In the Netherlands we only have fireworks at New year's but a few days before the 31st kids start setting of the loud fireworks.
As I’ve confessed here before, myself and my bros were some of those crazy kiddos back in the day...
we even had a bottle rocket “shootout” with my China Grove cousins neighbor kids, the infamous Miller Gang
, from across the street one year, shortly after we moved back to Texas...
We all had BB or pellet guns and were puttin’ the sticks down the barrel, lightin’ ‘em, and “shootin’” ‘em at each other...!!!!!
How none of us never lost an eye, I have not a clue...!!!!!
And, I’ve also shared this doozy before...
[IMG alt="donaldtoo"][/IMG]
Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2017
The only time I've ever been injured (oddly enough!) was by one of those darn sparklers! Set off 100 screamers this year with no problem but got 1 defective sparkler!
We used sparklers to send DD and SonIL off after their wedding reception, and the best man, somehow, got a burn on one of his fingers that was enough to get the first-aid kit.
I know I've posted this here before (was gonna' post it again over 4th of July weekend, but, it got lost in the mix), but, pretty sure it was several years ago...
It was the summer right after HS graduation and just before I moved outta' mom and pops house.
It was the weekend before the 4th, and I was out in front of my folks house juggling a soccer ball on the lawn. 3 friends showed up in the one guys "new" (a few years old Mercury Marquis coupe, and it was the first time he was driving it after he bought it) car. They asked me if I wanted to go for a quick ride. I was only in shorts - no TSFF
- , but, it was only supposed to be a short ride.
I got in the car and we headed for a part of the neighborhood that was still under construction. Then, the "fireworks fun" was revealed to me...
A gross (144) bottle rockets that us passengers were gonna' be shooting out of the car at various construction site targets.
Me to myself >>>>> "I got a bad feeling about this."
I figured I'd hang out for a few and then make up an excuse about forgetting to do something back at the house that I needed to be back for.
Well, it didn't take much more than a few for "fun" to turn to all-out chaos.
The guy next to me behind the driver would be starting the target practice. He had the bag with the gross in it on the floorboard between his legs. The launch apparatus was a length of PVC pipe with some duct tape at the bottom.
4 launches had been done and the fifth was lit and dropped into the PVC. When the guy pointed it out the window he noticed there was a hole in the duct tape. The first thing I heard was "OH ****!!!!!!!". The next thing I heard and saw after that was the bottle rocket igniting in the bag between the guys legs on the floor. All hell broke loose shortly thereafter!!!!!!!
And, here I am in only shorts...
We started yelling over the insanity to get someone up front to open the "*******" door. By the time that happened we were still doing about 10 miles per hour or so. The front seat passenger finally opened the door and I pushed the seat as hard as I could forward, barely squeezing past him and onto the street, only to have him follow me directly and land right on top of me!!!
The other rear seat passenger followed him out on our side, as the driver wasn't budging. As we were still laying in the street we watched him still in the car going down the street. It was sooo bizarre. All hell going off around him and he wasn't giving up the ship.
He finally bailed and the car jumped the curb, went down into and through a dry (at the time) creek bed, and wrapped itself around a tree on the opposite bank.
It was all so flippin' surreal and nutso beyond belief.
The car, wrapped around the tree now, continued to go off for a few more seconds, as the driver was laying in the road screaming.
The rest of us were now sitting on the curb accessing our injuries. Luckily, somehow, we pretty much had minimal burns, and none were serious. My worst injuries were road rash and a gouged heel on my right foot from where the guy that followed me out fell on top of me and smashed it into the road.
About the time the driver joined us, we started to hear sirens. I still, to this day, have no clue who called it in. No cels back then and we were in a construction zone.
We asked the driver why he didn't just park ASAP?!?!?!
He said he panicked.
The first responders showed up shortly thereafter and determined none us needed to be transported. They put some bandages on us, and one of the first responders drove me home and walked me to the door. The door was locked and I had no key on me, so I knocked. The look on my moms face (they were out when I took the ride, and when they got back figured I was skateboarding around the middle school across the street or something) when she saw me was one I'll never forget.
Anyway, to wrap it up...
I was so mad cause we were scheduled to spend the 4th of July at family friends lake house skiing and other stuff, and I was really looking forward to the skiing. But, with my gouged heel the ski binding was too painful.
Definitely, one of the craziest days of my life...!!!!!!!
Last edited: Jul 16, 2017
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betty rose, MOXOMUMD, figmentfan423 and 2 others
Yep, that was one crazy day, indeed...!!!!!!!
But, to put things in perspective, those were different times, and by the time we started our family, things like bottle rockets, M-80’s, etc, had already been banned.
We bought some of the “pretty” fireworks for the kiddos to enjoy from a bit of distance when they were younger, and also went to many neighborhood displays accompanied by much safer...!!!!!
To sum up...