicate the trick. No squeak. She looked up at the cast member.

"No, no," he said. "Like this."

He squeezed the book again. This time, I could see the squeaker in his hand. I'm pretty sure he showed it to me on purpose because he had completely fooled me the first time.

Squeak! Squeak! Laughter.

"Your pen is magic too," he said sqeaking her Pluto pen.

Joey tried the Pluto pen. Nothing.

"I'll let you practice," he said and walked off.

Joey continued trying to get the pen and book to squeak. She asked us how the cast member had done it, but Mindy and I just shrugged. Before we knew it, the cast member was back for more squeaking fun.

In no time, we were loaded into the theater for the show. Joey wasn't too happy about standing to watch the pre-show. But when she heard the audience laughter, she joined in even though I don't think she got any of the jokes.

Once we got into the main show, Joey was even less sure. The big bang was pretty loud. And then there were dinosaurs!

"Daddy," she said very quickly. "Are those dinosaurs real?"

"No honey," I assured her. "They are robots."

Joey didn't seem too certain. So I pointed out that the robots only moved forward an inch or two and they couldn't get to us. After that, she was comfortable that the dinosaurs were just robots. And even if they were real, they couldn't get to us.

Meanwhile, Kara was out cold. I watched the entire show with 25 lbs of dead weight on my shoulder.

Mindy, the Ellen fan, liked the show pretty well. She did comment that Ellen wasn't as funny as she is on her own show. But mostly, she was happy for the long break and the baby's nap.

Next up (at long last) Soarin'!

More to come...


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In the Parks
I can't believe he let you in on the squeaking too. I would have left your whole family frustrated forever trying to get things to squeak!


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corey154 said:
your girls are adorable!! i miss my daughter being that young at disney. she's still fun, but it's not the same.


I keep trying to tell my wife she'll be glad we had these experiences when the kids were young. But right now she doesn't even want to think about going back to Disney...

(My bet is we'll be back shortly after the completion of the Fantasy Land expansion.)

blackthidot said:
I can't believe he let you in on the squeaking too. I would have left your whole family frustrated forever trying to get things to squeak!

Sadly, I don't think we'd have ever figured it out. Eventually, we let Joey in on the trick too.


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Thurs 3/18: Soarin'

The plan for this trip was to arrive at the parks early, take a break in the afternoon and come back in the evening. By the time we finished Universe of Energy, it was noon and time to start thinking about our afternoon break. However, since our Soarin' FPs were finally good, we decided to head over to the Land pavillion first.

We grabbed a ride swap ticket as well just in case Joey wanted to ride with each of us. We asked her who she wanted to ride with first. Without hesitation, she wanted to ride with daddy first (that's my girl!)

I won't keep you guys in suspense on this one. Joey didn't like Soarin'. As soon as the first image appeared on the screen, she curled up into a little ball. I heard her gasp in sheer terror as she was convinced she was about to fall into the ocean.

I went right into "comfort" mode and calmed her down quickly by telling her it was just a movie. Much like my wife, I don't think she believed me. But between me and the nice older woman sitting to Joey's left, we got her breathing again.

It was hard to enjoy the ride when my daughter very clearly wasn't. I kept whispering things to her to try to make it fun. By the end, I would say the panic had subsided. But she definitely did not want to ride Soarin' again.

We went out to meet Mindy and let her know she was flying solo. That meant I was watching both kids while Mindy rode. By this time, Kara was wide awake and playing on the benches. She was approaching strangers and opening their bags. When I'd go to move her, the other people always said to let her go. She made a lot of friends.

When Mindy finished riding Soarin', she said it was okay. She was a little disappointed after all of the hype. I agree. It's a cool ride. But why on earth would anyone wait in line for an hour or more to ride it? (Much less trample small children?) Joey of course gave Soarin' a thumbs down.

With the big ticket attraction out of the way, it was time for lunch. Sunshine Seasons was a mad house. So we decided to head back to Port Orleans.

The crowd at the POR food court was more managable. But it was still a bit of work to wrangle three counter service meals with two kids and a double stroller. For convenience, Mindy and I both got personal pizzas. Mindy loved hears, but I thought the sauce was like red water. Still, the pizza was hot and hot pizza is almost always edible.

For dessert, I tried the carrot cake. It was good. Not amazing, but a solid effort. Joey was fascinated by the icing carrot on the top and insisted on tasting it. She didn't like it, but she talked about non-stop. My wife had a chocolate cupcake and I could hear choirs of angels as she bit into it. She declared it the best food ever. The cupcake was huge but I think she ate it in two bites. Maybe three.

After lunch, we split up. Mindy took Kara back to the room for a nap and I took Joey to the pool for a dip. Ever the ham, Joey modeled her new bathing suit for us in the room.


Our room was a bit of a hike from the Old Man Island pool. But we were a hop skip and a jump from one of the smaller pools. Since Joey doesn't like water slides or getting splashed, we went to the closer pool. Joey loved it. She had the pool to her self most days. Any time I ask what her favorite part of vacation was, the pool ranks very high.

(The vending machine has sometimes been named as a high light as well which makes daddy so glad he shelled out big bucks to fly the family to Disney World!)

The weather was a bit cool during our trip. It was in the mid to low seventies most of the time. Not exactly swimming weather. But since the pool was heated, it was tolerable. And Joey didn't mind one bit. For my part, I tried to stay near one of the heated jets as much as possible.

More to come...


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Thurs 3/18: Dinner at the Garden Grill

After a nap for the baby and a dip in the pool for me and Joey, we went back to Epcot for dinner. When Joey saw that we were headed back to the Land pavillion, she had flashbacks to her Soarin' experience.

"Daddy," she grabbed my hand. "I don't want to go in there."

I assured her we would not ride any rides. We were just going to eat dinner. She stayed close by and seemed relieved when we stayed upstairs.

Before I go into detail about our dining experience, I'm going to flashback to some of our previous trips. On Joey's first trip, she absolutely loved the characters. She was almost two and she hugged and kissed all of them (except for Buzz and Woody - for some reason they scared her.)

Of all the characters we met on that trip, she loved Chip and Dale the best. When we visited them at Toon Town, Joey blew them kisses from the line. Even though they were actually taking pictures with another family, Chip and Dale stopped to fight over who got to keep Joey's kisses. It was hysterical and a story we have been telling her ever since.

Also on that trip, we had breakfast at O'Hana. During the parade portion of the meal, Pluto came and took Joey's hand. She proudly marched around the restaurant (with daddy in tow). When the parade was over, we had to take a few extra laps bacause she wasn't ready to be done.

On Joey's second trip, she wanted nothing whatsoever to do with characters.

So a character meal was a bit of a risky proposition for us. It could have gone very badly. I figured that a meal featuring Chip and Dale and Pluto was as safe a bet as I could make.

Also, I had bought the autograph book and made a pretty big deal out of it. I figured if she had something to give the characters, the interactions wouldn't be quite as scary.

Everything worked out as Joey took to the characters immediately. We all enjoyed the usual clowning from Chip and Dale. One of them (can't remember which - sorry guys) noticed my Superman T-shirt. He made an S on his chest with his finger then pretended to fly around.


On another visit, Chip (or Dale) kissed Mindy's hand. I pretended to get jealous and he got all embarassed like he had been caught. When Mindy pointed out that Chip (or was it Dale?) had two teeth just like Kara, he made a side-by-side comparisson.


Kara wasn't thrilled by the characters at first. But I really have to give them credit. They played peek-a-boo with her and exchanged high-fives. Soon, she was enjoying playing with the characters too.


Joey had picked out a Pluto pen with her autograph book. Pluto made a big deal out of signing his autograph with a pen with his picture on it. At one point, he licked the pen which Joey thought was the funniest thing ever.


On the whole, the food was okay. But it was not the star attraction. The reason to eat here is the character interactions. They were great. We saw each of the characters at least twice. None of the interactions were rushed at all. And as I said before, they were great with the kids.


Also, the atmosphere is lots of fun. Joey got a big kick out of the rotating restaurant and the view of Living With the Land. This place is a hidden gem!

The food is almost besides the point. Having said that, I thought it was all good. The stand-out entree for me was the fish. The steak was good and the turkey was decent. The best side item was the stuffing, but I also enjoyed the potatoes. The dessert was fantastic.


New Member
I can't believe how much I am enjoying reading your trip report. Must be because we are heading to WDW in May with our two darlings (3 and 6). There is hope for Mindy yet. I was converted to Disney by my husband/Disney fanatic and now I can't get enough. Talk her into becoming a DVC member and that will seal the deal! :drevil:


Active Member
Don't worry, folks. Things get a lot better on day 2. And we start taking pictures to break up all the text!

I'll post Day 2 as soon as possible. Thanks for reading.[/QUOTE]

First of all - love your screen name!

Your posts are a hoot - sorry I'm late to read part 1 - we also have two girls about 2 years apart, so your experiences bring back memories!

Keep up the great work!


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I can't believe how much I am enjoying reading your trip report. Must be because we are heading to WDW in May with our two darlings (3 and 6). There is hope for Mindy yet. I was converted to Disney by my husband/Disney fanatic and now I can't get enough. Talk her into becoming a DVC member and that will seal the deal! :drevil:

Glad you're enjoying the report. It's been slow going. It's amazing how one week off can put you so far behind in pretty much every aspect of your life. We're playing catch-up at work and home. It doesn't help that this weekend is a busy one. But I should have another update soonish (hopefully today).

I don't think anything will ever make a Disney believer out of my wife. She likes very relaxed vacations. Ideally, she'd like to watch daytime TV most of the day with brief trips to the pool. Tower of Terror is a bonus, but she doesn't want to have to deal with a bus to get to it.

(We had bad bus experiences. More on that later.)

If I bring up DVC, daggers shoot out her eyes!

What will most likely happen is what always happens. After a couple of years, Mindy will forget most of the bad parts of the trip (this typically takes me a couple days) and she'll be ready to go back. Reluctantly. Then we'll get there and she'll remember why she hates going to WDW.

kashmir said:
First of all - love your screen name!

Your posts are a hoot - sorry I'm late to read part 1 - we also have two girls about 2 years apart, so your experiences bring back memories!

Keep up the great work!

Hey, glad you're enjoying the report. Thanks for reading!

The screen name is actually pretty meaningless. It's an old nick name from high school. Everyone always assigns some meaning to it. Since I post on comic book message boards as well, people assume I'm a fan of Gambit who's name is apparently Lebeau. This has caused me to really dislike Gambit.

The thing about taking these two little girls is that even though it was a lot of work, I'm glad we did it. We'll never get another chance to enjoy WDW with them at these ages. I look forward to each trip being a little different as the girls grow up. And even though I'd never want to take an infant and a pre-schooler to Diseny again, I'm glad we got to do it once. The memories will last a lifetime.

I hope to have a proper update after soccer. Sooner if soccer gets rained out. (Let the rain dances begin!)


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By the time we finished our meal, Future World was closed. Our Test Track FPs went to waste, but I think that was probably for the best. After Soarin', Joey wasn't really feeling the thrill rides.

With bellies full (honestly, our bellies were pretty near full before dinner thanks to our late lunch!), we decided to take a leisurely stroll around World Showcase. It didn't take long to find more topiaries which resulted in much silliness.


Mindy wanted to do a little shopping. One of her favorite things to do at WDW is to buy trinkets for nieces, nephews and various other friends and family members. While she ducked into a nearby gift shop, Joey and I visited the play ground that was set up for the Flower and Garden Festival.

The playground was nice enough. But it was a little too "old" for Joey. She's not very adventurous and most of the playground involved climbing across things that were a bit too much of a stretch for her. It was just as well since the playground was closing soon anyway. We had a fun 10 minutes or so before meeting back up with mom and carrying on to World Showcase.

At this point, there were two things Joey really wanted to do. One was to get her face painted. We discouraged this since it was so late. Instead, we told her, she could get her face painted first thing tomorrow morining. The other thing she wanted to do was to make one of those masks all the other kids in Epcot were carrying around.

Almost as soon as we got into the World Showcase, a light drizzle of rain started. The rain got a little more heavy and we ducked into the Toy Soldier to escape. Joey + Toy Store can only mean one thing. Daddy spending money. This was no exception. She selected a pair of light-up mouse ears which were admittedly pretty cool at night.

Aside from the hit to my credit card, this little stop turned out to be very fortunate. For one, Mindy got to do more of her souvenier shopping. But more importantly, this is where the masks were. Joey sat down and colored her mask for a good 20 minutes or so. By the time she was done, the rain had passed!


We stopped at these Kidcot stations a couple of times. I am amazed by how many kids crowded around these stations to color paper masks. Adults too! I've seen people on the forums complain about the Fantasy Land expansion. In particular the Aurora section where kids will color while they wait to meet the princess. If my experience at these Kidcot stations is any indication, no one will be complaining about coloring. These stations were insane.

This particular station was not especially busy. Which was nice. It made for a very relaxing experience. In the next room, was Winnie the Pooh. There were a couple of kids visiting him. But by and large, Pooh was begging kids to come take pictures with him. Frequently, he was goofing around with his handler. Since these characters are kind of hidden in the shops, I found that these are excellent opportunities to meet characters with little to no wait.

After having had lots of fun with Mickey, Pluto, Chip and Dale, I though Joey might want to meet Pooh and add an autograph to her book. Nope. What came to be a pattern on this trip was that Joey was fine meeting the characters at meals where they came to her. But she didn't want to visit them at meet and greets no matter how short the line was. Even if there was no line as was the case here.

When we left the store, it was about 8:30. We started debating whether or not to stay for Illuminations. We weren't sure how Kara would handle fireworks. And on our 2008 trip, Joey was deathly frightened of the loud noises.

When Joey heard the word "fireworks", the look on her face told me she'd rather not stay. I mentioned to Mindy that if we stayed for the show, the bus ride home would likely be standing room only. That was all she needed to hear. We decided to head home before the post-Illuminations rush.

On the way out, I had one piece of business to attend to. Thanks to my brother, I had enough park hoppers for Mindy and myself every day of our stay. We had bought a 1-day ticket each in order to qualify for the meal plan. So, I needed to extend Joey's ticket for the rest of our stay and add the PH option. It was cheapest to do this with Joey's ticket since she was a child.

By the time I had found guest relations (which is a little tucked away in Epcot) and completed this task, Illuminations was starting. I noticed people loading into Spaceship Earth and was tempted to join them since there was no line. But I didn't want to risk getting caught in the rush to the bus afterwards. Plus, we were all pretty tired so we decided not to push it.

Joey was relieved to be going home. And she enjoyed seeing the lasers projected on "The Big Ball". We heard some of the fireworks in the distance and I knew we made the right decision in leaving. Neither girl panicked, but they didn't care for the loud noises even at a distance. We got to watch a lot of the fireworks on the bus ride back to the resort.

And so our first day at the parks came to a close. It was a shaky start, but everyone had a great time. And we were all looking forward to visiting the Magic Kingdom the next morning. The girls were asleep in no time.

Next up: Pixie dust at the Magic Kingdom!


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Fri 3/19: Pixie Dust

We made it to the Magic Kingdom just in time to hear the tail end of the opening ceremony. Nobody was overly concerned about missing it. I was just glad to have arrived so close to rope drop.

We entered the gates right behind the rope drop swarm which was a good place to be considering we had small children. Especially after the stampede at Soarin' the day before.

When I pushed the stroller through, the cast member told me I was the first guest of the day. I laughed because I had just watched a few hundred people enter before me. But maybe we were her first guest of the day. I don't know.

Anyway, she asked us if she could do something for her "first princess of the day". Mindy and I shrugged and said "sure" knowing that Joey always loves to get special attention. The cast member pulled out a little envelope and poured pixie dust all over Joey's head.

I held my breath for a minute unsure of how Joey would respond. If you don't know, "Pixie Dust" is basically Mickey-shaped confetti. This early in the morning, I wasn't sure how Joey would react to having it in her hair.

Turns out, she loved it. In fact, she loved it a little too much. She insisted we take all the pixie dust we could gather and put it into Kara's diaper bag for safe keeping. We were happy to oblige. But when we got just past the middle of Main Street, we noticed Joey was crying.

We stopped to ask what was wrong and she told us she left lots of pixie dust back at the gate. This was true. Pixie dust was everywhere. We'd be pulling it out of her stroller for days. But there was no way I was going to run back to the gate to pick up confetti off the ground - if it was still even there.

Instead, I picked a few pieces out of the diaper bag and sent Mindy and the girls ahead. I pretended to run back, but I was really following a few feet behind the stroller. About the time they reached the Castle, I ran up to meet them. (Daddy can run very fast when it's pretend.) I showed Joey the handful of dust and put it in the diaper bag for safe keeping with the rest. Crisis averted.

Dishonest? Sure. But I prefer to think of it as my own version of making Disney Magic.

We didn't have much of a plan this morning. There were a few things Joey definitely wanted to do: The Haunted Mansion, Dumbo and the Tea Cups. Of the three, I knew we'd better do Dumbo first.

After yesterday morning, Mindy decided she handles Disney better if she's had a proper breakfast. So she and Kara went off in search of a bite while Joey and I braved the line for Dumbo.

It was about quarter after 9 and the line for Dumbo was growing by the second. When Joey saw it, she balked. But I had promised Mindy we would meet her at Dumbo and she doesn't handle it well when I change the plans on the fly. So I did my best to entertain Joey during the wait.

There are a couple of minor things in the Dumbo queue to entertain children. A mirror that makes you look like a clown (sort of) and little blocks you can turn to mix and match clown heads, torsos and feet. Joey liked these, but she didn't get much time with them. The kids ahead of us lingered when the line moved forward, so when Joey's turn came to play with them it was relatively short.

This meant that for most of the 20 minute wait for Dumbo, I had to entertain Joey. In the morning when she's whiney, that can be a task. I wound up lifting her in the air, holding her on my shoulders, etc. I knew that this would eventually take a toll over the course of the trip. But I was still feeling up for it on day 2.

After a fairly touch-and-go 20 minutes, it was our turn to ride. Joey was a little uncertain at first. She didn't want to use the controls and she got jittery if I went too high. But by the end of our ride, she was controlling the height herself. She laughed as she took us all the way to the top. And just in time too because that was the end of our ride.

Our good timing continued as Mindy met us at the exit. She had just returned from finishing off an egg and cheese croisant. Tragically, she didn't return in time to snap a picture of us on Dumbo. But she was happily full and Joey was energized to ride more rides. (Kara was wondering where she could get her own croisant, I'm sure.)

Next stop: Tea cups. The line was non-existant. We saw Alice and the White Rabbit at the exit. I asked Joey if she wanted to visit them first and she said "no". As with Pooh, she was not interested in meeting characters unless it was at a character meal.

Mindy doesn't do rides that spin and we weren't too sure how Kara would fare. So, it was just Joey and me on the Tea Cups. The picture is a bit blurred due to the motion, but I'm pretty sure you can make out Joey's beaming smile.


Yeah, she positively loved the tea cups. She laughed and grinned the entire time. Every now and then, she'd stop to shout "Faster, daddy!" It was the kind of experience that sells vacation packages.

For the record, this was Joey's first time on the Tea Cups. Although she'll tell you she'd done it many times before. Sure, there are spinning rides in every amusement park in the country, but there's something special/iconic about the Tea Cups.

Before we left, I had promised Joey she could "be the boss" of what rides we would and wouldn't ride. That way, she didn't have to worry about being dragged on something that scared her. She was taking the job very seriously. She insisted that our next stop should be the Haunted Mansion.

It was almost time for Toon Town to open and I knew there would be a wait to see Tinker Bell. This had been one of her stated goals prior to the trip. But now she didn't seem interested. Before moving on to Liberty Square, I tried to coax her into riding a few more rides in Fantasy Land. But no, Haunted Mansion had to be next.

Joey had been on HM during our 2008 trip. On that trip, we told her the ghosts were silly and she laughed all the way through it. Also, I had prepared her by watching the HM video at the official Disney World website. She could even sing snippets of "Grim Grinning Ghosts" and laughed every time she heard "Hurry back" at the end.

As you can see from the picture, she was very much looking forward to riding the Haunted Mansion:


That didn't last long. The stretching room spooked her. I held her the entire time, but the darkness and the loud noise convinced her that this was more scary than silly.

It didn't take long to get her laughing again. But she decided she didn't like it anymore and would not ride it again. It's a shame because both Mindy and I enjoyed the ride. It looked great and we would have liked to ride it again. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great report so far. Your daughters are adorable! I hope in the end that the ecstasy of the trip outweighed the agony. :)


You may get different answers depending who you ask!

By the end of the trip, both Mindy and I were in physical pain from lifting and carrying the girls, the double stroller and various supplies and purchases. And the busses! Oh the busses!

But as you can see, we had a lot of fun. Most of the trip was good times. We just had to (literrally sometimes) fight through the pain to enjoy it.

The memories will last a lifetime and the pain was temporary, so in my book it was worth it. My wife will feel the same way someday when the kids are older, I'm sure :)


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Fri 3/19: Farewell, Toon Town

After the Haunted Mansion, our fearless leader didn't want to do anything. Every idea we had, was shot down. So we were having a bit of a family meeting when the phone rang.

It was my brother. He was the one who set us up with tickets and he was currently touring MK by himself. I had told him the night before when he finished with his E-tickets, he should call us to hook up. It seemed the time had come and he was ready to get together.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"It's a Small World," he answered.

"Great," I said. "We're at the Mansion. We'll meet you there in a second."

While we waited, I hashed out a plan. Joey still wanted her face painted from the night before. Plus, she wanted to visit Minnie's house. On the previous trip, she had a blast in Minnie's kitchen. Since Toon Town's days are numbered, I wanted to make sure we gave the place a proper farewell tour.

When I saw the lines for the face painting, I figured we'd be there all day. But the lines moved very fast. My brother and I caught up while Mindy oversaw Joey's transformation. I was impressed. The cost was the same as what we'd pay around here, but the final product was quite a bit nicer. Joey was proud as a peacock.


My brother decided not to join us on the farewell tour of Minnie's house and instead dashed off to DHS. We took our time exploring Minnie's house knowing it would be for the last time.





As always, the kitchen was a big hit. In order to let other kids have a turn, we had to move on earlier than we would have liked. Then again, Joey could play in that kicthen for hours if we let her.

I know a lot of people say "good riddance" to Toon Town. But my family's had a lot of fun here. And that's with a minimum of character interactions and never having ridden the Barnstormer. It's just a fun place for little kids to explore. And there's lots of touches for grown-ups to enjoy if you take the time to look.

While I'm looking forward to the Fantasy Land expansion, we'll be a little sad to see Toon Town go.


Active Member
The screen name is actually pretty meaningless. It's an old nick name from high school. Everyone always assigns some meaning to it. Since I post on comic book message boards as well, people assume I'm a fan of Gambit who's name is apparently Lebeau. This has caused me to really dislike Gambit. Quote!!

I remember, being as old as dirt, a favorite character from Hogan's Heroes named Lebeau...I also speak French! It seems like a fun nickname.

I agree about your girls only being this age once. We could not afford the Disney trip when my girls were this young, but your stories pretty much echoed our vacations from that time period.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The screen name is actually pretty meaningless. It's an old nick name from high school. Everyone always assigns some meaning to it. Since I post on comic book message boards as well, people assume I'm a fan of Gambit who's name is apparently Lebeau. This has caused me to really dislike Gambit. Quote!!

I remember, being as old as dirt, a favorite character from Hogan's Heroes named Lebeau...I also speak French! It seems like a fun nickname.

I agree about your girls only being this age once. We could not afford the Disney trip when my girls were this young, but your stories pretty much echoed our vacations from that time period.

The nickname actually does have ties to the Hogan's Heroes character. It's kind of a play on my last name plus the fact that I was the only guy in the French class at my high school. Basically, since my last name started with an "L" and I was in French class, I became "Lebeau" because he was the French guy on Hogan's Heroes.

How funny that you actually got that! Most people go to the X-Men. And I think there's some Irish clan or something that goes by the name Lebeau as well. I've heard all kinds of crazy things. But you're the first person who's really come close to the true origins of the name. Congrats!

If it weren't for the fact we got hooked up with free park tickets and the room was heavily discounted by Disney, I would have never taken a trip like this with kids so young. Not enough bang for the buck. But I'm glad circumstances came together to make it affordable. We we were lucky in that respect.

It sure beats the vacations my family took when I was that age!


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Fri 3/19: Afternoon Break

When last we left off, we had just finished our "farewell tour" of Toon Town. It was time for our afternoon break.

On the previous day, we had lunch back at the POR food court. However, by the time we got back to the resort and got our food, it made for a pretty late lunch. This left us less than hungry for our table service meal at Garden Grill.

Tonight, we had reservations at one of our favorite restaurants. So we wanted to be good and hungry. Rather than head back to the resort, we decided to grab lunch at MK. Seeing as how we were currently in toon Town, Cosmic Ray's seemed like a logical choice. (And an excellent use of a counter service credit.)

Mindy was reluctant. The last time we had been to Cosmic Ray's, the place was a zoo. And she didn't care for her food. But by the time she finished voicing her reservations, we were standing right in front of the place. For the sake of convenience, she relented.

Well, Mindy was right. Comic Ray's was a madhouse. If anything, it may have been worse than the last time. To make things simple, we all agreed to get our food from the chicken port. That way we wouldn't have to stand in multiple lines.

Previously, I described the difficulty we had getting a table at Earl of Sandwich on our arrival day. Well, this was worse. What was really annoying was the number of people sitting at tables that were too big for them. If there are only 2 of you, sit at one of the small tables!

Once again, I found myself standing with trays of food, bags of stuff, 2 kids and a stroller and no where to sit. There was a cast member standing there watching me. At first, I was hopeful that she would assist us in finding a table. No such luck. I think her purpose was to make sure no one came in to watch the floor show without purchasing a meal. But I don't know. She never acknowledged my presence.

Whenever a table opened up, smaller more mobile parties seized on it. Eventually, I decided to just stand near a bunch of tables that looked like they were just about finished. Fortunately, someone abandoned their table. I plopped my tray down like I was planting a flag on the beach of some undiscovered country.

After all that work, the food was not very well received. I had the chicken and rib combo which I enjoyed (and was a great use of a counter service meal). For my dessert, I got strawberry yogurt which Kara enjoyed.

Joey had her umpteenth plate of chicken nuggets, french fries and grapes. She ate about 1/3 of the meal with Kara eating the rest. Mindy also ordered chicken nuggets. But she was disappointed to get chicken tenders instead.

Me, I'll take chicken tenders over chicken nuggets any day of the week. But my wife wanted nuggets and nothing else would do. Joey didn't like the tenders either and Kara and I were full. So the tenders went to waste.

For dessert, Mindy ordered chocolate cake. She had high hopes after yesterday's glorious cupcake. But she managed only half a bite. Before I knew it, her cake was in front of me.

"Don't like it?" I asked.

"It's yours," she replied still making a bitter beer face.

I went ahead and sampled the cake. It was served in a shallow plastic cup and was about 1/2 frosting. Surprisingly, it wasn't very sweet. The cake and the frosting had an unusually bitter taste. It wasn't inedible. But it wasn't very good. The cake joined most of the rest of Mindy's lunch in the trash bin.

As we left, I got a look that said "I told you so." I imagine it will be a very long time before we ever eat at Cosmic Ray's again.

After that, we made our way down Main Street to the exit. It was like swimming against stream. I couldn't believe how many people were pouring in after 12. The lines we had walked past a couple of hours ago were now full. The minimum wait for anything was at least a half hour. It was crazy.

We headed back to PO. This time, Mindy took Joey to the pool and I stayed back at the room while Kara took a nap. She was tired and feel asleep easily. I wound up watching Resort TV because there was nothing else on. I must have watched Stacey's Must Dos at least 3 times.

(By the way, how on earth does Stacey come up with her must-dos? Does she just throw darts at a board? Seriously, Stacey, if you need help making a respectable list next time let me know. Your recommendations stink!)

Next up... DHS and the 50's!


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Fri 3/19: 50's Prime Time Cafe

Sorry for the amount of text here. By this point in the trip, the battery on our camera was getting low. So we started taking fewer pictures.

(We have an A/C adapter for the camera, but for some reason we've never gotten it to work. We always charge the camera via our computer. I'm not sure how the battery got so low so fast as I was assured it was fully charged before we left...) :lookaroun

We had dinner reservations at the 50's Prime Time Cafe. This is one of our favorite restaurants on property. We've eaten here every trip and never had a bad experience. Once again, the 50's delivered.

We were seated at a TV table. I don't think we've actually had one of these in a while. Joey liked having a TV even if it was black and white and she had no interest in the shows. She also liked the knick knacks, though she was disappointed to find them bolted down.

Our server was Uncle George. He introduced us to our "cousins" at the neighboring tables and had Joey set the table. He asked me to handle the silverware. Not thinking, I grabbed a knife by the wrong end and was scolded. Joey thought this was hysterical.

For my money, there's really only one entree on the menu at the 50's and that's the pot roast. I had the meatloaf on our first visit and it was okay. I've sampled the fried chicken when Mindy has ordered it. But ever since I first tried the pot roast there has been no turning back.

Both Mindy and I ordered the pot roast and we were both satisfied. Mindy couldn't quite finish hers and she asked me to help her out. Knowing we had dessert coming thanks to the dining plan, I declined. I think Mindy was worried she'd be made fun of for not cleaning her plate, but George went easy on her. He asked if he should box her left overs or give them to the dog.

Joey got the kid's meal. She loves the little salad she gets with it. And she loves the build-your-own kid's sundae. But none of the entrees appealed to her very much. We got the mac and cheese which Kara devoured.

Uncle George was concerned about Joey eating such a small salad for dinner. He offered to bring her several things including more salad. But Joey refused. When he brought our food, he brought some grapes for Joey. She didn't eat them right away, so he put them in a to-go cup for her in case she got hungry later.

George, if you're reading this, she got hungry later and ate the grapes. Thanks! You rock!

I've seen some people complain about the degree to which their server plays their part. Some feel they play it up too much and others say not at all. We've always been satisfied. The servers have always made us chuckle throught the meal without busting anyone's chops too hard. George continued the winning streak.

When it came time to order dessert, the girls were taking a potty break. I ordered Joey's ice cream, Mindy's s'mores and for myself the...

"Dad's Brownie Sundae," suggested George.

I nodded.

"I already placed your order."

When George brought out the sundae, he gave me two spoons in case I decided to share. Although he also gave me permission not too. I'm pretty sure the sundae was double the regular size. I know there were two brownies at the bottom. Even with Kara's eager help, I couldn't finish the whole thing.

Mindy's s'mores were a little well done. Ordinarily, if food has any color whatsoever, Mindy won't eat it. Forget burned food, she won't eat it if it's toasted. The woman eats mayo sandwiches on white bread, I kid you not. But she didn't blink at the dark s'mores. They were gone before I knew it. She said they were yummy.

Joey had fun arranging the toppings on her sundae. Kara ate the toppings off of mine. And thus ended another wonderful meal at the 50's Prime Time Cafe.

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